Once Upon a Line


October 14, 2020 Rosie Fernandez Season 1 Episode 2

“For to wish to forget how much you loved someone - and then, to actually forget - can feel, at times, like the slaughter of a beautiful bird who chose, by nothing short of grace, to make a habitat of your heart.”

From Bluets by Maggie Nelson.

“I was so affected by this book, that I held it against my chest and I hugged it.” - Honey Lapcharoen

As a former manager for Barnes and Noble, Honey Lapcharoen has seen and read many books, but nothing prepared her for the experience of reading Maggie Nelson’s Bluets - a meditation on the colour blue that pulls from poetry, science and Nelson’s own life.

Writer and artist Honey Lapcharoen holds advanced degrees in Arts and Humanities Education from NYU, and worked in the book industry for almost a decade. She's currently working on her first novel.