Time Out! with Gladys and Ulla

I don't want to

March 11, 2022 Season 4 Episode 8

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You know how little kids are quick to say "I don't want to!" whenever they're faced with something that doesn't feel good? Well, this is one of the biggest traits we need to reclaim in order to bring some major joy and magic and FREEDOM back into our lives!

Seriously though, when did it become so hard to just say you don't want to do something and move on with your day without giving all your energy away to doubting yourself or worrying about how others will react to your clear no? Whether it's with your relationships, job, health, family, or whatever you've made yourself say yes to when you wanted to say no, we're going to strip away all those influences that set you up to do shit you don't want to so you can be free to say hell yes to everything you really, really, really do want. That little kid in you is so freaking excited to get their voice back!!!!

PS. Subscribe to our YouTube channel here for our latest meditation to get your "I don't want to!" voice back.

Use The Reset Remedy here before saying a big fat clear "NO" to someone or something without being an asshole. 

Receive The Good Goodbye Ritual here to lovingly say "I don't want to" to someone or something you're ready to part ways with. 

Read The Good Goodbye book here to read the inspiring stories of people like you who found freedom in their lives by saying "I don't want to" to the old beliefs that change or loss has to be a burdensome struggle. 

Share your "I don't want to's" with us via email at: timeoutwithgladysandulla@gmail.com!