Time Out! with Gladys and Ulla

Life is just a series of click bait and hearsay (aka: Sounds good to me, I'll tell others about it!)

Dr Gladys Ato and Ulla Gaudin, music by Eicca Toppinen. All rights reserved. Season 3 Episode 9

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If you’re getting flustered by the news reports of another lockdown coming our way in 2022, are fed up with Aunt Judy telling the same old story at Christmas dinner while she downs her 3rd White Russian, or are secretly scheming how to trip your 3-year old nephew who’s screaming in your ear and trying to jump on your dog, GOOD FOR YOU! 🎉🥳😂

You just got a clear sign that you’re falling for all the clickbait out there…and now you can stop it! ✋🛑

We’re not just talking about the clickbait that’s plastered all over every media channel. We’re talking about the LIFE clickbait that’s too easy to fall for when you’re not grounded within yourself and tapped into your own source of energy. 

This kind of clickbait hooks you in so sneakily, gets you believing you’re at the mercy of what’s happening around you and leaves you reaching for a White Russian yourself because it’s just too much to handle. 😵

Well, we’ve got a Christmas surprise for you in this episode that’s better than Adele’s new record album under your Xmas tree! You’re going to walk away no longer getting triggered by all the crap out there and will be shining that Christ-like peace over all parties of your life. 

The next holiday gathering you go to is gonna be a Christmas miracle when everyone notices that you no longer give a rat’s ass about all the hearsay buzzing around you and are spreading unicorn love around like tinsel. 

Happy holiday season everyone!!! 🎄👼✨🦄🎉🌴

Join our YouTube channel here for easy meditations that will calm you down before you rip your cousin's head off at Xmas dinner.

Get The Reset Remedy here when your nervous system is screaming as loud as your sis' newborn baby.

Receive The Good Goodbye Ritual here to close the door on all the crap from this year that dulled your shiny. 

Read The Good Goodbye book here to part ways with those moments or people that are best-loved from afar. 

Have questions or feedback for us? Send us an email!
