Reiki from the Farm™

Reiki for Big Life Transitions - with Karen Caig

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc/Karen Caig Season 3 Episode 12

Life is full of big and challenging transitions that can push us to grow and improve, but they don't come without some difficulty. In this episode, join Pam and Karen as they explore how Reiki can help you tap into your inner wisdom, increase your resilience, and find clarity during life's changes. Plus, enjoy a Reiki meditation to help ease your journey through life's changes.

Karen Caig is an LRMT with the International Center for Reiki Training since 2020. With a passion for helping others find relief from stress and pain, she continues to be guided on her own healing path by Reiki. Karen's mission is to train at least one Reiki Master for every family, to promote deep healing and make the world a better place.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT) with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, and Australia.

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A special thanks goes out to Music from Pixabay for the intro music and to Nate Miller for the meditation music. 

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Hi, and welcome to the Reiki from the Farm Podcast, brought to you by me, Pam Allen Loblaw from Hidden Brook Farm. I am a scientist, a businesswoman, and a licensed Reiki master teacher with the International Center for Reiki. each week in this podcast, you'll be entertained as you learn about a wide variety of relevant Reiki topics helping you become a more knowledgeable and effective Reiki practitioner. We caution you though this podcast may also dramatically improve your life. And we are so happy that you're here. On this week's podcast, I am talking with Karen Keg about the power of Reiki in times of transition. Welcome, Karen.


Thank you. Thanks for having me and my cat. Sorry. And Sam is Jenny and Sam, my cat. He's having a transition as well, so Sam has got big transitions coming up in his life as well,


so I love it. And I don't know if Karen needs any introduction. You guys all keep asking me to bring her back because you love her. You love the two of us together. I love the two of us together. Karen is the editor of the Reiki business book. She is a licensed Reiki master teacher in her own right and she has got some amazing transitions coming up to talk to us about, and she reminded me that I do too. So I can't wait to tell you about them. Before we get started, I just wanted to let you know that. I am excited to be attending the Northeast Reiki retreat in early May, and I'll be teaching animal Reiki level one and two there. And also I will have a July Reiki R M A class, which is level one and two and masters in Campobello. We will be going to see the whales after class on the second day of each class. So if you want to upgrade to a professional member and check out our beautiful Campobello Island and the whales and so on, join us in July. Also in July, August and September, I'm teaching Animal Reiki level one and two there, and we'll be going out with the whales afterward and again in. September I will be teaching Animal Reiki master. So would love to see you guys at all of those. I also wanna ask you a favor. This time my daughter has been telling me that it would be really helpful if we have reviews on our podcasts. So whatever podcast provider you listen to this on, would you consider going in and giving us a review? I will be reading some of the reviews in subsequent podcasts and would love to read one from you. Karen, I know you got a lot going on, but after April 16th, what have you got going on for classes?


We'll just stick to that for right now. I'm gonna pick up classes again in May and I will be teaching, I'll be alternating. May I'll be teaching. Animal Reiki one and two and Master. And then June, I'm teaching regular Reiki one and two and Master animal again in July, and then back to regular in August. But I'm also offering Arina class on August the first. So I'll just be alternating every other month, which plan to do some more stuff. So


I love it. Guys, before we get too much further, just wonder if I can invite you to put your hands together in Gassho with your thumbs at your heart and breathe and just breathing in the Reiki energy that surrounds you and activating your own Reiki energy, if you have it. And if you don't, just enjoying the Reiki energy that Karen and I are sending to you today. And I'd like you to think about some of the transitions that have occurred in your life. Some of the big changes. And if you have the distance symbol, even though they may have already happened, you can send Reiki to those now and just think of some of the transitions that you would like to bring into your life. And once again, if you have the distance symbol, you can send Reiki to those. We just take a moment to pause now and to consider that change transitions. This is what we're here for. This is how we learn and how we grow. And just opening your heart and your mind. your soul and your spirit to the wonderful changes that, and growth that Reiki often brings to our lives. And just acknowledging the discomfort and sometimes even fear or anxiety that sometimes a accompanies those changes and remembering that we always have Reiki to just help us let those go. And so we send Reiki back into the transitions that we've already experienced, smoothing some of them out and just ensuring that we have learned all of the lessons from. and we send Reiki forward into the transitions that we know are part of our future. Just as a river is never the same, it's constantly moving. Even if you stay still, so is the life that we lead. And so transitions are part of our everyday life, part of our growth, part of our journey. And we're gonna talk today about how Reiki can assist us with those. Take a moment now to say thank you to you and just remember the Reiki ideals just for today. I will not worry. I will not anger. I will be kind. I will be devoted to my work, and I will be filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the beautiful life that we get to lead for Reiki for each other. And take a moment to say thank you to you for your courage, for showing up, for being so brave on this journey that we call life a homo. Sam looked like he enjoyed that, Karen. And for those of listening, he, Ben Pam's voice and he


wants to come and get close to you. Why


I love Sam for those listening. Sam, Karen's cat. Sam is my cat joined us today, and he's pretty awesome, I must




