Reiki from the Farm™

Your Reiki Questions Answered - with Karen Caig, LRMT

October 16, 2022 Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Karen Caig, LRMTs Season 3 Episode 37

Reiki Basics Series:  Two years ago, when the "Reiki from the Farm™ podcast" began, we dove right into Reiki topics.  But sometimes, it is difficult to explain the basics of Reiki to others.   This podcast series will help ensure that you know the basics about Reiki and can explain them to others.  Please refer people, too, if they wonder what Reiki is.
Session 3:
Pam and Karen answer the top Reiki questions asked, then answer students’ questions from the Reiki share this month.  Give it a listen, as we probably answered some of your top questions about Reiki.

Pam's ICRT Classes:
Reiki session:
Monthly Reiki share:

Karen's Information
Karen Caig, Reiki Institute

Order The Reiki Business Book  here: The Reiki Business Book or The Reiki Business Book 

thank you to Music from Pixabay for the intro music

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia

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And so welcome everyone on this week's podcast and in this month's Reiki share. We, I'm back with Karen Keg and we are here to answer your questions about Reiki. And we thought we'd start with the top five questions that people ask Google about Reiki and and then go from there and answer the questions of the folks that are here today. Karen and I began a Reiki Basics podcast series for a couple of reasons. One is because even we can have the most complete training and sometimes just have missed one or two basics that maybe it was mentioned in class, maybe it wasn't, or maybe we, just missed it. So it can sometimes be nice to just. Fresh, the basics of Reiki. And the other reason is that sometimes we get asked questions ourselves about Reiki and it might be nice to have the answers, or you can always refer people to this podcast as well. And Karen's here by Popular Demand because every time I do a podcast with her, I hear from fans that say, I just love her. I want to hug her. And can you do more podcasts with Karen? And I said that's pretty pretty good guidance. That's pretty direct guidance. Karen, welcome. Thank you for being here tonight.


Thank you for asking


me So guys, before we begin, I just wanna let you know about some of the things I have coming up at the farm this week. I have five days of animal Reiki. They're, it's both online and in person. The classes aren't full. So join us if you'd like, in December. Sorry, F. October 31st, I have a Holy Fire three Kaurna Reiki class, and that's with the World Peace Energy. And that's being offered in an Australian friendly time zone, which is evenings in North America, early mornings in Australia. And then in December I've got six days of animal stuff. I've got a Reiki level one and two class, which is a prerequisite to animal Reiki. And it's also helpful to have that before animal communication. It's followed by two days of animal communication and two days of animal Reiki. In January, I have a full lineup of online classes in the Australian, or sorry, Eastern Time Zone. And in March I'm going to be on the ground in Royal Australia, just outside of Canberra. And it would love to have you join us for Reiki Level one and two Masters and Animal Reiki one and two. Really excited. To get back to Australia and in May if you are in the New York area, would love to have you join us for animal Reiki. And of course there's more classes in April and next summer I'll be doing the whale class for any of you that would like to join us for Animal Reiki with the whales. So would love to have, See you there. Karen, and I guess in November I'll also be for any Brazilian listeners, I'll also be part of the Brazilian Reiki summits. I'm really looking forward to that. And I'll be in Massachusetts in just a month's time talking about dousing animal communication and animal Reiki. Join us for any of those. Karen, what have you got going on?


It's, I teach one and two master animal one and two animal master every month. Just check Reiki hyphen Excellent.


And you also teach sometimes in the Asian time zone? Yeah, I do have one coming


up. I have an animal Reiki master on Hong Kong. Evening time coming up at the end of this month. I'm teaching it over four days,


so yeah. And it's too like a Friday and Saturday. It's Friday and


Saturday, so it'll be Friday and Saturday night. If you're in Hong Kong, Taiwan in China, Southeast Asia, it'll be from seven until 11. Math is not my strong suit. Seven to 11, and if you happen to be in London, it would be like 12 to four. Excellent. So if you're in that time zone, so it'll be over four days instead of three,


and it'll be very early morning. It'd be very early morning for me in North America. Yeah. Okay. Guys, welcome to our q and a Reiki session. And we thought we'd like to start by answering some of the top questions about Reiki and so one of the top questions that is often asked is, are there any side effects from a Reiki treatment? Karen, do you wanna answer that?


Side effects. I assume that they mean negative side effects because that's probably what they're worried about because, but I would say yes relaxation and joy, that's a side effect of Reiki session. But no, really I would say probably when I first started practicing Reiki with the suey Tibetan that energy was a little, to me, it seemed like it was a little more maybe not as refined. And sometimes if they, it pulled up a lot of stuff that needed to clear, they might experience


Discomfort. Yeah. Discomfort.


But I've noticed that this holy fire energy doesn't seem to, do that. As much. No. Sometimes people twitch during the session I guess that's a side effect. And it's because the energy releases. One time I was doing a session on this mortgage banker, I'll never forget because I was a visit at his head and I saw his left foot. I felt like a shift and I saw his left foot go, Boy and kick. But I didn't say anything. And then just a couple of minutes later, boying and he opened his eyes and said, What is going on with my left foot And said I said when you get a massage, sometimes you have a knot in your muscle and the massage therapist just press applies steady pressure and it releases. He said, Yeah. I said that happens energetically. Sometimes it, the energy. It just a knots, an energetic knot, and you may twitch or he said, Oh, okay But that, that did to not be alarmed at that, most people just relax and fall asleep.


That's true. It is. And side effects?


No, I think what, they mean, probably when they're typing that into Google is I dunno is it's, is my hair going to fall out or but in the west we're conditioned to that. We advertise reception drugs. And then at the end of the TV commercial, Do you do this in Canada? Are they allowed? It's not in a Canadian. Oh, okay. So in America, Yeah. It's take this, it may help clear your acne up and then at the end it's like your left arm may fall off and you may have diarrhea for six months. They just have such a list of side effects. So I'm sure that's what they mean. And as far as negative side effects, no, I haven't Have you?


No. No. No. And I don't, I not negative side effects. No. Sometimes. a mild discomfort as energies are clearing. And occasionally you mentioned twitching. I've had that, I've had and I've sometimes there's tears sometimes as some of the bigger energies released, there's tears. And as Reiki practitioners, we're trained not to offer the Kleenex right away because we don't wanna stop that flow of that release. We want the release to happen fully and completely. And then we offer the Kleenex. And there's always Kleenex here, but our first instinct, often when we're crying in front of somebody, we feel very vulnerable and we want to stop it. But as Reiki practitioners it's, such a safe. Space. And a lot of times the tears that release are, really positive. And one of the things that I'll mention along with that is Reiki is not an alternative therapy. It's not meant to be used in the place of medical care, medicine medic medications or mental healthcare. It's meant to be used. It's a complimentary therapy that's meant to be used alongside of those things. And when I when people use them together, they seem to have fantastic results. I've worked with clients who. Didn't necessarily lose their hair during chemotherapy. Speaking of losing the hair, that made me think of it or didn't have a lot of the side effects of radiation. And I think a big part of the reason is Reiki is just, it allows us to become so relaxed that we're in such a, space to be very receptive and open to healing. And we often say it's not the Reiki energy that heals us. The body knows how to heal itself. We're just not always in the, most receptive state to allow it to do that. So Reiki removes any blocks or barriers. It allows us to relax so that we can move into a place where our body can heal itself. Does. Yeah. Make sense, Karen, would you Yeah I,


concur. Yeah.




