Business Buzz Podcast - Old Dogs & New Tricks

Is This Making Money?

April 02, 2021 Business Buzz Season 1 Episode 3

A delightful conversation with Allan and Andrea of Website Engerizers, full of top business tips, useful information and plenty of laughs.  If you like a dry sense of humour and a business approach that incorporates fun then you will enjoy this episode from the Love Nest.. 

Today’s question for the COACH’S COUCH with host Gill Gayk

  • What do you do when you’ve lost your MOJO?

And do you wonder what is ANGERING ANGUS….irritating the Old Dog himself Angus Grady this episode

  • Being bombarded by spam linkedin messages or emails

Guest Contact:

Allan & Andrea Love


t:  01295 367067


Email us: | music by: ©David Fernandez | Edited by: dfaudiovisuel