Karen, we, this is a fun topic that we're talking about today. Transition. It's


a great topic. I was thinking during the invocation, why haven't we talked about this before? Because it's central to life and living exactly what you said. It's, you're, this is what, if you're not in some sort of a transition, you're stuck


or you probably are, and you're resisting it or


you don't realize. Yeah. And I was thinking about w it is like a river. Always changing and you're either like loading your little canoe through the river of life or you're grabbing on the branches and staying stuck and getting knocked over. And so yeah, this is a great topic. I'm really happy to reflect and talk about this and share this with people. And I don't know about you, but I find


Reiki keeps moving me into transitions that I'm not particularly


comfortable with


And in fact, it's really, for me, fear shows up a lot and Reiki, and Reiki will be like, yep, you need to do that. You need to write a book, you need to start a podcast. You need to join the licensed teacher


program. And you need to start to be a mentor business. What's that? Yeah. You need to be a mentor. You need to, to coach, you need to do, yeah. All this, all of these things that I


don't necessarily feel qualified for. And then I say, yes, you're right, Reiki. Okay. And we, you need to create the Animal Reiki program with your, these wonderful partners. And so Reiki has just continually moved me into areas that I would not have moved into. on my own, and it's just worked out beautifully more beautifully than I ever could have imagined. What are some of the big transitions that Reiki has helped you with and how


did it do that? I was thinking about that and I was thinking, I think it's getting easier the more I rely on Reiki to get me through. The first big transition was losing my parents. I found Reiki a year after my dad died and I was a hot mess, and losing your parents is a big transition. It sure is. No matter what kind of parents they are. like trying to imagine the world without trees. There've always been trees, what, without your parents. So that was the first one when I losing, taking care of my mother through her cancer and letting her go. So I didn't have Reiki with my dad, and I did have Reiki with my mom. And what a huge difference is that, right? It gave me something to give myself strength, to work through conflict, to, conflict within myself, conflict within, everything that was happening. It just gave me a foundation that I never ever had before. The next thing after that, the year my mother died, my son graduated high school and I suddenly became an empty nester. That's a huge transition.


Especially you were on your


own. So that was, and I'm a single. Yeah. I was a single mom. I was pregnant when I left. And there's always been just the two of us. My poor child, I was just like stuck to him, like white on rice, poor child. And then I just ripped off the bandaid. Reiki. One thing I'll say this, when you are open to. Change and growth. That's what you mentioned in the invocation. That is how we grow. Once you step into that mindset of I am open and I'm willing, or use that prayer by William when, heal me and guide me so that I may be of greater service to others. Once you step into that energy, even when you're terrified, even when you're sad, no matter what's going on, when you're in that flow it's doable, it's possible. And then more comes. And it was easy. I decided to quit a 30 year teaching career. It was all at the same time. And that has to do with I think one of the questions that you'd asked me beforehand, it has to do with becoming your authentic self. The healing and the becoming the authentic self. And then you start making tran movement toward that. So I quit teaching college English, that. When in the midst of my friend saying, are you nuts? What? How are you gonna support yourself? You're gonna teach what? Thank


you. I quit doing I totally hear you. I quit doing business consulting and it was what paid the bills, and I started doing horseback riding, which actually co


didn't pay bills. it was the


opposite. It was the tax write off, not the, and yeah. And because once you had, once I had my Reiki masters I had to listen to my soul. Yeah. I couldn't do what no longer served my soul. Did you find that


with the Yes, exactly. And then it made it easier to step into that applied for the license teacher program. That helped move me a little farther.