Wonderful. Another question people often ask is, Reiki a religion? And I'm gonna add a spin to that and just I'll ask you to answer Karen and then just ask. And does it go with religions? And think we know the answer to that, but let's, go ahead and answer that for our listeners.


It is not a religion. Now I live in the American South and where people are really preoccupied with it's called the Bible Belt where I live. And people are, they're worried about that. They come from a background where they need to be on guard against, like evil forces and all of that. And no, Reiki is not a religion. It goes with any spiritual path. And it also goes without any spiritual path. I wouldn't say most people who come to Reiki they, are coming from a spiritual of, any, some kind of background. They're seeking, they're seekers, I guess you could say. But I have run into some people go No, I don't believe in all of that. They, come to it from a scientific point of view. I've read that this seems to work with a human biofield and this has positive results say post-surgery or it's right. I read about a, study about Reiki being as effective only quicker. Thing, cognitive behavioral therapy with some adolescents. And I'm like, yeah. So sometimes people come I don't wanna have anything to do with like spirituality or anything like that. Just just lay the Reiki on me, But and that's fine. And that's to me is the beauty of Reiki. It's, it works with people in whatever way they want to receive it.


It, I agreed. And you can be an atheist. Yeah. And still receive


Reiki. Yeah. And, or you can be a Christian and receive Reiki or you can be a Buddhist and receive, It doesn't matter. It goes with, any spiritual path. It doesn't require you to change anything about your belief system to, receive. It's the gift of healing. This energy, the spiritually guided life force energy.


Most people who follow specific religious or spiritual paths report that Reiki really enhance. Their experience and I've had the opportunity in with the world Peace grids. One of the things that William did was place Reiki grids on the North Pole, the South Pole Jerusalem, the Reiki centers in Michigan and Maui, and also on Mount Karama where Reiki originated. And on those grids, there are the symbols for 12 of the world's major religions. It includes, and that also includes agnostic atheists and independent spiritual paths. And these grid. In addition to like the, reason that he placed them there, he calls them world peace grids, is so that to give us all a focus, a place to send Reiki that will work with the magnetic pole of the earth to spread peace on the planet. And it's also got the Reiki symbols. It's got crystals. It's in the shape of the 12 pedaled lotus flower, which is the ICR T's logo. And it says, the following May, the followers of all the world's religions and spiritual paths work together to create peace among all people on earth. And I just love that sentiment. And some time ago I was guided to start writing a book, and then I've been too busy to finish writing the book on the 12 d. Religions that are encompassed there, the major world religions, and just compare them. And so they, and it was meant to be called All Roads lead home. So in other words, it really doesn't matter what path you follow, we're all searching for source or the creator, or God, whatever name you choose to call that by, you might even call it by science's name, biofield energy, whatever name the universe, whatever name works for you. One of the, part of the ICTs philosophy is just is that it? It doesn't matter what name you call the creator or source, just you know, and. So I've had the honor of work of talking with quite a few folks now from who, who combine Reiki with their religious beliefs from Catholicism and Protestantism. In the Christian background to Buddhism, to Islamism is the, you talked with me about the goddess religions and I've even been in contact with somebody with Daoism and a Zen Buddhist monk, and I haven't, but I, haven't unfortunately I haven't been able to convince them to come on the podcast yet. They're a bit shy and, but I'd love to talk and I'm looking for somebody with Tism and I have somebody in mind for Native spirituality, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna come back to that series because. One of the things we find is Reiki goes with every religion or like you said, Karen, or with none, regardless of what you follow and what you practice. It's the string of pearls. It's the string of pearls of religion


It goes with everything.


I like that. It's the little


black dress. It goes everywhere. Yeah.


And as a scientist, we have a lot of friends who are scientists, and I'm a, scientist by training and and it goes along with science. And that kinda leads into our next question, which is, there any science behind Reiki? What do you answer when people ask you? I say


yes, go to pub which is the American government site that publishes every study that has been done. Here and and also cuz I remember reading one study that was done in Turkey. Oh yes. There needs to be more and more well designed studies. Yeah. But yeah, there, there is science there are some double blind, large sampling. Studies that show Reiki is effective, especially when it comes to chronic pain. Relaxation. Yeah. And Anne Baldwin's book. I'm gonna plug that. Oh gosh.


So Reiki and Clinical Practice. Reiki and Clinical pr. Oh


geez. Reiki and Clinical Practice. That's that's a good, So I'm a former English professor, so I'm not a scientist like Pam I was like, unless you want me to diagram a sentence? Maybe. But I like the way her book is laid out because you can look up different types of studies say of like, for mental health, for example, or and, she has a group together with the charts and all that sciencey stuff.


And I've had the privilege of interviewing her a couple of times on my podcast and Dr. Baldwin. Is a clinical scientist and she also heads the center for Reiki, which is a sister organization. It was created by William Rand to the International Center for Reiki Training, and I love the Center for Reiki Research. One of the things they do is that they peer review all of the Reiki studies that are done in medical journals. There've been quite a few Reiki studies that have been published in medical journals, either nursing or doctor practitioner journals, and And dietetics as well. Different studies along those lines. And they peer review them and they, look at them for the effectiveness, based on the size of the study, was it double blind, that sort of thing. They also help scientists set up a study. Any scientist who's interested in creating a a Reiki study can contact Dr. Baldwin at the Center for Reiki Research and she can help make sure that your study is set up in such a way as to be the most effective. And another one of my podcast guests, Dr. Martha Lacey, is actually in the process. She's just designed a study. For some of her high level cancer research. And Dr. Baldwin basically helped her set the parameters of the study so that they so that it would be more accepted and, so on. And very, interested to see how that study turns out. But Dr. Lacey is fantastic. She, is I can't even pronounce what Dr. Lacey is. She's actually, she teaches fellows at the Mayo Institute in Minnesota and and I always mispronounce it, so I'm not even gonna try. But but she does do high level cancer research and she's also published some articles in the Reiki News Magazine. So I know that on the completion of that study, and once it is written up in the medical journals and so on, she'll share that, But, Taking that back a little bit for me as a scientist, it was really important to know is there science behind this? And so when I came across some other scientists who explained like, really a lot of Einstein's work can is. It's Reiki is the expression of a lot of Einstein's work. The thing, no time or space just equals mc squared. Like a lot of, these higher level physics theories and so on are proven with the effectiveness of Reiki. And we may not have developed diagnostic tools that are sensitive enough to measure the Reiki. Itself yet, but we've developed enough studies that have measured the efficacy and the effectiveness of the Reiki, which is also another, that is another scientific method. You don't necessarily have to prove something's there if you can prove that it works. And there's been so much proof that it works that How many hospitals, Karen, has it been adopted in throughout the United States right now? Like


1200 or something? The last I read was 800. But I think it's closer to, in my spare time, maybe I'll go back and check. But I think it's really truly closer to 1200 that have including like the volunteer programs and then those that you know, actually have. Reiki, like some of the cancer centers, for example, have Reiki masters on staff and they train the caregivers and send, say send the caregiver home with Reiki one so that the caregiver can give Reiki to the patients. So there's a variety of different programs


that there is.


