Reiki from the Farm™

Becoming a Reiki Mentor - The Reiki Business Book Chapter 9 with Joan Mauté, LRMT

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Joan Mauté, LRMTs Season 3 Episode 14

The Reiki Business Book Launch - chapter 9 with Joan Mauté, LRMT

This series of podcasts will bring us through "The Reiki Business Book" chapter by chapter.  The book I was inspired to write to help people share the gift of Reiki is almost ready!  

Are you ready to become a Reiki Mentor?  Joan and Pam discuss the Reiki mentoring programs they created.  And the benefits of becoming a mentor.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

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On this week's podcast, we are talking with Joan about chapter nine of the Reiki business book. Welcome Joan.




Aloha. Joan teaches Reiki. She is our Licensed Reiki Master Teacher in Hawaii. If you want to, Take a business trip to Hawaii. Go ahead and schedule a class with her. I think it's a wonderful excuse to go there and spend a little bit of personal time besides and John you and take people on the beach for, some of their attunements with Reiki, don't you down in the morning. And it's just lovely. It's really magical to have your two months by right next to the. Definitely. So I know I planned to come down and study with you at some point here soon, and I'm really look forward to seeing the big island of Hawaii. Joan, we're talking about chapter nine, which is becoming a raking mentor today. Before we begin. I'd like to let you know some of the things we have coming up at the farm. I have some hybrid classes coming up in may, which means they are both online and in person and they are in the Atlantic times zone. I've got level one and two and master Reiki classes also. Animal Reiki level one and two and masters. And I believe I also have an animal communication class in there as well, all in the Atlantic time zone. And so it means that you can either come to the farm or join us online. So I'd love to have you join us if they work for you. I do have some online classes. In July and in August I have some online classes, just animal communication and Karuna Reiki that are in an Australian friendly time zone, which is evenings here and mornings in Australia. Joan, what do you have coming up in the next level?

I also have some Australian time zone classes coming up in may. So a couple months after years and that'll be all levels. I am teaching in person classes in Hawaii every other month. The April classes have just finished, but there'll be some again in the summer and then continuing on and in the fall. And then every other month I'm alternating online classes. So if you cannot get to Hawaii, you can still take a class pretty much anywhere in the U S and Canada and Australia, New Zealand, because. White being in Hawaii makes the time zone changes a lot easier to deal with. Yeah,


absolutely. In west coast, north America, as well as pretty close. Yeah. Thanks. Before we begin, I'll just invite everybody to bring your hands together and Gassho, and we're coming to the close of the Reiki business book. Just activate your Reiki energy. Calling in your symbols, they just invite you to listen today with your mind, your body, your soul, and your spirit and all your shock rose open. Are you ready to become a mentor? You may not think that you're ready to be a mentor at this time. And, but being a mentor doesn't mean that, everything, it just means that perhaps you have more experience than someone else who needs to be mentored, invites you to imagine what would have been helpful to you. As you went through your Reiki journey, did you have a mentor? Would you like to have had the types of things? Could they have helped you with your shop crows, open your home? And I hope that we have some ideas today that will help you step into the role of mentoring mentorship with Reiki. Thank you for being here and for the light that you've spread in the world home to talk real awesome. Thank you. Joan, you had a chance to have a quick look at chapter nine, the mentoring, and I do have some rewriting to do that. It's just the draft that you had to look at so far. But tell me what you thought about it. And what stood out to you about the chapter?

I think it's great for one thing. And I think it'll inspire a lot of people who've maybe thought about mentoring, but didn't have the confidence or thought maybe they don't know enough. And, just inspire people to move forward with that. And it doesn't have to be a big, huge, complicated thing also. I think that the, the list that. Wrote up of the sample sessions, like what you could offer in each mentoring session will be super helpful for students to gain ideas about what the. Offer, different options of what could be included in sessions and also help people to recognize what it is that they want to focus on. What they're mentoring groups.