I really struggled. That was a big shift moving into the licensed teacher program for me. I struggled with that at first, but Reiki just looked after it all for


me. And now I got very clear guidance last summer that. I'm supposed to move to South America And I was like, really? And Sam's gotta go to South. He's about to go to South America, be a South American cat. Wow. How is that gonna happen? Reiki has taught me to ask for guidance, to ask for help, to show me, and, is this the right step? And yeah. And it happened so quickly. Boom boom. I'm moving April 14th. I cannot believe it. Yeah, you're gonna be




transit as this podcast goes on. Yeah. And that is another. And then everybody Are you sure? Why Ecuador? What, why are you going to South America? Because I know that there is something I'm supposed to do there and I don't even really have a clear picture. I know I'm gonna continue teaching just like I've. I'm doing now, I'm teaching online. It's in the same time zone even. It's just wow. Out on the equator. But, and what, why do you think Reiki, do you have any idea


why Reiki has


suggested Ecuador? I think it has something to do with the people there. I really am feeling drawn to work in some way with the indigenous people. Like when I was buying my health insurance, the man in Wanka, he said, why you wanna move to, he said, where? He said, you should move to Wanka. He said, it's a big city, more ex expats. And I said, no, I want to be, I feel like I'm supposed to be close to the indigenous people. And yeah, and that's what I'm doing. You


find when you go into these big transitions. Karen, like Reiki has helped me through so many as well and also put them in front of me and said, you're to do this. And I've been


like, okay. Are you ready to tell everybody what your next big step is? because I think they, the steps get bigger once you get used to taking steps. Steps. The steps get really big and really scary. They do a big move and. Tell everybody what you're gonna, you're, I


Okay I'll just, I'll do a little I'll take a sequence through. I remember when Reiki wanted me to do my Masters, I was like, no, I'm Reiki Masters are wonderful and amazing


people and I'm not, I'm just me and I'm not that person


and I didn't think I wanted to teach people, but I went to England and I studied with William Rand. Then, Kaurna Reiki began my writing career, Karina is such a beautiful energy and things just really lined up then. And I remember thinking after the Masters life got so amazing that it couldn't get any better. And then I went to Kauna and it did get better and. So when Holy Fire showed up and I went to study Holy Fire just more things began opening up. And one of the messages was to become a licensed teacher and to assist in writing the animal Reiki course. And those were amazing messages and I'm so glad that I did them. And of course, actually dropping business consulting when I came back from England after my masters. That was another transition and it worked out. It couldn't have worked more beautifully. And then after becoming a licensed teacher. Yes. Getting to Mentor Ting and now we're going to have a licensed teacher in Chi Yes. Teaching Chinese students in Mandarin. And I'm so excited about that. And more recently, the energy has been guiding me toward Le Oh, and then the Reiki business book. That was terrifying. Yes, that was,


I'm glad I had you to help me with that. Huge. But that's a huge accomplishment,


It was. It was huge. And it's just as much your accomplishment


as mine. And it's a transition from, it's okay, now I'm not just a teacher, now I'm a, I'm an author. And you go. That's like a whole mindset shift you, that had to happen for you to be able to complete that book. And you know how hard it and you are and now, and you with


me as I was melting down at midnight the day


I was trying to have it


published the next day and I couldn't get the cover to work


And yeah. So anyone is listening. It's not easy. We don't want you to go away from this podcast saying oh, Rey's gonna magically iron out it, it does, but it doesn't mean you're. You're not gonna feel some emotion about it while you, it is ironing those things out. They'll just be supported while you feel those emotions


And thank goodness for you told me, look, put it away for a few days and come back and sure enough, I put it away and


we just


purchased our, oh yeah, that was another transition. Purchasing that house in


Campobello and now you're teaching animal Reiki with whales. With whales on the side. who would've guessed. I


would not have guessed that. And yet I love it. And I think the whales wanted it too. And that's why it all happened. So yeah, it's just been one transition after another. But a few years ago, I haven't told a lot of people this yet, but a few years ago I was riding the horses and I was riding through what used to be an absolutely beautiful area of woods. And it had been all clear cut. And a lot of the regions around where I live, were very wooded at one time. And they've been clear cut and not very


Maybe I'll


say, or, with no replanting or no none of that. And it's been unfortunate. But the children were so upset. I was upset too that this gorgeous forest was just laid to ruin for


at least the next 50.


To, to a hundred years before it can regrow again. And the energy just showed me like, okay, if I just said somebody's got to do something about this, and I heard the energy say, if not you, then who? And I said, what does that mean? And I very clearly heard that I was to run politically for our provincial green party here in New Brunswick. And I really know a lot about politics. I worked


for the government for, to work in the government


and I grew up with family members who were politicians. And it's not glamorous and it's not fun and it doesn't pay well. And I really. Did not want to do it. And you know what Karen? The energy said, yeah, but you didn't wanna do the


licensed teacher program either. look how that turned out, And I said, you're absolutely right. To me, the


licensed teacher program is one of the best things I've ever done. After marrying my husband and having my kids, it's right up there. So I had to agree. And the energy has reminded me, what politics looks like without Reiki, you don't know what it looks like with Reiki. So actually just recently we had an event in my riding actually just this past weekend, and The party leader was there and announced that although it's not a done deal there, there may be other people in my writing that want to put their names forward, and if they do, I will support them a hundred percent. But it is looking very likely that I will be running politically in this writing for October 21st, 2024


is the election. That's so exciting. And there's a couple of things about what you just, oh, go ahead and finish.


