Reiki from the Farm™

ICRT Animal Reiki - Reiki Basics series with Karen Caig, LRMT

November 06, 2022 Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Karen Caig, LRMTs Season 3 Episode 40

Reiki Basics Series:  Two years ago, when the "Reiki from the Farm™ podcast" began, we dove right into Reiki topics.  But sometimes, it is difficult to explain the basics of Reiki to others.   This podcast series will help ensure that you know the basics about Reiki and can explain them to others.  Please refer people, too.

What is special about Animal Reiki?  Do I need a specific class to work with animals, or can I use what I already have?  What should I expect from the class?  If you have ever wondered about any of these things, join Pam and Karen as they walk you through the ins and outs of ICRT Animal Reiki.

Pam's ICRT Classes:
Reiki session:
Monthly Reiki share:

Karen's Information
Karen Caig, Reiki Institute

Order The Reiki Business Book  here: The Reiki Business Bookor The Reiki Business Book 

thank you to Music from Pixabay for the intro music

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia.

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On this week's podcast, I am talking with Karen Caig again about our Reiki Basics series. And this week our topic is Animal Reiki and we're going to try to answer a lot of the questions you might have about animal Reiki. Do I need a special Reiki? Can't I just use the Reiki energy I have? What is the I C R T Animal Reiki class all about and so on. And we're going to leave you with a beautiful heartbeat of the earth meditation so that you can really experience the energy yourself. Karen, I'm so glad you're here with me and. I know you say this is your favorite. This is and I had a really good teacher, Thank you. This is, But yeah. Animal Reiki is my favorite to, to teach It is so wonderfully healing, and quite often we take animal Reiki because of our animals, because we're animal lovers and some of us don't even wanna take the human Reiki because it's, we just wanna get straight to the animals. And and yet what surprising, what surprised me the most about this course was how much it helps humans. Because humans, of course are animals. And even in taking the course and creating the course, being a creator of the course, but just being exposed to the energy and the experiences, how much I healed. So I don't know if you found that too, but Oh, yes. And I've told students in class, I said if you're like me, I said I took the class because I wanted to help animals. And you get into it and you go, Oh, this is the animals helping us. Yes, it flips right back on us, doesn't it? So it's the animals helping us. Guys, before we begin, I just wanna let you know some of the things we have coming up on the farm in December, I have six days of animal classes. I've got a level one and two class followed by an animal communica on a Thursday, Friday, the beginning of December. I have animal communication on the weekend, and then Monday, Tuesday is animal Reiki. And so if you really wanna, if you really love animals and haven't begun, Reiki journey yet. Sign up for all six days and you'll really be immersed. Or maybe you just wanna pick and choose. Would love to have you join us in January. I have a full lineup of classes in the Eastern Time zone. They're all online. And in February, or sorry, March I will be live and in person in Australia with five days of the Reiki. Membership association classes, which is the sui level one and two and master's class. And so for those of you who may have learned online, but I realize the Australian Reiki Association prefers in person classes. Come on and join me for those. And then I'm also going to be teaching Animal Reiki one and two. So I'd love to have you join us for those in April, the full lineup of classes again. And in May I'll be in New York teaching Animal Reiki one and two at the Northeast Reiki Retreat. Lots of choices. Please sign up for our newsletter. There's a link in the podcast notes and you can just have clickable links of all the classes. Karen, you've got some great stuff coming up as. I do, I have regular Zui, Holy Fire, One and Two and Master every month. And then Animal Reiki online. I teach all my classes online every month, this month. And I don't know if this podcast will be out in time, but I am teaching Animal Reiki Master on Hong Kong evening time. So can check my website for that. And if you live I have been getting a lot of students from Asia. I'm a former English is a second language teacher, and I had a woman from Korea, she stayed up all night to take Animal Reiki one and two. And the English, her English was limited it was a little difficult, but we used through Google Translate and then, me helping her, we were able to get through class. Yeah, contact me if you would like me to offer. I do those more on demand. I get up really early and teach so that people can take them in the evening. I love that. Karen and I actually taught an Asian student this summer as well, and just with Google Translate I've taught several of course, but but with, sorry, Google Translate. Oh yeah. He said Google Translator. My phone said one moment, that. Thank you. But with the translation software, actually the class was beautiful and it was stunning and know it, it took us a little longer, but it's all fine. I forgot to mention Karen in November, I will be doing some talks at the equine affair in Massachusetts and would love to have people join me there. And also in November early November, I'll be speaking at, in, at a Brazilian Reiki conference. So if you're in Brazil yeah, I'm looking for, I'll be talking about the Reiki business book and just the, some of the ins and outs and of having a Reiki business and why you might like to do that. So I'm really so many great opportunities. So lovely that we can be in person again now and you, although some of those are online opportun opportunities, so lovely. We can do both, isn't it Yeah, absolutely it is. So guys, just before we begin One of the things I'd like to let you know about the Animal Reiki course, the I C R T Animal Reiki course, is that it has its own energy. And I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about the history because that came as a bit of a surprise to us. And so I'd just like to invite you to close your eyes and bring your hands in Gassho and just activate your own Reiki energy. And Karen and I will send you with the distance symbol, the animal Reiki energy, so that you can just feel it in your space