Friends for the Journey

Reflection: Mind the Gap

Kathrin Gabriel-Jones , Encouragement Coach for Ministering to Ministers Foundation

You’ve probably heard the phrase, Mind the Gap, at some point in your life. It’s most often associated with the London Underground trains to warn passengers about the space between the station platform and the train entrance. It’s a warning to ensure people don’t slip and fall into the space between the place where they were and the place where they are going to be.

 The events of the past year have been rolling around in my mind not because last year’s upheaval has ended, but because we’re in a middle place, in between where we – as a world - had been and where we – as a world - might end up. 

 Some links to share:

 This YouTube video shows the space between the train & platform. It’s worth watching to see how big some of those gaps can be!

Many thanks to Ministering to Ministers, who produce and support this podcast.  Please check out the resources available through this fantastic foundation:

        Ministering to Ministers
        Ministering to Ministers Wellness Retreats
        Ministering to Ministers Resources: Forced Termination
        Ministering to Ministers: The Problem
       Ministering to Ministers Resources: Books

Music for this episode has been legally purchased from AudioJungle. License available upon request