You can Google list of hospitals with Reiki in the United States and you'll get some major major Hopkins Mayo Clinic. A New Presbyterian. A lot of the, bigger hospitals


have them. Yeah, they


do. And, in the uk, my friend Duncan said, in the uk Yeah. Several


hospitals also use it. I find we're a little slower here in Canada to adopt it. And I, wonder if it has to do with the fact that medical care is free here. And I, I feel that it probably is to do with the fact that if you say seven days in the hospital or 10, like it's no big deal Whereas I'm not sure if it's true or not, but one of my students told me once that the insurance, one of the reasons that Reiki is more prevalent in the US than in Canada is that the insurance companies got together and said, Listen, it's gonna take them too long to figure out if it works or not. Let's figure out if it saves us money. And so they did their own studies on does it save them money. And in fact, it saved them so much money that there are some healthcare insurance providers who offer a discount if you will, accept Reiki sessions in hospitals. And so then this really. Spurred on the because it saved the money just because people didn't need as much care after surgeries. I believe that's what they, yeah, that's true. Such time or care after surgeries and it 20 to$40,000 a day or whatever it is for


the United States. We don't care about your health. We just, Yeah. Just wanna save money.


I thought that was a unique way to go about it and I, I really admired it actually. I was like, that's pretty clever because it's true for us to prove the science is gonna take some time. And so that's one way to look at it. And I don't know. I wish I knew what that study was. It was just a hearsay. But it made sense to me. And you were talking about some of the major hospitals, our own Tracy Sullivan Has been involved in the Yale University Hospital and setting up their Reiki program. And so there it is very accepted in the world of science and there is a lot of science to back it up. But I always send people to Reiki, the center for Reiki, right? Yeah. Yeah. Anything I'm missing there? No, I think Sorry if I talked too much about science guys. I still love it. One of the other questions is how do I find a Reiki practitioner? That's a common question.


I always tell people to go to Reiki dot org and click find a Reiki practitioner near me.


There is, there's a whole section which is you type in your postal code and it will tell you if you have licensed teachers, professional members of. The Reiki Membership Association are affiliate members. Yeah. And


I tell people, I said, The reason I'm suggesting that not is not just because I'm affiliated with the International Center for Reiki Training, but it's the reason I'm affiliated with the International Center for Reiki training. I tell'em to if you can't find somebody, Who is trained through the I C R T ask the questions that, are pertinent. If someone has been trained through the I C R T, it means something. It means that they they understand like basic techniques. It means that they have been attuned to the energy and had practice time in class asked them where they got their training, asked them what their lineage is. And then of course, when I teach especially with holy fires, a little different. So I tell'em, I said, Don't you go out there and tell people like, I don't know what my lineage is, make me look bad. No. They should be able to say where where does, how did you get your Reiki? Ask them. Yeah. Ask'em about their training. How long have you been practicing? How many clients do you see a week? Do you teach? Because not, all Reiki practitioners do teach. No. But if they do teach, it means they probably have been asked to, they've been doing it for a while because most people will start teaching when people go, Hey, can you teach me this? But


What do you say? Oh gosh. You, i, Reiki dot org is a, really good place to start because you can type in your zip code or your postal code wherever you are in the world and find people that have received really complete evidence-based. Courses. But you can also that might not be the lineage that you feel the most aligned with and you can also check out some of the other Reiki associations. Yeah you can Google, you can actually Google Reiki practitioners near me as well. Apparently I don't show up though cuz I've got to like in if, I can be in my own house and Google Reiki practitioners near me and I'm not one of the ones that shows up because I guess I need to go in and fix my, the way I have the Google set up You know what But, also I tell people like go, with, You can also ask friends and, family do you know anyone? And they'll use social media, Make


a post. Does anybody, has anybody gotten a Reiki session? Does it can anyone recommend a Reiki practitioner? Yeah. And I didn't mean to say that ICT is like the best or the only. Oh no




because they're Just kidding. They're I'm thinking like abroad, like in like, in the UK I've met people for some different lineages and, they've had good training. There's


some out there and great lineages. And don't be afraid to ask,


just ask questions like, how long is the session? How much is it?


What do I expect and what do I


expect? Do you think that do you think that I'm going to need more than one session? Do you usually recommend more than one or and just ask them questions mainly so you can keep them on the phone or, do people still talk on the phone?


I'm old. Not often, but get to know them. Check out their website


too. Check out their website. Yeah. What you're doing is you're looking for like that. Trust your gut, where are you drawn? And I was gonna say, if you're a praying person, pray and say, Okay, just guide me. Send me to the right person.


Yep. Agreed. And lot of people will say that when they see our photo, it's, I don't know what it is, but they'll say, When I saw your photo, I knew you were meant to be my teacher, or I knew that you could help me. And I think, Wow, that's great. And then, and they were always right. Like we, we always usually just really clicked. And we the first person who convinced me to do a distance session back when I was brand new, and I didn't know I knew it worked, but nobody had ever trained me how to do it. And a woman saw my photo. in the Reiki on the cover of the Reiki News magazine with my horse in 2013, and she said, Look, I saw your photo and my in my intuition just tells me that you'll be able to help me. And I've tried every doctor, I've tried every therapy, I've tried everything and I haven't been able to. I haven't been able to get help, but something about your picture with your horse, I think you can help me. And she really caused me to get outta my comfort zone and do my very first distance session and, proved to me, or showed me that distance sessions are every bit as powerful as in person, which is all I had done up until that point. And and in fact we've, she's come and studied all the classes just about, and we've maintained a fantastic relationship for years. And it did help her. The Reiki energy, She didn't even know what Reiki was. She just happened to see the magazine on a magazine rack and saw our picture and said her intuition told her that instinct. Told her, I think, That person can help me. What? The Heki is Reiki anyway.


So just yeah. That's, just that's a good piece of advice. Just listen, for your guidance and listen to your gut. Yeah. Or your heart. Your heart, wherever Did you feel


it in your body? Yeah. And and people are gonna, and it's okay to try a few Reiki practitioners because we all have a different style and a different way of doing things. And you might resonate more with somebody else's style than you do with mine. Or or maybe my schedule won't accommodate what you need. That's a good sign that I'm probably not the right practitioner for you and, maybe somebody else is. And so yeah, it's all gonna, it's all gonna come together. But another top question is how often should I get a treat? and we'll start off maybe if you're receiving treatments from others, and then we'll maybe extend that into a self session. Okay.