and around you as we go ahead through this podcast and talk about this podcast. And you can just get a little more familiar with it and see if it's an energy that you enjoy or maybe want to learn more about. So just breathe in the energy and feel it all around you. And I'm also going to ask the divine animal Kingdom to surround you as you listen to the podcast so that you can just get to know them and get to have a feel for this system. And whenever you're ready, you can open your eyes, but we're going to invite the energy to assist you with your perception and your listening and today so that you can feel into the energy and get a real sense. So to start with, I think I'd like to just start with a history and then Karen, I'd love to get your impressions about the animal Reiki. I'm very blessed. I got a nudge to create an animal Reiki course during, in 2016 during a holy fire. You Suey Reiki master class that I was taking with William ran the same time. I got a nudge to become an I C R T licensed teacher. And while I I wasn't as keen on becoming an I C R T licensed teacher, which is funny because it's one of the best things I've ever done. As soon as the energy nudged me and asked me to create an animal Reiki course, I said yes. And I think it's the first time ever that I didn't argue. The guidance that Reiki gave me. and I just had written several articles about how we worked with Reiki and animals here on the farm. And from some of the responses that I had gotten from people, I realized, wow, I guess we have a lot more animals to work with. And I guess maybe we've taken things a little further with Reiki and animals than some people have. So it occurred to me that maybe we did need to put some of these experiences down on paper and help people understand some of the potential and what was possible with animals. Shortly after I got that nudge from the Reiki energy though, William Rand said, maybe an hour or two later in class, by the way, the I C R T is creating an animal Reiki class and. Colleen Benelli is in charge of that, and I thought gosh, what's the sense of me creating something that if Colleen Benelli is going create something, I'll just wait for what the I C R T produces because I have just such a positive opinion of anything that the I C R T produces. It's always very professional and well done and very complete and very well researched. So I didn't see the sense of creating something myself, but something caused me to reach out to Colleen and say, By the way, would you like any help with that? And she said she would. However, they, she and Sue Strong had been working with the energy almost every week for quite some time, since I think 2015 when William first asked her to create the course and the energy kept saying it wasn't ready. And that was terribly frustrating for them. They're very get it done, kind of people. Like I am. And so they, it was very frustrating, but Colleen said yes, they would like hel the help and but the energy was still saying it wasn't ready. So we talked instead about how I would apply for the licensed teacher program. And as short as I got accepted for the licensed teacher program, I was assigned Colleen as my mentor, which I was just thrilled with. I would've taken any of the licensed teachers because they're all just such exceptional people. And I don't know. Their vibration is just in such a beautiful place, their professionalism, everything. But when I did get Colleen, I was very excited. I knew we had a lot in common, and in fact I felt like I hit the jackpot. She, I was a horse girl. She was a horse girl. We both loved animals and just had an awful lot in common. We're both very ambitious, but both very, Immersed in the Reiki energy and love loving it. Both very earth based, spending a lot of time outdoors and with the earth. So it was a really good fit for me. And it wasn't until January of 2019 that the energy said it was ready. So together with Robin Bonelli, myself, Sue Strong and Colleen, we met for four full days and just listened to the energy and we really thought we were creating a course of you. Here's how you use the Reiki energy you already have with animals. But what we did was we listened and we listened to our inner perceptions of what the energy was. Trying to say and what the animals wanted from us. And of course at first we started off with, here's how we help the animals and we wanna help the animals. And it wasn't very long before the animals turned the tides and said, And here's how we help you. This is gonna be an exchange. This isn't you dominating or helping us. Every time you help us. We're helping you. This is a true and proper exchange of blessings between us. And one of the things that we were made aware of that needed to heal was the belief in dominion over animals. Animals in showed us that there, and I we already knew they were sentient beings with an incredible intelligence, but the animals showed us how they would guide the session and we could Open our perceptions so that we could listen to them. And allow them to guide what we were doing. They showed us that we needed to heal that belief in dominion over and so that we could become part of the animal kingdom here on Earth. And there were these beautiful, enlightened beings known as the divine animal Kingdom. The same beings that are around each and every one of you right now, who really led us. They are the ascended masters of the animal kingdom. They are the equivalent of the ascended masters or the brothers and sisters of the light. And in fact, there are humans. In the divine animal kingdom, enlightened beings because the human is an animal. And even us with what we thought was a fairly enlightened perspective, we kept losing track of that. And we kept saying, and the animals and the energy would stop us and say, And the human is an animal. And so I think a couple of things surprised us about this. First of all, And we realized at one point, wait, we're not working with the same energy, the same Reiki energy we started out with, This is its own frequency. And so we began feeling into that and asking questions. And we heard, yes, this was a frequency that wanted to come to the earth to heal the animals, including the human animals. And not only would it heal the animals, but it could be used to for plants and rocks and trees and just everything in existence. The earth, the stars, all of it. And so it was just, it's probably been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It took a full year of listening because we would get