Eyes And Teeth

Steve Rawlings - Eyes & Teeth - The Grand Order of Water Rats - Season 8 - Edition 13

Steve Rawlings Season 8 Episode 13

Welcome to another Water Rat, a record breaker and very funny man who has performed at Covent garden to the Royal Variety Show and on the biggest and best Cruise Liners in the World. Steve Rawlings is Baby Rat, that means when you are proposed into our order then you are Baby Rat until the next member is brought in and initiated.

Steve & I talk of his early days and his European work which led him to learn languages to suit his audiences and still for me this is one of the most dedicated and wonderful stories I’ve seen in an entertainer. He cares that much about his audiences and his show that of course he will put the time in, like we all should, at the end of the day its us that will make the impact for going that extra mile… Steve has gone 1000 miles and that’s with a trolley on his head, I’ll let him tell you the rest when I chat to the Magnificent Steve Rawlings