So if you're receiving Reiki from others it really depends on what you're working on. I have a client that I do sessions on twice a week. They're maintenance, right? Maintenance sessions because she has more money than I do and she can afford it. Sometimes people come and it's just, there's something a little off and they get a Reiki session and they're like, Ha, They'll have it. Like you were talking about crying. Sometimes they release and it unblocks them. They get in alignment and they're good, and they may not come back for another six. If at all, But then sometimes it's you, feel like it's just the beginning of their journey. And then as a Reiki practitioner, I don't know how to explain it except that it's a partnership. Yes. The client, me say this, the client is, responsible for their own healing ultimately, because they're the one that's gonna decide whether to come back or not, or and they have decided to come because they are They're ready to, And so it's, a partnership with the client. What, do you feel? Here's what I'm feeling. There's is this like the end or is this the beginning? And a lot of times it's, the beginning or as you heal one thing and it's look at there,


there's more. Oh yes, I know that


it's like waiting to be done, feeling in layers. And so I usually just leave it open with the client and I'll tell'em like sometimes they're like, Okay I feel good, but I'm gonna call you. And sometimes they're like, Can we go ahead and schedule the next appointment? And I'm like, and I pull the book out and go Yeah, let's let's do it. Yeah. So how about you?


Great. Karen a lot like what you said, and the only things I would add is that I sometimes like for more significant issues if you're dealing with a serious or significant issues, there is some background that says three sessions fairly close together can be the most effective. And so if somebody contacts me with a fairly serious condition, I'll let them know. Like it's probably not gonna be one and done where we may need to do a few sessions to get to the bottom of this, especially if it's been going on for a while. That being said, I also have a few people who you know, book weekly. For just because it uplifts them, it really helps them keep going forward in their life. I have other people that just do a monthly maintenance session and if I'm working with something a little more serious, I've had the good fortune of helping some folks with terminal diagnoses move into what the, diagnosis of no evidence of disease. And with something like that, I always let the clients set the pace as far as whether they wanna come every two weeks or something. But if it is a terminal illness, sometimes we meet weekly. And and I find that's really effective. One of the things I love to see, and that's maybe the next question, is. I'd love to see my students take a class and because then I know that they've got Reiki in their own hands and they don't have to wait until I have a session available to them. They can continue to work on themselves, but, and sometimes we think I've got a class, I shouldn't need a session. But I have a lot of, I, I get a session personally every month from my mentor, Colleen. And I can notice it if for some reason one of our schedules extends that a bit, I notice it. I'm just kinda Huh, things just aren't flowing quite as smoothly. So I love the idea of maintenance sessions and I find everybody's a little different. Some people need two a week and that there's nothing wrong with that. And some people once a month and or twice a month and other people are once a quarter For, but I'm a big fan of doing some regular sessions before you move into crisis. Yes. Because there's no need of moving into crisis like you, It's using Reiki for prevention or preventative So was


because you've taken a class, how often do you give yourself Reiki?


Yeah. That's to be able to


maintain just a monthly session with Colleen


Benelli. I do Reiki for myself every day, and I just have to, and I, think I, I don't think I have made a secret of the fact that I'm a, I don't know how reformed I am as far as being a type A personality and, I always wondered if it was even type A plus if there was such a thing. And so I need for myself to do Reiki. I do it at bedtime every night, and I usually activate my symbols every morning and take a Reiki walk. And then I just look for little ways to weave it in through my day. In fact, I wrote an article about it that I can attach to the to the notes called Weaving Reiki into your life. And so I'll do Reiki if I'm watching something online or on a television. I'll do Reiki while I read. I'll do Reiki in the car. I'll do Reiki when I'm with the dogs, with the horses in nature. Like I just try when I'm cooking, I just try to find little ways to weave it in every day. And then I do a session once a month with with Colleen, and I find that I, maybe need a little more than some people do.


No, my cat is attuned to Reiki and he gives me Reiki lot.


My dog works in horses too. Yeah. Yeah.


And, as if people decide to go the route of becoming a, student of Reiki, which is a lifetime, lifelong journey, you find that it becomes a way of life. And it's almost it's not even thinking about, I'm giving myself a session, which is how I fall asleep every night, But But it becomes your way of life. You're, you incorporate Reiki into everything like you're saying.


I agree. I agree. What is, Oh, and so self sessions, and what would be the difference between Reiki sessions, receiving sessions and a class? What would you say to that?


Oh, When people decide to move from receiving sessions from me to taking a class, to me, it's a big spiritual shift. Yeah. It's, their first acknowledgement of, Oh, I can initiate this. I don't have to depend on Karen. To get me Reiki. I have this connection myself. And that is the start of every big spiritual journey, I think. So that's, what I would say first off.


I love that answer. That's, better than my answer.


It was too woo. Cause I mentioned I used to teach poetry. Yeah. Now what's the practical answer, ma'am?


Oh gosh. Yeah. They, I feel peop I'm like you, I feel people step into their. when they're, when they are ready to start taking classes on their own and ready for their vibration to, to raise, they really step into their power and they take responsibility for themselves. They don't have to depend on us. And they can still, they still could still get a session, always come to us and always have a session. But I get very excited I guess if we were doing this for economic purposes, we would just want people to continue doing sessions with us forever. But it's never about that. It's always about Empowering people. Empowering people. Agree. Do you want people to, learn and grow and and we were talking before we started recording about the Reiki business book. Like you, even when you teach people at the master level, you want them to have a successful business. They're, their success does not negatively impact yours. You want your, it's like fledglings. You want your students to, and your clients to succeed and these classes and then stepping forward on their own journeys and their own path with Reiki, it's so beautiful to, I sometimes get a little overwhelmed that we get to witness that, don't you? Yeah,


absolutely. Just


get to witness, watching people just heal some, maybe some significant traumas that have held them back and then watching them. take a class and step into their power and yeah, it's, we have the best job in the world.


bar none.


Those are the most common questions that people Google and I'd really like to open it up to you guys now and just ask if you, I hope that you have some questions for us as well.


No, Stacy had a paper full


Do you have some questions written down, Stacy?


And so I was writing down almost everything you said, but what's the difference between Holy Fire three and Kaurna?




I'm so confused. Great question. Everybody gets confused about that, Stacy. So that is a fantastic question. Do you wanna take that one, Karen?


Yeah. So let me clarify. You are asking what is the difference in the energy between holy fire three? You say master level? Yeah, because holy fire three master level. Yeah. Okay. Like I'm a level, like


I'm a master in holy fire, but then I see the Kaurna and I'm like, Oh no, I'm missing something. Like I missed, Oh.


Like why would I wanna take Kaurna? Yeah. That's, a really good question. I would say half of my master students are, feel called to take Kaurna and then when they'll ask me why would I want to take Kaurna? And I wasn't called to it right away. I think it's after I worked with the energy for a while and I became curious and then I started looking into it. For me, Kaurna is, and I think we consider it maybe our highest level.


Yes, it is. It's an advanced master class.