information and then it would stop, and then it would start and stop. And so it was really a truly a developmental process where we had to let the energy and the divine animal kingdom lead us through it. All, we could not proceed at our own pace. We had to work at the pace of the energy and it was absolutely fascinating. And then having the opportunity to teach the class, probably, I've been asked sometimes, what's the thing that surprises me the most about this course and about this energy and the thing that surprised me the most and a lot of the and the other authors have shared that it surprised them as well, is how much we heal ourselves in the class. And it's important that we heal things like grief and shame and blame and guilt and all of those things as an animal lover that you experience in order to be a clear and proper channel for the animal Reiki energy for the animals, including. The human animal. And it also surprised me that the animal Reiki began coming into my sessions with humans that I was already doing and really dramatically changed those sessions so that they became more efficient and more effective. So Karen, that's like just a quick history on it that I wanted to share with people because it, it was just such a fascinating process of listening and perceiving what. The animals wanted, what the energy was, what it was here for and in addition to a different energy, the ener, the animal, divine animal kingdom and the energy itself brought new techniques that really listened to the animals' wants and needs and desires, and allow them to be the one that guide the session. It, they brought So much information and so I just love teaching the class. Karen, why don't you tell us a little bit about the class and what you love about it? Oh I remember when it was coming through and I was in the program. I started I guess around the same time, but we kept asking, Is it ready? Is it ready? Is it ready? And we look back yet, is it ready? Is it. And I tell my students, I said, now where we are now, I look back and I go, Oh, it wasn't ready because Reiki was getting ready. We didn't know what was coming. We didn't know Covid was coming. And we had that shift in the energy where it changed to, to harmonize more with the technology, which would enable us to teach online. And you know what? I think that it all goes together. It's really. Energy and I think of animal Reiki not just as the techniques, but I think of it as a different energy. And it's part to me of our evolution. And it's an interesting evolution because it's not just moving forward, it's partly going back to our animal. And this in the positive sense to our animalistic roots. of our nature of being on earth, part of earth of, I think of primitive peoples and how connected they were to the earth. And a lot of what we teach, especially in the master level is like returning to. Those skills that we've forgotten are opening our awareness. And the other thing about this class that I love is that it's in that opening. It's opening up to me is like the most, most expansive, It's opening up skills I didn't know I had. It's right because it's awareness it's there. It was lying dormant. And this energy is helping to it's not an animal communication course. No, it's a separate thing, but it is helping me I would say open to everything, not just animals, but open to the earth. There's a earth, I would say it's very elemental. It really connects me to earth, to air, to water, to fire, to, I mean like those elements of being here on earth, being human, and I think that the holy fire energy started that. With our healing of our ego. Not like we gotta get outta here. This place is terrible By the time we started teaching it, I really, after going through the pandemic, and I was getting to the point of what is the matter with people I, what is wrong with us? And what we talk about a lot in the classes, compassion fatigue. That's what has happened to us. Yes. We are worn out. From caring. And so what happens in, it's a form of ptsd, compassion fatigue, it's actually a clinical diagnosis. And so we are. trying to heal that. And animal lovers especially, I think suffer because we are sensitive and we are compassionate people. And one of my favorite parts of the class is the animal Grief healing meditation. And I do that actually in class a lot. If I've got students who. I had an animal that they've lost recently, and sometimes it's like years and they're still torn up about us. Oh yes. We haven't healed it because we were talking in the last class I had, when your mother dies or your father dies, everyone understands that and they go of course that's your parent, but there's still, if you lose your dog or your cat, it's not your parent. And there's still a little bit of I shouldn't be feeling this much grief over a dog I had for 10 years. This is silly. I shouldn't feel this. I shouldn't feel that. And so we stuff it and of course when we stuff those feelings it causes problems. So I think the animal Reiki for that alone is worth, healing. Those things. And also, So I always did not, may be jumping ahead about how is it different from regular Reiki, Can't I just take a class? And just, and yes you can use on, you can regular Reiki because that's what we did for years. That's how we gave experience and that's what we thought we were creating. So you can use regular Reiki, but I find that more animals are open to this particular frequency and the wild animals. So yeah, the last year I've kept close contact with the students. So what are you experiencing? And so many of them report and I'm sure you're aware too, of like dear, they're not afraid of me. Yesterday there was a little bird, Pam. It came this close to me and I thought, I think I'm gonna put bird seed in my hand and I believe a bird will come and eat outta my hand. I think they will, squirrels. It does something to me. And I know animals just, they don't today I was passing a flock of pigeons and they didn't even I just, I activated animal Reiki. They didn't move. Yeah. And I was so close to them and they didn't move. It's crazy. I know. These students are like, This is nuts. I'm like, I know. But maybe it shouldn't be. It really is returning us to that state of I am part of all of this. I am, I belong here. One of the things it did for me personally, Karen, is it really made me feel part of the earth and part of my daily life. And part of the, I think I, I didn't even realize I was separate from it because I was doing Reiki with animals. I was, and I'm an animal