Time Out! with Gladys and Ulla


Dr Gladys Ato and Ulla Gaudin, music by Eicca Toppinen. All rights reserved. Season 4 Episode 1

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This one’s a doozy. 😵‍💫

It took Gladys a good minute to figure out what Ulla was saying in this episode and how it connected to this week’s theme. But she finally got it and it just made what we have to share with you that much sweeter! 

So what the hell are we talking about? 🤷🏻‍♀️

All your stuff! And how having all your stuff is the best feeling ever and a guaranteed way to allow more amazing stuff into your life! 

Except we’re not talking about the stuff you’re thinking of. 👗🏡🚗💰🐒 

We’re talking about the other stuff that you forget you have that’s even more valuable than your stuff, and when you remember you have it, you no longer need all that stuff around you to feel good. 🤨

Fully confused at this point like Gladys was? 

HOORAY!! You’re super primed to dive into this gorgeous episode we created for you. 

Not only will we get you thinking differently about the stuff you prioritize in life, you’ll be so inspired to run to your closet to do a full inventory of what you’ve got so you can gleefully shout from the rooftops that YOU HAVE ALL YOUR STUFF!!! 🥳🤸🏽‍♀️🎉🦄🤩

Just press play already. We promise it’ll all make so much sense to you by the end of the episode. 🤣

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here for fun meditations that will make you want even more stuff. 

Get The Reset Remedy here when you need to chill out your brain from focusing on all the wrong stuff.

Receive The Good Goodbye Ritual here to clean out all the stuff you don’t want in your closet anymore. 

Read The Good Goodbye book here to realize you have all the stuff you’ve ever wanted…and then some. 

Have questions or feedback for us? Send us an email!