But I wanna, oh, if anybody wants to send Reiki to


That would be great. Yes, I'll send, but I wanna point out some of the things, those of you who are listening, some of the things that Pam just said. She's completely open. So when you are in transition, you can't be too much of, too attached to an outcome, she said. So if somebody else wants to do that's fine. You're listening. Because people always ask me how do you know? What do you mean you listen to your guidance? What does that mean? What does that look like? And it looks like what Pam just said. She's listening and then she's looking. And when things start to unfold, she just goes with it looks like this is happening. But at no point did she say, I'm like, that's it. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna be, she so those of you who are listening, cause I know people ask me all the time, what do you I have cat hair all over me. I'm sorry. Those of you just listening, I have cat hair all over my shirt. but you listen and then you just follow along without becoming attached to an outcome. So when you're in a huge transition, what is so stressful is you think that you have to figure it out. You think because people are asking you questions. What do you mean you're gonna do that? What makes you think you can do that? Why are you moving to South America? Are you nuts? Have you lost your mind? Is have you, so you have to be listening and committed to listening, but not committed to the outcome you think that you're going for. Because it may be something bigger and better. What happened, Pam? Like with the, I'm not gonna be a master. No, you're gonna be a Reiki master teacher, mentoring people in China. You saw that coming. So you have to be open. And I love how you just listening to you talk about, that's it. That's the key. She's not, she's in the flow. How does Reiki help you with transitions? It puts you in the flow. And when you're in the flow, you're, it's like a dance in life. You're just is it this, ah, what we're gonna spin now. Okay. and you're, it is, it's sort of like waling through life and sometimes you're gonna trip fall on your face, but the music still playing, so you might as well get back up and keep going. sorry, but that's all right. I told my, I love the way he goes well, you're not gonna win I said it's


good that you're not in my writing. I guess I


wouldn't have your support Who said that? My dad. Oh, for heaven sake. That's what I'm talking about. You're going to. People. Oh, my neighbor. She's just, she came looking at all the, all the terrible They have wild dogs in Ecuador that attack people, there are drug cartels right north of you in Columbia. I'm like yes, I know. I You're gonna have all these negative voices, but you commit to the messages that you're getting, the feeling the gut. And where does that come from? It comes from the self Reiki. Yeah. And those quiet times. Yeah. And then you stick to that, just you stick to the listening, not to other people. Listen to the guidance. Listen to the Reiki guidance of, and be open. Because the minute I think I've got, oh, this is it. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm going to. Just like you, I'm gonna be an empty nester. I'm gonna be a Reiki teacher. And I thought, that's it, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna be a Reiki teacher. Oh but wait, there's more so don't be too, don't, you're gonna edit books, Reiki, and you're, so I don't even have a clear answer of what I'm doing in Ecuador. The only thing I have clear is that I'm supposed to go there. And also I get verification. I can't, I got let out of a lease. I have never broken a lease in my life. And my landlord broke my lease and said, oh yeah, I'll give you a deposit back. I was like, what? Because I kept hearing April, but my lease wasn't up until July, so I just went with it. So when things start to happen, when you're trying to move through a transition, Just follow


that. And what does it feel like, Karen, for you to be in that flow? Like for me, it just feels like complete trust. Like, all right, Reiki, if that's where I need to go, like I trust you, you have always led


me. Like I, I'm living, that's what it feels like now. Life


doing what I love now. And I've been very clear that even though I'm gonna be running political politically, I've talked to my party leader and said, I'm still gonna be teaching Reiki cause that's who I am and that, and I'm still gonna be doing my podcast and so on. And then I've been very clear with the I C R T and just asked do you see the an issue? And William told me he completely supports me and I figured it probably wouldn't be any different than some of our licensed teachers who have other work and that they do. And yeah. Anyway. Yeah, it just feels Reiki, I trust you. And even though I don't love the idea of politics I'm sure it'll be fine.