communicator and teaching animal communication and animals are a huge part of my life. And so I didn't, probably I, I was really open and I didn't realize I was still separate from the animals. And then when that separation was healed and lifted, oh my gosh, it just made living my everyday life so much more comfortable being here on the earth, so comfortable. And I didn't even realize the separation existed and probably nobody would have seen separation in me just because of the way we do things with the horses and so on. I didn't see it, that's for sure. And when that was released. And another thing is a lot of animal lovers, including myself can sometimes struggle with over empathy, where we take on the burdens of others and we. Sometimes just almost feel too much in situations. And I loved when that there's a specific energy, there's a specific exercise in the course, and I usually do it twice on both days of the level one and two class that heals shame, blame, guilt, grief, compassion fatigue, and over empathy. And there's a whole section of the manual on that. And I have to say that when my own compassion fatigue was released, because we all get I say a little bit weary from the ways and worries of the world. Yes. And when my over empathy was healed, I've been able to be in the world in a much. A more comfortable and healthy way. I don't know, did you notice anything around that? Yes. Yeah, it's really when you were speaking, one of my students, and I can't remember what exactly she said now, but she said, I didn't know that I had all of that tension in there. I thought I was fine. And she said it was during that the healing, compassion, fatigue, Yes. Experience. She said during that I realized all this, that I'd been carrying, and for me it manifested as a deep ground. which people have been following me for a while, like I'm pretty flighty and I really needed that. But it's that earth energy that the animals connect to and many, I use this in my people cl sessions as well. And okay. For example, my brother, cuz I was doing regular sessions on him every Monday night for a long time and I didn't tell him that I was using the animal Reiki. But we finished the session and we did, I do distance sessions only. We were on the phone and I said, Okay, I'm finished. How you feel? He goes, I said, what? He said, I feel like I can't pick my arms up off. I'm so relaxed. Wow. And I said, Oh. I said, Okay. I used the animal Reiki energy on me. And he said, Wow. Yeah. He said, he was just like, he said, I just feel like I'm just like stuck to the bed. I'm like, good. Because that, I think that's what we need. Cuz we're so everything in, in the world right now, of course. Why the world peace? I look back and I see ah, it's shifted for the technology and then it shifted into the animal and then it shifted into the world peace. It's helping us get through this transition, I think, that we're going through, but it, and we need to be grounded Yes. To get through this and get where we're going. I, yeah, that's lovely. A lovely energy for that. There was nothing I was gonna say, but it's left me I'm sure. I, I'm sorry. No. I was, it was just in response to what you were saying and I was thinking was it about the grounding So true. I, people relaxing? I think so. Just that, that release of that tension that like you're, your students said that I didn't even know that was there. Yeah I agree with that completely. But one of the messages that came through from the animals, each of the species had something specific. To say to us about their purpose with us and why they choose to connect with us. I've always wondered that, I said, from the beginning, my very first article in 2013, I think I wrote that I jump fences on my horses that are higher than the fences on our property, or I used to. And I haven't, I haven't jumped for a while cuz I just don't wanna injure my horses joints. They're getting older. I thought, what makes these horses stay inside these fences when they don't need me? They eat grass. There's grass all around us. They could be out of the fences all the time. And I even, my fences are better now. But for a while I had a friend visit once and she said, Your fences are really more of a suggestion, aren't they, And I said, Yeah, but for, my horses choose to stay home. And I'm grateful. But it made me wonder, what makes those horses stay with me when they could jump out easily? And sometimes the grass in our pasture is all used up and next door there's beautiful grass. Why do they stay? What makes the dogs stay with us? They don't need me to survive. They could be on their own. What makes the cats come in and choose to be with us? They, my, I had two cats that on a farm you couldn't. Keep, You can't keep cats in on a farm. Their door is open much of the time and people are coming and going and and they were tremendous hunters, which I actually appreciated them keeping the mouse population in our old farmhouse down a little bit, even though it broke my heart every time they did kill him out. I know. And yet, why did they stay with us? Why did the chickens and some of my birds that I had out there were turkeys and Guinea hens that had flight and I had wild turkeys. And why did they choose to come into the pen every night cuz they were allowed to be loose? All of my animals are allowed to be loose. I even have free range horses that mow the lawn at times. Why do they stay? And I realized we asked that question, why do our animals stay with us? And the answer is because, they came here to be with us. They, we have sole contracts with each other and one of the things that the animals said is, if we could but recognize our beauty, one of the things they showed us is that as humans, we so often believe ourselves to be flawed. We believe that, in original sin, and we believe that there's something wrong with us right from the very beginning. And the animal said, You're beautiful and if you could but recognize your beauty, you would create your life from a place of beauty. But because you believe yourselves to be destructive, that is sometimes where you create your life from. And our outer world is always gonna resemble our inner, if our belief system says we. there's something wrong with us. We're sinners we're, flawed, then we're going to create a life that is flawed. But if we could really see ourselves, they said, If you could just see yourselves the way we see you, you would create a beautiful life for yourself. And I have to admit more than any other energy so far, Reiki has profoundly