I, as licensed Reiki master teachers, we have a mentor that we work with going through the LRM T program. And I found it incredible. And the funniest thing happened is that as I finished the first phase of the program and I became licensed for level one and two Reiki, suddenly I began to be approached by people from all over. Even people that I hadn't taught, or that it, or people from different lineages asking me to mentor them. And there must've been about 12 people. And I thought, I don't have the time for that. Joan, you know how busy we are in program. And I thought, I just don't have the time for that. And I got a tap on the shoulder that said, yes, you do. And many people know that, you just need to get organized. You don't have time for one-on-one mentoring, but you could do group mentoring sessions that could help a lot of people. And so many of, at this point in the podcast, That I did get a tap on the shoulder to reach out and teach the teachers so that more Reiki could be spread in the world. And, immediately when I came home, I started a Reiki master mentoring group, which meant met online once a month. And people had partners that they were. With in-between and it was just incredibly successful. I, it, I always believe if you want to learn, teach, and by moving into that position of teaching others about their Reiki businesses. I, even though I have a business background, it really helps. Refine my own plans around my Reiki business. And it really helped me may even heal some old divisions that I had between, that, that made it difficult for me to bring business principles into Reiki. And it really made me, it really helped me get Oregon. And then of course the book was a direct result of that. But Joan, I thought it was really interesting because right around the same time that I had this epiphany and started teaching the class and, I know there's a need for mentors out there because as soon as I announced the class, two days later, it was full and it was even fuller than I had intended for it to get, because. It was really hard to see everybody on one screen. And it was people from, I think five different continents and different countries, and it was just wonderful. So that really made me realize that there is a need. For mentors out there and we don't have to be, I'm not perfect there. My website desperately needs, I have a, a degree in marketing or a master's degree with a concentration in marketing. And my website is about three years outdated. And so it's not that we have to be perfect at this, but if we are in a position where we can help. It can be really useful. And I thought it was so neat because this happened for me as a big epiphany. And later on, I found out that you read around the same time had been guided to create a mentoring group. Can you tell us what caused you to start that and tell us a little bit about how that worked and how it went for you?

