Friends for the Journey

Reflection: The End of the Beginning

Kathrin Gabriel-Jones , Encouragement Coach for Ministering to Ministers Foundation

2020 has been A Year. 
It’s as if a decade’s worth of events has all been crammed into 365 days.
So, on this last day of 2020, as we stand on the cusp of a new year, here are some thoughts. 

Some links to share:
Ministering to Ministers Foundation Prayer Ministry:  Have a Prayer? Let us know. We will pray for you. 

And, of course, Ministering to Ministers: We Are Here for You

Many thanks to Ministering to Ministers, who produce and support this podcast.  Please check out the resources available through this fantastic foundation:
            Ministering to Ministers
            Ministering to Ministers Wellness Retreats
            Ministering to Ministers Resources: Forced Termination
            Ministering to Ministers: The Problem
            Ministering to Ministers Resources: Books 

Music for this episode has been legally purchased from AudioJungle. License available upon request