changed my life. But the animal Reiki has really allowed me to step into a life that is beautiful and where I can recognize my beauty. And I no longer define myself as flawed and destructive. And the dogs said in particular until you can see how amazing you. I'm gonna, we're gonna hold that image for you, Aww. In, in a piece that I channeled on what the animals want you to know. Every animal said that they were in our life for a purpose. The horses, for instance, love to see us step into our power. The birds wanna see us soar and become all that we can be. The cats want us to learn to rest because we're so busy, we're such busy animals, and they want us to slow down a little and enjoy life and that's their purpose. And the dog said, Until you can recognize your beauty, will hold that image for you, that image that your creator has of you until you can see it yourself. And the wild animals said that they wanted us to see our, the be fascinated with their diversity and or the exotic animals and the wild animals said they wanted to inspire us. And every. Every species had something that they wanted for us. And so it really did become a true exchange, Karen, didn't it? And we may start off on this journey with the intention of helping the animals, but the animals turn around and help us right back. Yes. And we also teach to do a session with the, if it's a relationship, you, it's a caregiver and the and an animal that a lot of times you have to do the session for both. I've done sessions where, especially dogs, it seems you Try to tap in with the dog and So would you like Reiki? And I get the feeling they're like, Oh no, she needs it. Give it to her. She really needs it. She is so stressed. And sometimes you have to start with the caregiver, and because there, as you said, like a soul contract, that we have relationships with our animals. And people are a lot of I'm the same way. I'll spend more money on something, on getting my cat's teeth cleaned and probably put off my own teeth clean, and we all do that. Exactly. And that's as a Reiki practitioner, you'll, you may find, that the caregivers like that. My dog is so stressed, Please can you help my dog? You get in there and you go Oh, there's just absorbing all your stress As an animal communicator, you know what's really funny is that a lot of times people will book an animal communication session for their animal. And there's often a health problem or an issue that they wanna get to the bottom of. And the animal shows me like that it's either sharing a health issue from the caregiver and we say caregiver instead of owner. Because owner is very dominion oriented and that it's really in our, truly in our relationship with our animals, it's very much of an exchange and The animal will often say if the caretaker, that look it, it's sharing the burden of the caretaker, but the care, and I used to think it was very one-sided that the animals took on our burdens and the animals said, No, it's the caretaker also takes on our burdens. They said it's a true and proper exchange, but. One of the things the animals showed us is how quick we are to blame humans or the human hat. And they showed that for me, I'm very much of an animal lover. I'm animals first. And they showed me like, and the human is an animal and therefore, and that was a big epiphany for me when I first got the master level energy. Cause I didn't really love being around humans. I felt much more comfortable being around animals. It's just, I've been an animal lover all my life. And animals got me and they didn't judge me. And they I don't know. We just always got each other and. And I had this epiphany after learning my Reiki masters. Wait a minute, People are animals and I love animals, therefore, I must love people. And I remember just that huge wave of love washing over me and recognizing that I did love people. And even still so many of us do participate in human shaming and blaming, It's all over the news. And and I found that healed in this course that I began looking at people very differently. even than I was after this class. So I don't know. What are some other things about the class Karen? No, I think my cat is knowing outside. Can we keep for a second? You go ahead and I'll be right back. Talk about there are two things that came to mind where you were talking. One is that it it helps with balance of nature. Like when I said nature is so hard, but it helps me understand the cycles and relationships more. That's true. And then the other one I was going to say, what you were talking about, so many people say, I don't wanna do people Reiki, I wanna do just animal Reiki, just like what you were saying. And you'll gimme just a second. Cause I think that he has jumped off the porch and he's yelling at the front door. That's fine. Talk about the, how the course is set up and they say, I don't wanna take Reiki one and two before Animal Reiki. I was like there's so much. And so I explain why you have to have Reiki one and two but gets confusing because of the do you have to wait? Yeah. But you could address that. Absolutely. Let's see how I Do you go get It's Simba, isn't it? But it's outside? No, it's Sam jumping to jump off the porch. Oh my goodness. Okay. Yeah, I think I hear you about that. You go grab Sam and I'll Absolutely. Speaking of ownership, yes. They say dogs have owners and cats have staff. I am a staff I had a cat once when I learned to communicate who said that you called me his servant and I said, I am not your servant. And he said, Really? You open and close doors for me. You bring me my food. You even pick. My waste. Do you really think you're not my servant? And I said, Oh, I guess you have a point You go grab him. And I'll go and I'll go ahead and answer those. Karen. So yeah, actually that was a big question. We thought that when we were putting this together, it was just gonna be how to use the Reiki you already have with animals. But then we realized it was much bigger. But from the beginning, the energy, the animal Reiki energy said that a person does need to have level one and two Reiki from any lineage. It can be from any lineage before studying animal Reiki. And there were a few reasons we didn't really understand it at first. So of course we asked the energy to explain it to us, and there were a few reasons. One reason is that You have symbols and the animal Reiki said that it was going to blend with the human Reiki symbols we already have. But the other reason is, and we thought it was gonna be a one day course or something shorter, and