Yeah. It is an advanced master class. And Kaurna means compassionate action and it's, to me the, next step after. Have worked with the energy, you've learned some master techniques. You've been working with the energy for at least six months and you are on on a spiritual path. And the Kaurna, Reiki gives you eight more symbols, the very specific frequencies for specific healing. And to me the energy's more feminine as well. So it's to me we also do chanting and toning. It's it's, some advanced Reiki master techniques, but it's also different frequencies. So, the fine tune, the healing that you're doing, if that makes any sense. Okay. Thank you.


And yeah, I would agree. We it, most people get confused about what it is. Stacy, but Kaurna Reiki is an advanced masterclass. So one of the requirements of Kaurna Reiki is that you must have been at the master level for at least six months before you take Kaurna. And sometimes people think this is, this arbitrary, this cuz we ask people, you can study level one and two together or separate as you choose and as your teacher teaches. And then we ask people to wait at least six months to do the masters and then we would ask people to work at the master level, at least six months to do Kaurna. And this might sound a little arbitrary, but having taught Reiki since 2011 every once in a while you'll have a student say can I take it after five months or whatever? Or five and a half. And every so often I have made the exception if it was for a good reason. And I noticed that those students, even in five months, aren't quite as ready for the master level than is if they've had at least six months. And for some of the students, it was the best idea for sure, for whatever they were dealing with. They needed the master level. I think I did it once with a terminal. Client who is no longer terminal and who is no evidence of disease. Yeah, and I think I also did it with someone who really needed one of the techniques in the master level for what she was dealing with. I know I did. I just did that last week. And, but and, I'm happy that those two or three students came a little bit early, but even a little bit early I, could tell like, Oh, another month and you would've been more ready for this, like you, And the same at the Kaurna master level. And it can be from any lineage. The same, you don't need to, We teach Holy Fire Reiki, Karen and I do with the I C rt and the I CT also supports you sui Tibetan Reiki. and you sometimes people think I must ha, I guess I have to start back at level one and two before I take Holy fire masters because my Reiki one and two wasn't with holy fire. No, you don't. You like from any lineage, one level one and two can go to the master level and from any lineage of a master can study Kaurna, Reiki. There's just that six month timeframe in between and It's mostly just. So that you can become familiar with the energy so that you're ready for the next episode and hold. And when we say ready, we mean


Your, energy field becomes attuned to Reiki, and so it's jarring until, and you need about six months to Oh, okay, I think I got this now. And then you play with it, and you work with it, and then, that is that's part of you then. And then, it's Okay, hit me again. ready I'm ready for eight more, I think. And then it's, and then it's a little ugh. But, you're already, Oh, I hate to say higher, cuz I don't mean that in a snobby way. now I'm this, I don't mean that. Yeah, I just, But I do mean that you're vibrating at a higher


frequency. Yeah, Karen. The Reiki class brings you to a higher frequency of vibration every class. And it's not linear. I tell people you can. You can be a Kaurna Reiki master and take a Reiki level one and two classes. That's why Karen and I love reviewing classes and it can rock your world cuz it's gonna take you higher again. Yeah. Yeah. I love that answer your question.


Yeah, it did.


Thank you. Thanks, Stacy.


Does anybody and Cat, I'm sorry I didn't see you in the waiting room,


No, You actually, I wasn't waiting long. No, I wasn't good.


Sorry I'm late. That's okay. I just, I didn't see you come in and then I, opened something up and saw you there and I hoped you hadn't waited long. Yeah. Margie, do you have a question? Oh, you're muted. It's the only thing I'm just gonna ask you


to, Hi, Margie. Hi. Hi. My


question is about spirit releases. And I know it's taught


in Holy Fire Master and also


taught in


Kaurna Master. So


I guess from what you just said, I guess


the Spirit release techniques is


in the Kaurna is more advanced than the one in Holy Fire Master?


No, actually, because Kaurna open to all the lineages. Not all, not every master lineage teaches a spirit release technique.


So, we may have students coming


from Susiki ROK and they haven't learned the spirit release, so we do it again in the Kaurna so that we catch everybody.


Yeah. Oh, does that, So it's really the same technique. And so you do have a slightly higher frequency to work with. Yeah. When you're at the Kaurna. Level, but the technique is the same. And I find people, Karen, that take the spirit release at when they become a holy fire Reiki master. And even when they use it a bit, they love to learn. They love to review it. Yeah. And Kaurna level because it is probably it's a really advanced technique and it's probably one of the things we have the most questions about Yeah.


And so it's good to and, also you get a, after working with it, sometimes I teach it and master, and I have the same student back in Kaurna I'm like, have you done a spirit attachment? No but then sometimes people have Yeah more. And then so they do, they have more questions. So they're learning, like Pam said, they're learning it the same thing again but they're coming from a higher perspective. I have done it now, I have some questions. What about this? What about that? Yeah,


Good point. Karen, does that help? Margie, does that answer your question? Yes.


Yeah. Cause I, I heard that


it's very common for people to have a, spirit attachment. It's very unusual to find someone who doesn't have anything. Yeah, they do. Angel. Yes. I've only ever encountered one person who in the Reiki session I went to do spirit release and there was nothing there. And in the whole, in the thousands of people that I've worked with, and I went. Whoa, And she wasn't a Reiki practitioner either, and she wasn't doing this. And I was like,


I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it. You don't get out much, do you?


But the we think of spirit release and I know I did a, podcast about that with Jennifer Taylor. We think of it as being big bad energies and demons and things like that. And it can be but the reason we teach it at the holy fire level is that the holy fire energy has dominion, oversouls, They have to listen to it. So it's very effective. But it can also be things like conditions or diseases or even addictions. Those are all, it's any energy that has a level of consciousness. So if you think of it about it multiple sclerosis has a consciousness, Alzheimer's fibromyalgia, and even minor cold and flu. There is a level of consciousness cancer, and that's one of the tools that I find. Has been the most helpful in assisting people with chronic or serious illnesses is you, One of the questions you ask is you just ask the energy, how many spirit releases is it gonna take before we can release the energy of this condition or this illness from someone? And then you, gauge how many sessions that you're going to need based on that. Does, Makes sense. Yeah,


that does. Does it? It would also, would


it, That's physical illnesses, would it also include like a mental illness? Yes. Maybe multiple personality disorder. Why somebody would I realize somebody can have a trauma in this current lifetime. I don't know if they even if it did come originally from that, or maybe they would be more vulnerable, because I think if somebody's very frightened they, somehow attract more kind of fearful spirits or something like that. Schizophrenia. That's correct. And I think that sometimes of course when you do have some attached, your energy's a little low and, so you can get more, and I've used this technique for some people with mental health conditions. But one thing I'm always very cautious of is, suggesting that this doesn't take the place right. Of psychiatric care or your, and it doesn't and, please, I'll stop your medication. Continue keeping your Medicaid taking your medication. Exactly. Karen I've had some tremendous success with people with bipolar disorder. Personally, I've never worked with anyone with schizophrenia. I don't know if it would be helpful. It couldn't hurt. And it would be really interesting to maybe work alongside of a me of a mental health. professional or more studies in that we need more studies in that. But with, even with the bipolar medication, I've had a lot of success with that. And and, but we've all found it was very important for our client to continue with their medication, but it, really did provide a significant amount of relief. So I'm not sure about multiple personality disorder. I just know that it can't hurt. So it would be really interesting to try it. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Cause it's, complimentary not in place of That's right. It's, never alternative. Yeah. Thanks, Karen. I, did you have something with that, that you would add to that or, I jumped into that one. No, That's


when you first. because I did have a client with schizophrenia.


