Eyes And Teeth

Eyes And Teeth - King of The Swingers - Adger Brown (Comedian-Golfer-Auctioneer) talks to Steve Hewlett - Season 4 - Edition 7

Adger Brown Season 4 Episode 7

Adger Brown is one of my oldest mates. We met in my first Showbusiness season in Barry Island in 1993 decades before Gavin & Stacey did, as a matter of fact we are probably the "original" Gavin & Stacey but without the heavy petting and arguing. I realised how down to earth, genuine and loyal Adger is and that had resulted in us becoming Brothers in The Grand order. Adger is very well respected in the Sporting Dinners and Golf Events World and has literally helped raise millions of pounds over the years. Being a Stand Up has its skills and Adger delivers that with ease on stage which is clearly evident but he also has those rare skills to Auction serious bids off to happy audience members whether they are the CEO of a Top Company or a Star in the World of Entertainment, we trust Adger, he has that honest persuasive delivery that encourages maybe a 90 year old lady to pay £800 for an abseiling day out or a Vegetarian to enjoy a weekend in an abattoir. OK, that has never happened but you get what I'm saying, Mr Brown is THAT good!
Now listen in to see how he deals with his audiences. Welcome Adger Brown