it just kept evolving until there was so much to it that there's not time to explain all of the, how to work with energy. Anything about the yasui symbols, there's not time to go into that. So it is really important that you have a level one and two Reiki from any lineage before you. I C R T, Animal Reiki and you'll have a better, and you can take them back to back. I like if you do the six days in December, you can do level one and two Thursday, Friday, and you can do animal Reiki Monday, Tuesday, or even if the animal Reiki was Saturday, Sunday. And people who've done it that way, it's worked well. I've had some students who've done that. One of the other reasons that it's really important to have a background in the human Reiki, aside from the experience and the knowledge however, is that you're very seldom going to be working with animals who don't have caretakers. And one of the really neat aspects That came through in some of our techniques are that you can do Reiki with the animals and you can do a combined session with the animal and the caretaker. And that's actually, in a lot of cases, that's the most helpful type of session. The animals quite often bring their caretakers to the session because they want them to get Reiki and they want them to get help because of course we share each other's burdens and the animal. Them to get help because they care about the caretaker. And incidentally, when I, now, my sessions are usually a combination of animal communication, animal Reiki, and human Reiki, because almost always the animal wants a combined session. And I'm very fortunate that the humans that can, that reach out to me are almost always happy for that. They say, Do you charge more? I'm like, No, it's the same cost it's taking me the same amount of time. And you can have all three in one session if you want, but when A caretaker would come and the animal would say we're sharing a burden. They which often, not all the time, but often enough that turned up in a session that and you'll probably notice that if you have digestive issues, your animal might have digestive issues and so on. And so people would say, Please tell my animal to stop taking on my issues or my symptoms. And I would. ever get an animal who would say, Okay, they all said no. If she, if she or he wants me to stop having this issue, I need them to look after themselves. I am not going to stop sharing the burden. We have a soul contract to go through this life together. That's why I don't jump the fence. That's why I come in at night or come in after I'm done getting my fresh air for cats and dogs and chickens and turkeys and Guinea hens and so on. Is that we have this contract to, to be together. So anyway, hopefully that answers that and about the structure. And then a lot of people think, wait, now I've taken animal Reiki level one and two because with. Human courses in our lineage. You take level one and two Reiki and you wait at least six months before taking masters. People think that applies for animal Reiki as well, but it doesn't. If you're already at the master level, you can actually take five days of animal Reiki right in a row and do your level one and two in masters all at the same time, if you wish. And again, that's a masters from any lineage. So you don't have to have studied with holy fire. You don't get holy fire. When you take animal Reiki, you get the animal Reiki energy and symbol. And that energy and symbol was inspired by Holy Fire and we, and the Holy Fire helped us understand it and develop it, but it is its own Holy fire is its own energy. If you want to get Holy fire, you need to take a holy fire class. But the Holy Fire did bring in this energy. So the way it works is if you're level one and two from any lineage, you can take level one and two animal Reiki. If you already have a master's and you've taken I C R. Animal Reiki level one and two, you can go ahead and do the master's class. There's not really a waiting period between the courses. Was that clear, Karen, or was that Yeah, I think so. And and I do encourage many of my students who they take Reiki one and two, not everyone is called to do Reiki Master even, but no, some people they finish Reiki two and they're like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing and I can't wait to take Reiki master. And that's all they could conceivably just go the very next day and take animal Reiki one and two if they wanted to. But yes, say I'll usually will encourage them like, play with this energy. You have to wait six months before the master work with the energy before you can take master. So in. While you're waiting and experimenting, take animal Reiki because that opens up another dimension of it's, I'm not doing well with my, it gives another frequency for you to work with. It does, and that's a really great thing to do while you're waiting for your masters. And a lot of people don't understand, why they need to wait six months before the Masters. But really you can tell if a student hasn't been at least six months with level one and two, they're usually not ready for the shift that the master class brings because it's a big shift. And so you're right, animal Reiki one and two as you're waiting is a great way to continue to evolve and develop with Reiki. You had some other things, Karen, that you suggested and I got caught on explaining the. Classes. And I can't recall oh, it was that just how it flows and how it's structured. It's structured. Like our holy fire classes, we have right off the bat we, there's a, the garden of forgiveness and animal Reiki women. Yes. Two in animal Reiki. One it. Part of the class is like healing and clearing and working through issues, of grief, compassion, fatigue, imbalance, empathy, all of these things that you really need to heal. And then getting the animal Reiki energy, developing different skills to work with animals. We really emphasize in animal one and two, the three priorities of animal Reiki, which are safety consent. And observation. Observation. Thank you, I should know that. I know. How many times have I written that? So we one of the big differences, especially for Reiki masters who come in and start the animal Reiki I was really accustomed to do especially doing distance sessions. I was accustom to doing Reiki with my eyes closed and I was really tuning into things and picking up stuff that I hadn't developing that third eye and more. And and then animal Reiki is keep your eyes open. Yeah. That's an adjustment for some people, and you might be doing, you