Did you? And we did. Yeah. How did it go? Did it help?


She I did a lot of spirit releases on her and, I'm not, this is crazy. I know this sounds crazy. I'm not sure that the things she saw weren't really there.


And I've often wondered that Yeah. If, people with these disorders are just a little bit more sensitive and can see some of the things that many of us cannot.


And but the Reiki alone and she, would keep going off of her meds and, it wasn't, Yeah it didn't, It helped but, it didn't cure, What am I trying? That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah.


And then, and


it sounds, I couldn't convince her like, You've got to stay on your meds. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't know if it makes them, This is why we need more studies. I don't know if it makes'em more open because. They're in as a particular place. Things that I wonder about at night when I can't sleep But but I don't know. But I did do, but it did release them. There were things attached and they did release over and over.


One of my, one of my bipolar clients said that she heard a voice and that as soon as we did the spirit release, and she'd heard it all of her life and, had been diagnosed with, bipolar disorder at a very young age. And she said she stopped hearing the voice after this. And incidentally, it's so interesting because there was a study done on mental health and it wasn't mental health and Reiki, it was just mental health. And it was a very broad study, university study. And they, took people and they screened them and to make sure that they didn't. Have mental health issues. And then they sent them out to, just as to a really wide range of mental health, like counselors and, hospital psych wards and, psychiatric hospitals. And just a really wide range of mental health professionals. And they said, answer every question honestly, but say you hear voices, that's the only question you're not gonna be honest in answering. And over 70, 5% were diagnosed with a significant mental illness and over 50% were diagnosed with more than one


So, all of us clear and people go Nope, I don't hear anything. Yep. That's why


I think it's, it can be harder to open up your, intuition to your intuition or gifts if it is clear audience and if you hear voices, cuz that's very much of a societal norm. If you hear voices, you might be crazy. Yeah. Which is unfortunate, but Kat, you had a question?


Yeah. Just going back to the comment you made earlier. asking the energy how many sessions somebody might need. Is this


done through dousing or is it's like a question you're asking and getting a clear answer on Yeah, that's such a


good, Speaking of clear audience. Yeah. Yeah.


What do you


mean my energy? Like you call it on the phone. What do you do?


I know one of the things that in my journey with Reiki is that I really had shut down my intuition very hard purposefully because I didn't wanna be because I am a little more sensitive than, some people. And I didn't want to be considered different or odd or crazy. And but a big part of my journey has been reopening my intuition and. Your intuition works. It works with everybody differently. Like some people we, were saying clear audience. Those are people that hear energy. There's clairvoyant people who see pictures and, in their mind, and there's people who who just have a knowing and they don't know why. They know, but they know. And there's all these different ways. Some people smell energy, some people taste it. Some people feel it in their body. And some people just hear thoughts. They're clear thinking, They just, they hear thoughts and it sounds like their own thought, but it may have a higher level of guidance and other people use their imagination over time. A lot of those opened for me. And so I would, I just began trusting my intuition more. And so I would just, I would begin the Reiki energy flowing and I would just say, How many sessions are we going to need to help this person with this issue that they have said they need help with? And I would just pay attention to what I would receive. And sometimes I would just get a little ping. For me, my main gift was Claire knowing, and a lot of people who have psychic abilities, that is a gift. It was very difficult to learn to trust that but I learned how to do, and so I learned to just get a ping you're gonna need three sessions or you're gonna need seven sessions or one session. And I'd write it down and then I would take out my dowsing rods and say, Is that right


And I would


verify with the dowsing rods and if the, dousing or the pendulum, some people use a pendulum or muscle testing, said that my ping was right. That was how I learned to trust my intuition and sort of the, little bits of knowledge that I, that would come in. Karen, what would you say to. I just put a link


in the chat because I just wrote about guidance and for my blog on September the 30th, and I thought, Oh, cause it's, called Steps to Living Your Divine Purpose. But it's the same thing, like how do you, listen? How do you listen? So I just talked a little bit about that. It's, exactly what you said, Pam. It's you, everybody has a different way of interpreting those pings and it's, learning to trust. And so for me it was like healing a lot of trust issues, trusting myself, trusting It's trusting in yourself. I dunno. If you've had, if you've been like, as nutty as I've been for the grand majority of my life, it's it's like I don't, not only do I not trust men and other people, like I don't even trust my own judgment. Look what I've done. So it was a, long process of learning to trust. Like I think that's what I heard and I like, yeah, dousing rods or a pendulum like, am I hearing this right? That's, really good. But you, get better at it, but you just have. Yeah, start trusting that guidance. But yeah, and if people are listening to this it's, Reiki hyphen Just step to trusting your divine purpose


or something. I'll put a link, Karen, in there. Okay. Yeah. Just put a link. Yeah. I copied it, so I'll


put a link in there. Yeah. It's it's, a it's, hard, but you get better at it


and in the meantime, try to listen first and, See what your intuition's telling you, and then go ahead and verify with dousing or pendulum or something like that until you, some people, you just


feel it in your body. It's, you start to feel like really gut response, Melissa?


So that was my question first tonight too, is you, Pam often talk about the Reiki energy tells you this or this but you have all these voices in your head,


I know I would be


locked up, wouldn't I?


but so how do you discern that? It's the Reiki energy telling you something. And it's not just that I, and again, I gu this is trusting you again, it's trust but, I guess from a a scientific or a practical point of view, you wanna say My brain says all kinds of things to me. So when this brain says, So Pam, like this voice said to you, You need to sing at this place you were going. So if the voice said to you, Okay, Pam, you should sing on American Idol, You'd be like, That's like how, That's my question is how, do you tell the difference? Where do you, what is just the craziness in your head? Comes and goes. And what is, there just a knowing that comes with Reiki or a sense that Yeah, that's my question. Sorry. It's a weird question, but No, it's