I'm sure it'll work out. Do you love the idea of the positive changes you can make through politics that I love? It's


gonna get you. I have to try. There was a book I read that said at the end of the day, and it's, it was called The Stubborn Optimist Guide to Climate Change. And she was a politician who wrote it, and she actually had been involved in, I believe it was the Paris Accord, getting a really strong support across the world for some commitments toward climate change when nobody else could get people to come together. And She said in her book, at the end of the day, are you gonna be able to tell people you did everything you could? And I had to say, no, I'm not gonna be able to unless I do this. So that's what you do. And you just, I don't know. You just listen to Reiki and you just know that well, Reiki is leading it, so there's got to be a purpose for it. And I know you feel that way about Ecuador, don't you?


I suspect that my journey has something to do with intentional communities and learning a new way to live on this planet and tapping into that wisdom, I suspect that it has something to do with that. As I'm listening to you speak, Pam, it sounds once, because I know people are listening thinking like, oh, that's easy for you. Reiki master. Oh, why is care? I just imagine you say that, oh, why is Karen and Pam, but. You probably are in the midst of some turmoil in your life going, but how do you get to that point where you trust? I don't understand. And as I was listening to you, Pam, I thought you just get your footing on one thing, and then it seems like once you're there, everything starts to expand. Your whole life has just you, you said, okay, this is what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna follow, I'm gonna do a Reiki master. I'm gonna follow that. I'm not thinking about anything else. I'm following this one step, the next step, right? And then it's a tightly classed bud. And then it, your whole life starts to open, you know what, how does a flower know how to open? I don't know. Probably something like Reiki. You know what, what causes a flower to open? It's just still being there. And that's what you have to do. You have to, no matter what's going on around you, just. be that little tight bud and then listen and then say, okay, open up a little bit, and then your life opens. So it's just grab that one thing and going. Yeah, because if you look at, it's too confusing. It's too much.


Just I can remember William Rand saying once, and I, this always really stuck with me, Karen, that if he had known where Reiki was going to take him, he would've halted the pro, the process. He would've stopped it because he never thought the I C R T was gonna become the largest Reiki association in the world, and one of the most respected. He never thought that it was going to get as big as it is that, and that we would have licensed teachers all over the world and things like that. He never thought


that his books and his


manuals and his magazines were going to be so widespread and he has had, so much influence on Reiki and the spread of Reiki and evidence-based bringing evidence-based information to the forefront and encouraging people. Just, there's such a, the culture of B I C R T has really had a really broad impact as well. And I remember him saying, if I'd known where it was going, I wouldn't have believed it and I would've just stopped it. But because I didn't know, because I just took one step and then the next step and then the next one. It just keeps going and it goes farther than what you can imagine. And I think that's what's happening right now is you're getting ready to move to Ecuador or


Karen. I'm just doing Yeah. What's the first step? I need a visa. How do I do that? gotta take my cats. I'm not going anywhere without my cats. How do I do that? Yeah. And how is that gonna happen? And it's, and if you know what, and if you're hitting obstacle, because I'm a very stubborn person and everything I have ever done in my life up to Reiki, when I was 49, I had just tried to bulldoze over. It's whoa, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna finish a master's degree in English or else, and my life got so much easier when I stopped. I remember taking a Tai Chi class and the teacher said, you, you pushed too hard. I'm like, what? Pushing too hard. But that's how I lived my whole life. And every transition was like a, it was difficult because I couldn't let go. Reiki has taught me to let go. I'm thinking about if you're trying to. I don't know. I've never worked on train tracks. But in the old cartoons where they have to pull the lever to, yeah, switch the train track, I, I was like rusted. I was like on this one track, and you have to loosen and let go or nothing is gonna turn in your life. It's not. Or if it does, you know the universe is gonna come with a big brick and hit you in the head and make you turn But that's not the way you want your life to go. You want to let go. You have to not be too attached. And I guess that's just a Buddhist principle, isn't it? I'm not Buddhist bud. I'm not Buddhist, non,


I suppose you're right. Yeah. Non-attachment. But we say that in Reiki too, yeah. Attached to the outcome, the importance of when we're doing Reiki sessions for others and for ourselves not being attached to the outcome. So I guess it's part of


That's so transitions are it. Oh, that's so funny. I think that's what I was trying to learn in Tai Chi was the flow of life. And she said, you push too hard. But Reiki helped me understand. It's not just the understanding. So what everything I'm saying is up here in my head, what Reiki does is on an energetic level, it releases, the reason I say do self Reiki every day is it releases all those fears. Those fears, those are deep. Those go back to my childhood. Those I'm learning. They go back to my ancestors. They go back. They go deep. And so it seems to me, cuz I, I think I should try hard and I'm like, I'm not doing anything. I'm just sitting there giving myself Reiki. I should be making a plan, I should be buying something, I should be packing. But if I will take the time to give myself Reiki, what's happening on an energetic level is it's going to those fears that are coming up and it's letting that go. Oh no. That was your daddy leaving. That's not right now. Oh, no, just let that go. You're gonna be fine. It's working on me energetically so that I can, you can't move forward without letting go. And it's the letting go that's so hard in a transition.