might be doing sessions in very busy environments and you have to be able to get into that focus Reiki space even when there's lots going on around you. Yes. And even distance sessions, which I really prefer for the animals because they're in their own home. They, and I'm, but I'm observing the animal to see or, and the caregiver sometimes has to help cuz we let them, we it's Reiki in motion. The animals get to move around. We don't, and they get to guide the session. Like we're not deciding what. They receive, they decide and we listen to them. And so that's part of the lesson. First thing is looking, observing. Yeah. Yeah. So that it really, even if you're not gonna practice animal Reiki every, I think everyone should take animal Reiki. I said it's my favorite class. But just for the skills that it helps you develop. Like you said, people are animals too. I can take the skills that I'm teaching in animal Reiki and apply them to an office. Yes. And your ability to be. Aware of things that are happening and and reading people and, it's just, I, okay, so I, maybe a little biased, but I think it's the best class that we offer at the ict, really. She does classes seriously. It helps you in so many areas of your life, healing and how you move in the world and how you get through life. For me, it was just radically changing, life changing. It really was for me too. And just, I love it. And I'm just trying to think if there was any, if there was any questions that we didn't answer. Is there anything else about the class that you can think of that people might like to know? Oh, you said about the animals liking the energy. And I noticed when I used Yasui Reiki with animals, there was a very small percentage of animals who were a bit sensitive to it, and they didn't always love it. And Though even those animals are like, bring it on with animal Reiki. Yes. I, we very seldom, I used to get no once in a while because of course you always ask the animal for their consent and you also don't work on an animal without their caregiver's consent. And that's one of the, one of the three priorities, Karen. Telling us about and keeping safety in mind and in order to keep safety, it's observation. And so we really work to try to heighten your connection with your inner awareness so that you can hear it and listen to it better and sense it and with your senses to expand them. And and then there's. Those other techniques that we use with animal Reiki, but even those animals that were a little too sensitive for the sui Reiki are usually very open to the animal Reiki I found. And I think my students say that their favorite part of class is when we do the live cans. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So we use Oh, I love the one until they hibernate. They're about to hiate, but there's a wildlife camera in Alaska that's focused right on this little waterfall. And all the bears are there catching salmon. It's the cat, My K A t m a. I kept my anyway. But it's amazing how. Sometimes they're just sitting there in the water and they're watching, but they'll start, Someone will say I'm focused on this bear. And they'll say, Oh, I feel it. Okay. I feel like it's okay. And I'm feeling it pulling from my hands. And then you'll see the bear one time, cuz I don't have a life. This is what I do for fun. It's I know, let's go give breakages and penguins at the San Diego Zoo. Just for fun. But anyway, you'll, during class you'll see you'll feel it in your hands and then you'll see the bear go, They bears are notorious. It seems like they're sniffing, like what is, They feel it. And then it's like they're trying to pick up like, what? And one time I had a bear just turn around and look what? At the camera. I've had that happen. Remember in one class an eagle came over and looked in the camera like, What is that, that I'm feeling? Yeah. So that's usually their favorite part of class. And. Go to the different live camps until we find somebody like hey I've had chickens do that at that, what is it? Flying skunk farm chickens. Oh. And then they'll, they come up and they'll just up in the camp It's so neat, isn't it? Wait, what am I feeling? They give the consent, but then they really seem to like the energy or the free. It's amazing. And when I took your class, one of the, when you put us into breakout sessions Yep. And. My partner was on a farm and she just carried her laptop out and I was sending, there were some ducks and then this goat came up, and then he just stopped. Yeah. Just right in front of the camera. Just and I thought, Oh, he's taking it too, yeah. And it works so quickly. And then you feel, What's so weird to me with the animal Reiki, is I feel it in my hands. Yeah. And then as soon as I feel it, like to diminish. The animal, it's almost okay, thanks. And then they just move on. they do bizarre. They really do. It doesn't take anywhere near as long, It's not uncommon for a session to only be 10 minutes and yet, but you let the animal decide and they'll let you know when they're done. And, but one of my favorite things to do is just create a Reiki bubble and see if animals come in it. And some don't. Some ignore it. And they're like, Yeah, no, I'm busy today. And, but a lot of animals will come over into the bubble and we give them enough room that they can say no if they want, or you always ask the consent. But if you're in a space with a lot of animals, it's okay to make a bubble that. Allow them to come into it if they wish and not if they don't wish. As long as the caretaker is all right with that, but, oh, it's just a fantastic energy, isn't it, Karen? It really is So that has helped my evolution too, in like truly understanding energy that, when we started teaching online that helped. I were like, Okay, yeah, this is amazing. I'm, there really truly is no such thing as distance in time or space, and then the animals, because they, I'm not brainwashing them or anything. It's just really validating to me that I can see how they respond and I'm not even there. And somehow they understand it's coming. Like from that camera or, Yeah. It's just bizarre Oh, I know. And sometimes they'll will, they will look right at the camera quite often. And it's too obvious to miss, they, Yeah. I just love, So that's helped me understand that even more deeply, how truly interconnected we all are on this whole earth. Oh, we are. And it's interesting because you talked about connecting with our human nature, and I thought, I didn't realize I had any hangups about that until that it, at the master