I did my first Reiki training in the mid nineties. And it was in the old style. Oral, no manuals, no handouts, no nothing. You were expected to memorize everything and, And afterwards, I just, I didn't have a clue. The teacher was not available. They had come over to Hawaii to teach the class and then they were gone and that was it. So I really felt pretty lost. I actually didn't use Reiki much, for a number of years and. Really wished I had some kind of mentors, some kind of guidance, but at that time I think it, my, my Reiki practice would have developed, much sooner and, just would have been better in every way. I just didn't know what to do. And I didn't have internet, it was quite awhile ago. About a year and a half ago, I really started thinking about offering a program that has a little different focus than yours, Pam. It's more for students to connect on a deeper level personally. And also, if it's, if they do have a Reiki business, it can apply to that. But just to help people connect more deeply with their own. Reiki their own personal relationship with their Reiki. So I called it the Reiki deepening program. And. I noticed that the level one and two students in particular really needed support and help because they felt like Reiki, orphans, it's okay, I did this training. I have these skills now, what now do I do. And that's how I felt, in the early days, like now I don't have a clue, even though I think our trainings are very excellent, very comprehensive. All of a sudden, there you are out there in the world by yourself and, wondering what's next. And, one of the things I really appreciated was, the idea that we could, Reiki teachers who have been doing this for awhile. And also, we both have a lot of life experience. We've made a lot of mistakes and learn a lot of things through trial and error and also, education that it would be really helpful to take all of this information that we spent our lifetimes learning and compiling and. Assessing and sorting out, what's useful and what isn't and sharing this with people. So they don't have to go through this whole long, incredibly evolved process with trying to figure out what to do. And, so I stirred one program for the level two students and one for the master students, because they have different needs and different focus and also different skills. So that's what I've been doing. And I offer the programs three times a year. They're a little shorter than yours, Pam they're four month programs. And on the reason for that is I asked the students, it originally, it was six months and I just had this feeling like this guidance that it was too long. So I asked them. The second month of the very first class, I said, do you guys the sick, how does six months feel to you? What do you think? Just let me know. And, pretty much all the feedback was I think there was a dozen people on the first class. It was like, yeah, that seems long. Could we do four months, four months. And that four months showed up a lot and I thought. That's it. That's what we'll do. And so that's been, it seems like it's really good. Plus I can offer these classes three times a year, so students don't have to wait, maybe they missed the one that was just starting. So they don't have to wait, half a year for the next one. But a lot of things are similar to your program, Pam. And, so I just got a lot of ideas and insights from, as you said, our licensing experience of the program, we went through, The students have Reiki buddies and they pair up and they'll stay together for at least a couple months. And sometimes the whole time, it just depends on how the people feel. And there are Reiki activities that they are expected to do during the month. And, I can share a little bit of that. And these are things. These are suggestions. It's not, nothing's set in stone. It's not like you have to do all this stuff. They're suggestions to help you deepen more with your relationship with the Reiki. So expressing gratitude, this is very important and the students are sent. Prayer of gratitude they can use if they don't already have something and then connecting with our source of being, putting yourself first. So many people who are practitioners, as if you're a healer, you pretty much come last and that just doesn't work very well. Especially over time you get depleted. Self-healing giving yourself a Reiki session every time. And I'm using Reiki and everyday life. And they're sent suggestions on how they could do that and encouraged to come up with their own ways of using Reiki. Receiving sessions is so important because none of us receive enough. We all know that. And that's. One of the reasons for the Reiki buddies, not just to practice on someone, but so you can receive and remember what you're even doing and why, and also receive the healing and then giving sessions. So you can practice that and, journaling. And accountabilities. The students are asked to send down a monthly progress report and tracking form, which I pulled directly from the licensing program. And, and then they have a monthly assignment that they're actually expected to do. It's nothing complicated. It's not hard. It's just something for them to focus on. And the level two, Their first assignment. And it depends on the group sometimes it's that the group as a whole just need something a little different, but I like to start out with either the, symbols and deepening their connection with their symbols or with the, the five Reiki ideals. And then with the masters, just in this current group, their first month assignment was to strengthen their. By placing holy fire on their chakras and in their energy field. And then there's a process they use for that. Cause it's really powerful and really important and, doing their moving meditation. And then the second month, which they're in now has been for manifesting from a place of wholeness because we all want to manifest things, but sometimes the place we do it from. It's not from a place of wholeness, it's from a place of lack and that just doesn't work so well. So anyway, and then they also have total access to me during the month. Via email, if they have any questions, anything comes up, whether it's personal or business-wise or whatever, I'm happy to help them individually. And, trying to. Back to them and respond within a couple of days. And that has been hugely helpful for I've had so many students say, oh my gosh, I just wish I'd had this a long time ago as Pam, that, and so I feel like I've turned into the mentor. I wish I had so many years ago. And, and Pam is so right. You may not feel that. Your wives or, enough or your, I had one student who was young and her, early thirties, I think. And she looked at me and she goes, wow, you're so wise. And I just looked at her like, I'm just a surfer girl from Hawaii, but I guess I've learned a couple of things over the decades, don't think you don't have something to offer someone and also keep in mind that whoever shows up for your program needs you. There's a reason why they're there. And don't feel like you're less than just really embody that sense that these people are here for a reason and they need me and I have exactly the right information to share with you. And, the other thing that we always do on the monthly meetings is we always do an attunement or an experience or something along those lines that does actually help to deepen the connection with the Reiki. And lots of times I'll let them choose, what do you guys feel like you want to do this month? And, there was one month I only had four students in the master group. It was a really cozy little group. They all had such different needs. One month, they all had an individual assignment based on what they needed that month. And, so yeah, it's that, and everybody just appreciates it so much and it changes people's lives in ways you would never expect just even that little bit of support and help it's, people feel like they, they're not Reiki orphans anymore.