asking question. Yeah. You know what, I'd love to answer it because a big part of my journey was learning to listen. And I, would have to say that the first 40 plus years of my life was following my own agenda and following those voices in my head. And then I think I was 42 when I learned Reiki and and one of the big. Big things was learning what is the Reiki guidance and what is just my own ambition or my own ego telling me. And in fact, it was so important to me that this is what led to the animal communication. And I have to admit that learning animal communication opened up that pathway for me to spiritual guidance as well. In fact, it's one of the side effects of learning to communicate with animals is that it does open up your ability to hear spiritual guidance a little bit better. So let me tell you, from the animal communication class in, in, in over time, I've really had a lot of time to develop this and, help people learn it. A couple of things. If it's your own voice in your head, it tries to convince. It's you should do this because it sounds a little bit like a used car salesman, and it's it's got all these reasons and also it'll go over and you'll hear it on repeat and that sort of thing. That's your own unhealed, ego and personality trying to take charge. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not your highest source of guidance. And so if you'd like to listen from a little bit higher source of guidance you can tune in to the Reiki Energy or source or a guide if you, don't have to work with a guide, but some people like working with an angel or an Arc angel or Mother Mary or Jesus or Buddha or gha. And So how do you tell the difference? And the difference is divine guidance doesn't try to convince you at all. It's usually very simple, succinct language, and the instant that you become aware of it, you can feel the truth of it in your whole body, I think is the best way I can describe it. But there is something with Reiki that you can do, and that is you can use Reiki on your third eye, your brow chakra, and even on your throat chakra, especially that a hand position where you activate your Reiki and place it on both your third eye and your throat chakra. Or you can include your heart in that wherever you're guided, and you can say, Reiki, please help me to develop the discernment, to be able to tell the difference. And once you get aligned with that, like once you get, I just wrote an article and it, actually needs a bit of editing before it can go out, but it's, I called it learning to listen and then listening to learn. So I first had to learn to listen, and then once I learned to listen, I was able to begin listening. To learn. And that was both with the animals and with Reiki. And in the meantime, until I trusted myself, I doused it like, Hey, did I just make that up or did that come from Reiki or from you? God like, where did that come from? And I, doused it and it, took me quite a while of dousing to really develop that discernment. And I didn't know I could ask Reiki to help me with the discernment. I learned that later. I wished I'd known that front because I think it would've made the learning process a lot smoother and a lot easier. Does that help, Melissa? Does that answer your question? Yeah, no that,


at least gives me some tools to to discern which, what? What's the






just, and ask for? Cause I still don't trust. Okay. We were talking before that I'm moving to Ecuador. That's a big move. And I was like, What So I asked for signs. I asked for a specific sign. A good one, Karen. I asked for a specific sign. I said, if this is what I'm supposed to do. I asked to see, I have connection with like a praying manti. It's like a spirit totem for me. And I hadn't seen one since last year. So I said, If I'm supposed to move to Ecuador, then I, you need to show me, You need to show me, Send me. Send me a sign. I wanna see a praying mantis. Cause I haven't seen one since last June. And I saw one, we went to the Reiki retreat. I saw one in Prescott, above my bathtub twice. There was a, praying Manti in the lobby of the Mago retreat at the, And then I came home at one 30 in the morning and, I am not kidding you. There was a mantis, I put it on Facebook cause I couldn't believe it. There's a mantis on my ceiling in my house at one 30 in the morning. And then two nights later I went to bed and there's a mantis right over my bed. I'm like, and as soon as I started I, started, I posted I'm, moving to Ecuador. Apparently next year they stopped coming. So I'm like, okay, that was my sign. Cause I still something that's I'm gonna pick up, move to another real. Really? Okay, then you gonna have to show me something on that one, so ask for a sign. But that's my question.


So really it just says you should move to Ecuador.


That's so bing. No. I had been thinking about it and there was things popping up and I was like and I was like, you should go. Okay. Okay. And oh, and the other thing was, I mentioned that I was thinking about it to Jay our, mutual friend, Jay Jackson. He said, You are




guess. So we're going next month on November 15th. I'm flying to Ecuador to check out the place that I'm thinking about moving. I'm not sure exactly where, but I think it's this place. And I'll ask for signs that sounds cr Yeah, that does sound crazy. And I don't want my family to go, What? But I explained and I said, I'm just feeling now I'm say I feel guided and I got signs. I asked for verification. I got the verification. It needs to be something weird enough that you go, Okay, this can't, I'm not making this up. I've got friends like Pam Do you see this? You see this? This? Yeah. And just to make sure I'm, still here and yeah, it helps. So just do that.


I just wanted to hop on real quick


and just say, I've noticed. That with William, especially with William, that the types of


questions that he asks the energy are so


vital and so important to the discernment process.


Yes. And you can actually Reiki journey and in your


Reiki journey


drop into the energy and


ask these important questions and the better and more detailed the question is. The more discernment


you'll receive through the Reiki journey. Colleen, the same. William and Colleen.


I, listen and learn from them




because of the process that


they take with the energy.


Yeah, I agree with you Lauren. And I was just I'm just gonna, I wanna add to that if I could, but I just wanna go back to Karen. And the learning to trust and asking for a sign. I used to always use Reiki and kinda, here's some guidance and I'd say, Okay, if something just happened or if this is true can I have a sign? And one day I heard very clearly, I don't often hear voices, but that day I did. and I heard daughter, I have given you 384 signs. It is time for you to have some faith




I don't mean to say that I really understood it right




the beginning. It's yeah. And then I wanted to add to what Lauren said, because I love this. I was just in in New York with William assisting him with a class in. At the Omega Institute the week before last, and he said that he asks those vital questions, Lauren, that you were talking about. Like he, he'll ask a question of the energy and I do that all the time too. And then he, lets go of any attachment to the outcome. And that's really important. And he says he doesn't. And, this is also really important, and I never thought to mention this. He doesn't get the answer right away. He says the answer usually comes later on when he is doing something else and not thinking about it. Suddenly the solution or the answer will pop in. And I know that one of the things that I can, and you were talking about William Rand and Colleen Benelli, two of my, two of our dear friends, and one of the things that I know William does, and he, I can tell you this, they're public about it or he's public about it. So, Colleen can be, Colleen Benelli is William's spiritual advisor. So he'll then take the answers that he receives. And he'll go verify them with her, and then they'll dive a little deeper and they'll do journeys together and see what both of them see and compare their notes. And so it, can be a really interesting process. But they, the answers will often come later when you're doing something else.


I can verify. I've been talking to Pam sometimes and she'll say, This just dropped in




Yeah. I, must say that listening has probably been one of the biggest parts of my journey in order to be. Really effective working with animals. And I've worked with animals all my life. But more more prominently since 2009 I've, become a horse trainer. And you have to listen with your mind, your body, your soul, your spirit, all of your chakras, all of your perceptions, all everything, every part of your, and you're listening for your, you're listening and observing, and you're watching for just subtle shifts, subtle things that tell you when a horse has had too much or, had enough. And if you take them any further, they're gonna explode or what you really have to get good at that. And, I've noticed that the animal Reiki course Is very much about developing your ability to perceive with all of the parts of yourself. There's quite a few exercises that really open your, abilities there. And then I do some exercises, certainly in the animal communication as well. And then Lauren, you mentioned journeying. Colleen Benelli teaches journeying and I, learned that in my Sha studies years ago. That's another fantastic way to just open your perceptions to receive great questions, you guys. Anything else you guys?


I have one, but it requires probably a long explanation, so I don't know if you want me to Sei save it till November. It's


just now you've picked our curiosity.


What is it? Yeah, We need to know. And maybe we'll do a whole podcast.


Yeah, I was gonna say seven o'clock.


