Friends for the Journey
Friends for the Journey
Laurie Curtis: Swimming in the Deep End of the Pool
Once upon a time,
When I found m’self lost
In a tizzy & a flurry,
I met this person, Laurie.
Laurie Curtis is happy to wear a collection of hats in her work with her clients and in her life. In our conversation, we dive deep into the topics of hope and resilience, trauma, and the confluence of them all in the journey in our lives.
Early in our conversation, I tell Laurie that I just wanted to “dive into the deep end.” With grace and insight, Laurie and Kathrin swim easily into the depths of heartfelt conversation, and rise back up to the surface together, ready to welcome you along the way.
Some links to share:
CurtisEase Coaching
Laurie Curtis’ Traumatic Incident Reduction page
Laurie Curtis’ Character Strengths page
Life Stress Reduction Program
Laurie’s equation for resilience: Resilience = Hope + Action
Laurie’s acrostic of CHANGE
C – Clarify
H – Hope
A – Action
N – Navigate
G – Growing
E - Expand
Barbara Frederickson
Positive emotions
Traumatic Incident Reduction Association of America
Traumatic Incident Reduction Institute of Maine
Family Systems Theory
An Introduction to Genogram, the symbols of family systems theory
Many thanks to Ministering to Ministers, who produce and support this podcast. Please check out the resources available through this fantastic foundation:
Ministering to Ministers
Ministering to Ministers Wellness Retreats
Ministering to Ministers Resources: Forced Termination
Ministering to Ministers: The Problem
Ministering to Ministers Resources: Books
Music for this episode has been legally purchased from AudioJungle. License available upon request