Eyes And Teeth

Kaplan Kaye - The RATS - Eyes & Teeth - Season 13 - Edition 9

Kaplan Kaye Season 13 Episode 9

Kaplan Kaye

Welcome to Eyes & Teeth a wonderful man… PKR Kaplan Kaye

Kaplan grew up with his father Davey entertaining the world and Kaplan and his sister Melody have brought joy to audiences ever since. Melody being a Lady Ratling and Kaplan being a past King Rat.

Kaplan talks about his Music writing notably Chalkdust The Brat he co Produced with Roger Kitter, a consortway production. In recent years Kaplan tours the Ukaye Ukes with Brother Rat and performer Bill Dare where they merge the Ukelele sound with pop tracks of today.

He also blesses us with anecdotes of the business, and we get to know a dedicated showbusiness performer who oozes talent and kindness. Welcome to The RATS Kaplan Kaye