Yes, you're right. And, you brought up Joan, of a principle, like something that I, there, there was something I read in a horse book long time ago, and it was a wonderful horseman builder ants. And he said, it's taken me 90 years to learn these things, but I figure if I can put it in a book for you. I can teach it to you a lot more efficiently and you can maybe even take things further than me. And I thought I, that really resonated with me and it's really informed. I love to teach teaching is my thing, but it's really informed how I go forward with things. I'm always finding myself either in the Reiki mentoring classes or my Reiki classes. Somebody will have a question and. Oh, it took me about nine years to learn that. But I think if you've got 20 minutes, I can explain it to you or 15 minutes. I think I can explain it to you, or, yeah, I struggled with that for four years, but here's what happened. And so I just, I agree with you, Joan. I feel like we can really shorten the learning curve. For people. And then that comradery, like I noticed, so I really was guided to focus very much around, the business, but at the same time I was guided to bring in. So we always had a healing meditation in every session and sometimes it was not what I thought it was going to be, or, I'd have something prepared in the energy and I'd listened and the energy would bring in something completely different and it was all. Exactly what everyone needed or, appropriate. I followed the outline of what, the subjects we were going to talk about. But then I know one, one week, everybody was just stressed and scattered. And so the meditation I had planned just went out the window and another one came in that was deeply profound. So we always try to include that. But I found that so many people would like to start a Reiki business, but didn't know how, so that is where I wound up focusing and I didn't go, I intended to do a practitioner course, but I haven't yet done it. And my guidance was very clear, three, six month sessions and that's it. And, I'm probably going to put something together. Based on the Reiki business book in the future. But for right now, the courses that they happened and I think about 60 people went through them in total. And the same thing, as you said, like they loved working in the groups. I also gave assignments each month and homework and, just basically. Working to move people out of their comfort zone so that they get a little more comfortable and ready to take the next steps. And, it was so interesting what happened I had some students who just, who never thought they would ever teach Reiki who started teaching and re and just love it. I have some students who joined just because they were guided to, but they weren't sure if they wanted to start a business, who had started a business and it's starting to roll. I have a student who had been, trying to start a couple of students who had been, trying to start a Reiki business for years. But they didn't realize, they had a set vision of what it needed to look like when they realized that the Reiki business could be broader. They just ran with it. And I've got one, one student in particular who I laugh because in the six months, like her website is more up-to-date than mine. And it's she created a website. She started speaking, she wrote articles. Like she just. She just hit the ground running. And you'll read about her in the marketing and branding section of the Reiki business book. But I have another student that you'll read about who started her own mentoring program. I have a few students who started their own mentoring program and some of the mentoring programs were a little bit similar to mine, but some of them weren't at all and it doesn't matter. It was what they were guided to do. One of my. It was a high school principal and she started a mentoring program that really broke down the teaching process and made it very accessible to people. And you'll read about her story in this chapter of the Reiki business book, but I was just, I was so inspired by the. The success of my students and they so appreciated having that space to, that of peers to be a part of. What did you find with that? I, what did you notice?

The, I would say the definitely the most popular part of the program is having a Reiki. Yeah, a peer someone you can share with and talk to, and you're all you're on the same level. You understand what's going on in my very first, class, it was a level two. These people had not taken master yet. I had a student from Virginia and one for. I think it was New York and they were like long lost sisters. They've become lifelong friends and they even came down. They came down to do their master training together in person. Couple years ago. I know it must have been last. I don't know. I can't remember. COVID makes it all blur. Yeah, it might've been last year. But yeah, I, it's just extraordinary. I have one student who, is, just took master. And she said, she was so taken with the deepening program. She said she did the level two and she's in the master right now. And she said, Thank you for being an amazing teacher and mentor to me, your deepening program was just the nudge. I needed to instill confidence, gain hours of experience and take the next step to pursue my purpose of healing. Others she'd been really on the fence about this cause she had a. Career a coaching career. And she said, I launched my Reiki practice today. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for instilling the confidence. I needed to know that I can do it. And the time is now. Pam is, you get so much feedback like that. And it's just so heartwarming to know that you're making such a, an important difference in people's lives. And, and also, as you said, sometimes at the meetings, you just doesn't, people are stressed or they're tired. I had a meeting last week and everybody was, they looked like zombies. Yeah. And there's, we have time for sharing and Q and a, and I said, anybody have any questions? Do you want to share anything about the last month stuff what's been going on? Silence, nothing. And I went, okay. It looks like everybody's really tired. So we just did, actually I was gonna do want some experience, but I was guided to do the tree of life experience from the animal re. And oh my gosh, the same thing, they still look like zombies by the end of the class. But the feedback I got afterwards was, oh my gosh, I needed that so much. Thank you so much. So even if you don't have a group that happens to be really engaged that month, for whatever reason. And these people that all had a really stressful previous month, you're still. Doing people, a world of good, even though it may not seem like it in the moment, so just allowing someone to be immersed and Reiki for this period of time can be so incredibly healing and an empowered.


