Eyes And Teeth

Ronnie Le Drew - "Zip it" - Season 5 - Edition 7 (Eyes & Teeth 50th Episode)

Ronnie Le Drew - ZIPPY - Steve Hewlett Season 5 Episode 7

Ronnie Le Drew has brought us joy and laughter through the mouths of puppets for many years and he does it with perfection. Today we talk about his starting out at the Little Angel Theatre in London and the people who inspired him to take it further. His time on Rainbow and beyond as well as introducing a little friend from the Sooty show.
Ronnie's stories and admiration from the puppetry world is clearly a passion and he delights in reminiscing about key moments in his career.
(It's a wonderful teaser for his biography 'Zippy & Me) On Sale now on Amazon.
Welcome to Eyes & teeth on this 50th Anniversary Edition Ronnie Le Drew