level, we really work on the inner awareness and skill building with just learning how to sense things in this in the same way that animals do and just reactivating that within us, that sensitivity, that heightened sensitivity to help us with our observations and I can remember that at the animal rake a master level. It's really connecting with your human nature. And I had a hard time with that at first, and I remember saying to Colleen when the words came through for the ignition, I was like, Wow, I didn't realize I still had some resistance to being human. And I didn't realize it at all. But it showed up. And then once that settled in, what a, I don't know. It just, it brought so much beauty and even, and I must say it brought abundance to my life. I, so much of the abundance that I've been experiencing recently I feel has been from animal Reiki. And what the earth has shown me is that there's enough. There's no need. I'm glad you brought that up. Or scarcity. There's enough for everyone. And look at how the wild animals and that's one of the things the wild animals said. We know that the earth is abundant enough for us and that we don't need to work all of the time. And that enough. And could you imagine if you could put that amount of trust in your life that you will always have enough? What would, how would that change things for you? I'm working on it. Yeah. It has changed. That's a big part of the change. I'm glad you brought that up, is that's, I think that groundedness in the sense of calm I have is tied to that. working on that scarcity mentality and trust and. Yeah. The earth is It provides, there's everything we need. It has everything we need. I can grow enough in a little plot of land out there to, to feed, to really feed us for a little while. I used to do it. We just forgot. I was just, I'm really interested in foraging. Cause I live in the wilds of Arkansas and and I do know some plants that you can eat. Yep. You, us looking around, like during the Great Depression, oh my gosh, my grandparents were growing. They went out and they just, stuff grows wild that we can eat this nutritious, just but that's coming back to the fact that we are animals. In this, We are part of this earth and we were designed, I'm not talking about our spirit or our soul. I'm talking about our bodies. We are designed to live here. Yeah. Just like the animals. And we just have to come back into alignment with that. And that's what an, that's the gift of animal Reiki to me, is coming back into alignment with that. I love that Karen and I love that word alignment. I feel that the animal Reiki really does bring us into a powerful alignment with the earth and with our life. With that in mind, what about if I lead the, our list for the earth meditation? Perfect. Okay. Guys, this is the heartbeat of the earth meditation from our animal Reiki I invite you to close your eyes and take some deep breath. and place your hands on your heart, feeling your Reiki energy, including the animal Reiki energy flowing through your hands and into your heart. And the light of Reiki and the light of the earth and the light of the divine beings, and the light of creation surrounds you and it fills your breath. And as you breathe in the light, it travels in on your breath and fills your body with light causing the light within you to wake up and be revealed in you. You remember your love, your higher consciousness, and your pure heart. You can see them now and the light of the earth is revealed in you as you remember that your body is made of the earth to give your spirit life and breath. and the light of the divine is revealed in you as you remember that your spirit is made of the light of the divine, but you are here in your life to be human. The light of creation and the light of your body are one light within you. Your divine nature is present in your human nature, and you remember your beautiful spirit, your life force. It is here in your body and in your life in this moment in time. Listen now to the heartbeat of the earth and the heartbeat of the waters and all life in the waters. You can hear the heartbeat of the animals and the trees and the birds in the trees. You can hear the heartbeat of creation in the four winds. And in the cycles and rhythm of the moon and the sun, and the rhythm of the stars in the night sky, the planets and our solar system, and the heartbeat of the Milky Way, the galaxies, and the universe, the heartbeat of creation. They all beat in the same rhythm as your own heart feel, your body align with the heartbeat and the rhythms and the cycles of the earth, and the heartbeat and rhythm and cycles of creation. One heartbeat, one light, one breath. right now, in this moment in time, in your daily life, the power of love at the core of the physical world, the light of pure consciousness becoming all things. You bring this awareness now into your body that you are like all life on earth, part of the animal kingdom. Everything here lives in the rhythms and the cycles of this beautiful creation, the earth. So bring your awareness to your body now and listen here, your heart beating in your body, in your life today, in the same rhythm as the heartbeat of the earth and all of creation. And let's breathe into this moment. Hold on. And just feeling the alignment with the heartbeat of the earth. When you feel ready to come back into the room, slowly open your eyes, bringing your awareness to your heartbeat, like the heartbeat of the animals and all life on earth. Aho. Awesome. We are all one. Namaste. Karen, I just wanna thank you for being here with us to talk about Animal Reiki this week. And I'd like to thank the listeners if you'd like to learn more. Feel free to reach out to Karen or I. Our contact information is on the website and we're both offering classes online and some classes in person as well. Next summer I'll be offering a whale class in Campobello in July, August and September, level one and two. And in September I'll also offer a masterclass where we can go out and see the whales. In fact, we often see the whales from the living room window. They tend to join class. Please join us if you enjoy this energy. If you'd like to evolve in your Reiki. And thank you so much for the beautiful light that you're spreading on the earth today, the animals. Thank you as well. Did you wanna say anything, Karen? Thank you so much for having me, and thank you for being a part of bringing this energy through. I appreciate you so much, Bless you. Thank you Namaste, everyone. See you next week.