And I find too when they share experiences and just, and also, the other thing that was really interesting was just the Q and a, and, having the opportunity to ask questions. I really enjoyed that because sometimes some of the things they were asking questions about, more, what I would have thought. And so you were able to include that and I just, I just loved it. So Joan, you offered yours. I offered my sessions online. I did them monthly for the first two. So I offered, I think, seven sessions for the first one. I just offered a bonus session in there. Six sessions for the second one and seven sessions for the third one, the third session. I had to take a little bit of a break over the summer to work on this book and, and get things started. And I actually did those sessions every two weeks. And that worked really well also. So there's different ways you can do it, but I really found it very efficient to have. To be working with more than one person at a time. And also, and that caused me to get organized and offer a more organized program than if I was just working one-on-one. And yeah, there would be 20 people sometimes on my calls and I would offer the recordings cause not everybody could always make it. But. Sometimes, sometimes I'd have a small call. There'd only be 15, but sometimes there'd be 20, 25, 26. And, and I would send the recordings out as well. So that they, so that people could have them. But it was really remarkable how much. It seemed to help people. And, so did you also offer yours online and what was the setup

there? I've only offered it online and cause I just started it last year. And also because just like you, I have students from all over the place, so I wanted to make it available to anyone. Who's interested in this current master group. One student from New Zealand and then the rest are from the us. And but it works, the time-wise, it works. And, time zone wise, it works. And also with the Reiki buddies, it's been a little challenging for the New Zealand student, but they've worked it out. I just tell them, you guys are grown up. She can figure it out. I'm not going to micromanage your experience and they've done beautifully. And, in another group, somebody came up with the idea to do a Reiki concert. An energy ball or an energy construct, and they would do a whole session, put it in the construct and then send it to their buddy when they didn't have time to get together in person, because they're asked to trade with each other once a week. It doesn't always work out, but that's the suggestion, and so they try and also to work with other people, but, yeah, in line it just works so well. I'm constantly amazed at how connected people are in these, even in just regular Reiki classes, but especially with these mentoring programs, they connect so deeply and it seems often like more of the. People do in person, and I'm not sure what, it's an interesting phenomenon.


It is. I've noticed that too, that like yours, there are several of my students who, and I would change the groups up sometimes, but there are several students who like are still in touch. There Reiki buddies. And I did learn that, I only would put Reiki buddies for the people who didn't attend if they asked me to, because usually if they didn't attend, it was because their life was a little crazy and they just didn't have the time. So that is one thing that I started doing toward the end of the sessions, but it was really a. Phenomenal experience. And of course there's other ways to be a Reiki mentor. You may just take somebody under your wing and just, have a, a phone call with them once a month or every few weeks or as needed and mentor that way. But I do enjoy this organized way of mentoring because it was so fast. I guess Joan and I know that you found the same with your programs also found it so interesting that we, I think we charged, we were guided to charge the exact same thing. And at the same time, Karen Cagle, so started a program of mentoring. And again, I think we were all mentoring in different areas, but I found it so interesting that we were all guided to do that.

And, yeah, we all had. Got that message at the same time


and independent of each other, we didn't find out that the other was doing it until we were well into our own programs.

Exactly. Yeah. I love how the collective consciousness works


and I think we all charge the exact same thing,

I was really clearly guided to, I think. Mentors probably charge more. Maybe they offer more, but, or more detailed or more one-on-one, but I wanted to make it accessible to pretty much anybody, and a lot of people are struggling right now, but also, they are clear that they need help in this area. So I think we all got that. I think


so too. And one of the unexpected advantages that I it's, something that I didn't expect at all is that it was a lower priced offering. So it gave an opportunity for people who didn't know me to get to work with me. And then the next thing I knew they were signing up for my classes or reviewing classes with me and things like that. And so that was, and even though. I didn't charge a lot because I could have such large groups financially. It was lovely as well. So those were two things that I hadn't even considered that wound up being, so positive about it. What are some obstacles that you can think of to becoming a mentor? What are some of the things that might stand in the way?