I agree because you you bringing up that river analogy again. I can remember another William he talked about one of the Karina symbols that brings about peace and tranquility. And he talked about in explaining it the fact that some of us. What you said, Karen, you're floating on a raft down the river, but you're desperately holding on to the, grabbing everything. Trying not, trying to keep things the way they are. Trying not to change. And I know I've been like that in a lot of different times in my life, and some people are, rowing against the current and wearing themselves out. Trying to get back to what was, and how much more peaceful would it be if we all just let our rafts float in the river


it would


be so much less effort. And so just speaking about these transitions, Karen, what advice would you have for people? Because how does Reiki support us emotionally, mentally,


and physically,


and even spiritually in a big change? What have you


noticed? First of all, on a physical level, transitions are exhausting. But when you're giving yourself, so I'm, stick with yourself, Reiki, when you're giving yourself Reiki every day. a couple of times a day. Every time you think about it, you are replenishing yourself. Your physical body and clearing, you're clearing and filling up. It's Nope, don't need that. It's you were a grump. Let that go. And you're putting stuff in so that you are physically strong enough to go through. And then you're also working on your emotional body. It's releasing fear so that you can see to your heart's desire and not what makes transitions hard, I think is like all the fear that gets in the way and it's coming at you from everywhere. And so the self Reiki, yeah, it's, there's some worry in there too, isn't there? Yeah. Fear and worry. What if, and those are the Reiki ideals. I to say about the Reiki ideals seem so simple, but the very first thing, do not anger, do not worry. Even if you're just giving yourself Reiki saying, okay, just for today, but even sometimes it's just for today. Maybe that's as far as you get. I'm not worried about March. I'm not worried about when the cats have to have their rabies shots by, I'm not wor just for today. So you're taking care of that, that mental, emotional. Yeah. And and then you focus on being grateful. I'm grateful. I've got the money to buy my airplane ticket. I'm great. And then I devote myself to my work. What's my work for today? Just for today? What do I need to do? I'm working on myself. That's the first step. And then what other things out here in the world do I need to work on? And then be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up so you didn't get that done. Who cares? Be kind to other people. It also helps with the. the spiritual aspect, I think because I'm kind of starting with the physical body and then moving out. Yeah. Yeah. But then spiritually, every big transition I think is going to come with an existential crisis. What is my purpose? Why am I here? My parents are gone. Oh, my son is gone. Oh, what is the meaning of what is the meaning of my life? My child is gone. Yeah. Every big transition. A divorce, you know what, who am I? Who am I? If I'm not someone's wife or mother or someone's daughter? Every big transition is gonna bring this existential crisis, which brings the anxiety, and then the confusion of, you can really go down a rabbit hole. This is what wipes out most people. But with the Reiki and the Reiki ideals, the self Reiki, it's gonna. it's gonna bring you Gassho, his hands coming together, the grounding and the centering, then that's gonna bring that spiritual piece that you need to be able to move from that place. Every action that you take, you'll you're not just, you're acting and not reacting.


And I think too that it, that self Reiki I agree with you going back to self Reiki, I know that this is what has spurred a lot of the big transitions in my life has been the spiritual path. And self re in fact, going to that political event this past weekend, I was like, oh. I, and it's funny too, because I'm a little bit introverted and painfully shy, and I know people are a little bit surprised at that. But


yeah, I still


even through that at that event went, oh, this is what I was born to do, just like with Reiki. Reiki is what I was born to do and this is what I was born to do. And so I think that energetically, the Reiki energy just moves us into that higher frequency, that higher vibration, to really be able to. Not only move into the change without the difficulties, but to really move into your path and purpose and to learn the mo, everything that you can learn as you go through, and it almost makes it like a done deal. Like I'll sometimes do Reiki and just visualize just ask the Reiki, I'll listen. Please show me where I'm going, what this looks like, what I need to do next. I use Reiki. I ask Reiki, please set the priorities for me, because I can get a little scattered sometimes, and Reiki just says, oh, this is the next step and that's it. I don't get, here are the next 42 steps I get.