What are the advantages of taking the I C R T teaching course compared to just personally? I can give Reiki to someone, but in my heart, I don't feel like Karen or Pam, you guys are like gods to me. You like You have all the training. How much training am I missing by taking a three day class? When you guys do a thousand hours of training, there's a lot that I don't know


You could still do it. It's it's exper. Okay. Pam, you may


wanna say something. It's experience. You go ahead. Karen and I, do have something on that for sure. But


I, was doing a clubhouse presentation once and somebody said, Oh, I'm only level one Reiki. And I said Mrs. Dikata practiced in Hiya, she's clinic with only, level one Reiki for year. And it's, about, we're all on an, individual path. I'm not even sure if I'm addressing your question, but you, just, you take the training that you get and you continue to, expand it


And you, Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. No, go ahead. I thought, Stacy it's really interesting because I, have people say that and. I wrote an article about the I C R T training, but it's not for everyone. You might get a nudge like I did and like Karen did Hey, go do an extra thousand hours of training because you wanna be the best you can be at this, right? For your students. But I wanna tell you that I taught for five years before I got that nudge. And when I did get the nudge, Hey, go do an extra thousand hours of training, I said, Are you kidding me? Is that really necessary? I don't wanna do that. And, yet it's, I have to say as much as I resisted it, it's some of the best advice Reiki ever gave me. I got to meet Karen and William and Colleen and, Kathy, and just our beautiful Reiki family that we're part of, but. I wanna share this with you cuz it's really neat. When I became a licensed teacher with all that extra training, a student who had studied with me like seven years before came back and, did a class. And this is it was 2000 and, sorry, it was 2016 when I got the nudge. So yeah, I taught for five years. I didn't get accepted till 2018. So I taught for seven years before doing the extra training. And one of my students that had learned with me early on came to a class after I had done the extra training. And this is what she said to me, thank goodness, because she, had done level one and then when I was teaching the class seven years later, she came back for level one and two. So she reviewed level one and she did her level two. And what she said to me, I never thought of this, but it was profound. I'm so glad I found you. Before when you were just new at this, cuz I wouldn't have been ready for the way that you're teaching now. Like I'm ready now, but I wouldn't have been ready for this seven years ago. So she was very thankful that I went ahead and taught before I had all the extra training. And then when later on when she was ready, she was happy I had the extra training But I guess that's just to say. the student finds the teacher that's right for them. And you don't have to be a licensed teacher. William Will, William Rand will say that too. It's not the path for everybody. But it's, for me,


I've been considering it's a donut and Sedona. However, I think in my heart it's, I'm just drawn to it because of the amazing. That's, that comes from it. Like I don't feel like I can't practice with not doing it right. I just feel like I need to I feel calling, like I need to get in there. I go. It's. It just sounds very daunting to do it a thousand hours. But it's also on your own timeline, right?


Yeah. You've got time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I don't eat


elephants, Karen


It's just one step at a time.


No, it is. It's uh, it's one of those things that if you're called to it you, have a mentor first of all that helps you through. And probably one of the biggest things I found, Karen, is my confidence level. My relationship with Reiki changed. It was always strong, but it got even stronger and more profound. And and then I became a lot more confident. And I love the camaraderie of our wonderful group, and I love having a mentor. What about you?


Yeah. Everything she said, Yeah. No, it's I think what was driving me honest, to be honest at the beginning was my academic background being a college professor, and I thought, Oh must do become a licensed teacher. I'm gonna have any credibility in this field. But that's, I think that's why I, responded to Stacy like you can get, you don't have to have the degree that you know. Yeah. It's. But it has really been just amazing. And then it, started, that was my initial thrust was like, Oh, if I'm going to do this full time, I need to go and really do it properly. But then I got in, I was like, Oh no, There's just more and more. And, it's, yeah. It's following those signs like we were talking Melissa is it this, I'm


gonna ask to see a pretty Manus


now Or you just say, If this is what's supposed to happen, I'm gonna, I'm gonna magically get the$500 to apply cuz I sure don't have it. And then poof, it falls in your hand and go, Okay, then here I'm gonna. Turn in the application. If I'm supposed to do this, they're gonna, I'm gonna pass the psychological exam. You just go step by step and, Okay, next thing you know, look at me, Seriously though that it's, but you just you, go, you start from where you are and what you are, but don't, feel like you're less than think that's my, I want you to feel like you're less than Cause don't feel like you's not feeling.


I don't feel less than, I feel like there's


more. There's


more. Okay, good. Good. Because there is more. There is more.


I feel like I need to like, it's like I just tapping.


If you've got a calling then you sign up.


You go.


Cause we'd love to have you


Yeah, I'll think I will. You know what I will do it. You'll send you a picture of my praying manti, cuz I'll get one.




You what I'll, tack in that article onto this podcast as well, the article that I wrote about becoming a licensed teacher. It's got links to where you go if that's a Oh, okay. Perfect. To you. And it just kinda walks you through a little bit of my process, but it also talks to some of the other licensed teachers. And for me, a big thing was when I met them at my first Reiki. I could feel me too, their higher vibration. And before that I thought, I don't see the sense of this program. I don't know why. And that's why when the energy said you're to do this program, I argued a little bit, but then when I met them, I was so impressed. With every single licensed teacher I met I could feel the vibration of them. They felt like home.


It felt like home. Exactly. Felt like home to me. I know y'all. This is where I belong. Yeah.


Karen felt that way to me. I just love her. She's so outgoing and funny and it felt like I knew all of you from a past lifetime. So it's, We


probably did, Stacy probably


and I hate even say that, but even more than my feelings towards William I didn't feel that comfort or like I belonged with him. But you guys just, you're, your power just shines, right? Both of you, you're, It's just like you're glowing. It's, yeah,


it's crazy. It's the lighting


No, I. I agree. I was so impressed with my colleagues that I went, I think I wanna be part of that club. Nevermind Reiki, I'm sorry, I argued. That's, those are my people. And, I'd like to be as professional and as knowledgeable of that as them. And I remember my first class with Colleen Benelli. Cammi, Kote and I were were reviewing it together and after the level one and two class, cuz my classes I used to read quite a bit from the manual and there's nothing wrong with that. But I remember Cammy and I looking at each other, driving home, going, she


didn't open her manual once and she did the whole




I hope they don't expect us to do that And then I remember it was about a year later little, just a year and a month later, I was coming back from having taught in Australia and I realized, wait a minute. I didn't open my manual once I just taught because of the way that, that, I guess we learn so much, don't we Karen? Yeah. Yeah.


Ken, did you have a question or were you just feeling the error


that earlier? That was my son just called me. Oh. Oh, okay.


I saw mom soon. Mama. It's okay. Oh gosh. It's dark and I've got my door open. I think frogs are coming in my house. Oh dear.


The cats


will have fun with that. Do you still have are, you gonna do a Reiki share?


Something? We're, at time, so I'm gonna leave it to people. We're, I'm gonna say thank you so much for joining us and Namaste, and if any of you that are here for the share want to stay on, I'm gonna welcome you too. But thank you for all those listening for checking out our podcast. We hope we answered some of your questions too.


You did. Thank you. Thanks.