Honestly, the only thing I could think of is your own mind and. You know your own self limiting beliefs. I think if you've gone through the master training and you've taken all the levels and you feel comfortable with the material and you've been practicing, you don't have to have been teaching. I would think it would certainly help, but, and just, you have life experience and you want to help people, yeah, it would really be your own self-limiting beliefs. If you believe you can, if you believe you can't, then that's your reality, so it's up to you.


And I think that, again, being a mentor doesn't mean you have to have the answers to everything. It just, it's and I think say the same as when I tell my students, if somebody asks you to do session for them, you're ready to become a practitioner. Somebody asks you to teach, you're ready to teach. If somebody asks you to be a mentor, I think you're ready to be a mentor. For them, keep that in mind. Do you have any other suggestions for people who are ready to take this next step or anything

else you'd like to add? I think it would be helpful to take a mentoring program, like something that you and I offer and Karen and a lot of the other teachers as well. So that. Have the experience from both sides, as a participant, which will deepen your connection and, answer a lot of questions you have, but also, so you get a sense of how to run a program like that. And, I have some students who are considering that now, I'm just like, yay. Oh,


right. I had started. And I'm so

pleased. Yeah. And then, also, we're willing to share with you, our format and. Suggestions. And as I said, Pam's got all these session details and her book to give you ideas. It's not like you have to go out on your own and just wing it, there's support for it. That's right here for you.


That's right. And Joan, you made a comment when we were talking earlier about the Reiki business book and just how helpful you believe it will be. I just wonder if you'd mind, if we close, with that, do you mind? Oh, you're

gonna make me say that. You're mean. Okay. So


the Reiki business book though, so it's a really good way to wrap it up.

It is. And it's so true. And I just have to, be humble enough to actually say it in public, but because where, there's expectations when you're a Reiki teacher and you're a licensed teacher and. I find that people have certain expectations. That for me, aren't really realist. So I was telling Pam that. So I've been an entrepreneur and self-employed all my life. I've had several different types of businesses, but this is the first time I've had a business that involved being online and all this technology. In the past, everything was much more tangible and I knew what to do. I knew how to do it. And honestly, I just, I'm struggling to learn how to run a business in this format. And. I need help, and I'm thrilled. I am so thrilled that Pam wrote this book because I'm going to read it from cover to cover. I don't have an MBA or anything like that. I have a degree in ornamental horticulture, and I was not focused on the business part. I just wanted to play with the plants, and that's probably why I can talk the plants, but, Yeah. So just because you do whatever you do doesn't mean that you know everything about how to do it. And there don't be shy about seeking out, help in whatever areas you're not good at. I'm a good Reiki teacher. I know that from the feedback I get from my students, but the business. Not so much, and that's true of a lot of more right-brain people who are healers or artists or, whatever. So this is really helpful and I greatly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Oh,


Joan. Thank you. And I didn't, I'm sorry for putting you on the spot, but I just thought it was such a beautiful comment and you're not the only eat. And I said, even my licensed, my, my friends who are licensed Reiki master teachers, who've had to do. A thousand hours of training. They're like, okay, you need to get this book out because there were a couple of chapters I really need to look at, and, and you're some of the most talented Reiki people on the planet, but no, there's, there's not enough time in the class to talk about the ins and outs of starting a business and marketing and branding and. And all of that. So I think, I'm really, I thank you so much for sharing that.

I'll go get you for this.


When I come to Hawaii,

I'm just kidding. I don't mind it. Hopefully, if it inspires someone, who's also struggling with the business aspect, I'm happy to share that. That is not what. Strength for sure.


I, it is my strength and I still had difficulty putting it together with my Reiki business. So it's, I think that there's such a broad spectrum and I think that's why I felt this book was necessary. Joan, I just want to thank you so much for being on the podcast. I want to just ask those of you who are listening. If you are thinking at all of being a mentor. Go ahead and check out this section of the book, check out Jones, choruses, or some of the other licensed teachers courses. Maybe you want to arrange to have a mentor yourself. Whatever it might be. I encourage you to just go ahead and. Open your heart and your mind and your shock grows and just be open and willing to listen. Thank you though, for the Reiki that you're spreading on the world, just from being you, thank you for how deeply you love and how deeply you care. Thank you for joining us here today. Namaste. Yes. Thank you.