This is the next step. And that's easy. you can just, oh,


I've gotta now fill in a paper, the paperwork to say that I would like to be the candidate. Okay. Now that I can do that next. And I don't know. So I feel like it almost feels like it's a done deal af you know, as you do Reiki, you're just, you don't worry about it because it's like whatever's gonna happen, it's gonna be just fine.


And I didn't get there to that point overnight. It had to be. Cause those ideas that Reiki was trying to drop in, they had to get through a whole bunch of cl, mind clutter here. And, I, sometimes I picture my guys, they must have been up there like with a hammer and Chile like trying to, cause I asked for it, but they just couldn't get it through, and it finally drops in oh. And then I would act on that one thing. And see how everything moves. But it was like tiny things. And then I'd be like, oh, that works. Maybe this is working. Okay. And then you take another step. To the point now. Cause I've done it enough. So I'm saying to the people who are listening, this doesn't just happen for me anyway. It didn't happen overnight. It's not like you take a Reiki class and It's a process. And then, but now, honestly, it is almost like, it is okay, I'm astonished honestly at how quickly I think it was at the Reiki retreat. Yeah. When I mentioned and I, that's when, yeah, it was in, or at least September. I said, once I finally said out loud, I am moving to Ecuador, the sign stopped coming and everything went bum. So now with this I'm like, okay, let me get quiet. What has been the biggest surprise for me is that with Reiki, I accomplished more by doing less. I love that. I love that about Reiki too.


you work so hard you can. No, I thought a lot


of the work for you. I don't know if I thought I needed to work hard to be able to deserve it or like it was part of it, but to think that something could all fall into place by me sitting down and going, doing nothing for 20 minutes. That's completely counterintuitive to how I operated my entire life. if people, if some, because people would tell me like, you need to rest. Go sit down. I would sit down and see all the things that I needed to be up doing, so I might as well get up and do'em. So well that spinning with Reiki that, because I realized finally when you said you go to a higher vibration, when you put yourself into that mindset and in that higher vibrational state, Stuff starts to happen. It really does. And it's like magic It's


like magic. And I'm, I remember Colleen saying that the solution doesn't exist on in the same frequency as the problem. So get yourself into that higher frequency. and the


solution is there and then you see it


and then it's just, and how do you get yourself in that higher frequency? You just put your Reiki hands on yourself. And you just ask for guidance. William Rand, please guide me and heal me so that I might be of greater service to myself and others like you. You just ask guidance and then allow the answers to come through and


allow, that's the key. Then stop. Cuz then I thought, okay, now what do I do? It must be something else. There must be something else, but there's not. You allow it


and you're talking and you're talking about the stopping as being the proactive step. Tell us a little bit more about that. Like in order, how can you use Reiki proactively in these transitions? And that's what I think


you're talking about. Yes it is. Pause. Yeah, I didn't think about that being a proactive step, but it is like something is happening it starts usually there's something's gonna change. Something needs to change. There must be something else. So you can ask, what is it? What is it? Send distance. Use the distance symbol, send it to the future. I've been sending then to my, from the moment I got, okay, I'm going. So I started sending distance Reiki to, and I wasn't even sure to whatever that process is that needs to happen. Yeah. Help me see what the next step is. Help me be quiet. Help me hear, help me notice. Help me be aware. Help me just for today, not be angry, not worry about it, and help, help me be filled with gratitude, which makes me calm. It's so simple. Which doesn't, it's it can't be this simple, but it is. But that's the proactive step. And of course you do things, when I go, oh, I think I made lists. I'm a list maker. You've gotta be


willing, when you listen, you've gotta be willing to take action on what you're given. And I don't know about you, Karen, but one of you visualize it that I, yeah. And visualize it. Sure. And one of the things that I really use a lot is I ask Reiki to prioritize things for me, because I'm not very good at doing that myself. And people are always saying, how do you get so much done And it's I just tell, ask Reiki what's my priority today? What's my priority right now? I write down two priorities each day. And or Reiki gives them to me and I try to do them. Karen, I just wanna back up a little bit. Because it sounds you've said it, but I haven't it sounds like I just listen. I did not always listen. I used to hear what I was to do, and I would argue,


so I do I do


need to be clear that it was a process for me too. I, but I think that I can remember the first thing that Reiki asked me to do. The very first thing that I didn't argue about was creating animal Reiki. That's, and I always laughed. I said my guides were probably in shock.


She didn't argue. What's wrong, Like she just said yes. What's the matter with her? No, it's true. It's a process. And when you were talking, I thought, oh, that's true. Also about the asking what's the next right step. Sometimes when I'm in the turmoil of some big transition, I can't. Go to sleep because I can't think about what I'm, I just can't sleep. I have too much in my mind. So one thing I do is use the mental, emotional symbol and ask Reiki for the priorities. I'll say, okay, what are the three things I need to do tomorrow? So I don't think of anything else. And then I'll jot those down. These three things, these are my big three. And then I just let everything else go and that, that really helps. And then once I know, I only have these three things I'm gonna get done tomorrow and then I write'em down and then I can sleep better for some reason. Once I write it down, I can sleep, but I just ask Reiki, what are the three things for tomorrow?


I love that I sit down with my calendar for the week and I say, what are the two things for this day and the two things for that day. Two, maybe even better I just, I remember William use has one. He said, I do the most important thing each day and then I don't worry about anything else. And if I do get something else done, it's gravy,


Yeah. And I thought, That's brilliant.


My to-do list is as long as my arm


And that's overwhelming. Yeah. And you get


overwhelmed and you can't get anything done. And so Reiki can really help us prioritize the steps once we do finally say yes. I always knew I was gonna say yes. I just like to argue about it first. And I really used to be very averse to change. Now I've recognized that


change is just, that's what life


is. Being alive. It's about change. It never stays still. And I've started to find, I find it that kind of interesting and exciting, the fact that, think so. It's actually made me really become a lot more present in the moment and appreciate the moment just knowing that, this exact moment is not gonna happen again. that's, I might get my three, I might get my three kids together again, but they're gonna be different people. in two months time or in three months time when we're all together again. And it's gonna be a different time of year, a different experience. So it's really made me just look at every single moment


with just this huge amount


of appreciation and gratitude, yeah.


So that's like the side benefit of it. What's a gap? Yeah. Of, of any tumultuous transition or tumultuous change that you're going through is it does bring you like, okay, how am I gonna get through this? Not by spinning around in the cyclone, that is my life. I'm gonna have to come to the center. And then the more you do that you appreciate the center you do of the.


Yeah, actually, when you are in the still place the pauses,


it's, yeah, it's fun. I don't know. It's, and it may just be, I'm so grateful I'm gonna turn 60 this year. What? Yeah. 60. That's not possible. And I'm like, wow. 60 years old. And I feel like I'm just now starting to open. And it's true. If anybody's listening and you're older, that time really does seem to speed up when you're older, as you age, everything goes so really fast. But the upside is there's so much more to put in that fast time, because you're saying you know what to say yes to, and you know which direction to go. You just get in the flow more and in the flow. Yeah. And then those transitions. Yeah, bring it on. Bring me 60 and then I'll be ready for 70 pretty


soon. I was, I acted shocked, but then I thought about it and I realized I'm gonna be 55 this year.


I still keep up confused, I still keep thinking I'm in my, 30. I think I'm 25 in my mind. Yeah, me too. Me too. And I act like I'm three, but yeah.


What advice and tips do you have for people who may, maybe they're not moving to Ecuador, maybe they're not stepping into politics, but there's, whatever transition they're navigating right now. Maybe it's a new job, maybe it's


the, a


loss of some sort. What steps, or what advice do you have for


them? I think that her step is stop. Second step is acknowledge what you're leaving behind. I think if you don't. In some ways, say goodbye to the relationship you're losing. If you don't say goodbye to the place you're leaving. If you don't say goodbye to your career. The, as it is in this moment, the way you were just saying, like it, every moment is different. If you don't acknowledge it and say, okay, thank I, keep going back to Marie Kdo, thank you for this horrible marriage and goodbye, Thank you for the lessons. And but because if you try to just move forward, but you haven't really cut that tie you're, if you're still holding one hand back behind you, you can't reach forward with both hands. So you gotta just stop for a minute and say, okay, thank you. I'm ready. And then go. and then each step of the way, you're just, you're listening. You're giving yourself Reiki cuz you're gonna, you're gonna fall out of the flow because, yeah, because we live in a, we live in a mess. I dunno, I think it's pretty beautiful, honestly. It's a big, beautiful mess. What Joseph Campbell said, he said, life is a beautiful opera, but it hurts and it is So know that you're gonna cry, you're gonna get frustrated. You're, the cat's gonna jump in the middle of your podcast. Things are gonna happen. weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. Oh, that's actually not Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. If there's a saying in Japanese, what is it? It means fall down seven times. Get up. Oh, I love that. And isn't that just the human


condition? Yes. And so I was talking once about Captain America, and that's what she recognized was the strength in being human, that we


just keep getting back up


and yeah.


I even, that's a transition. Those, so your whole life is as much a little transitions, falling down. It's oh, I'm on the floor. Here's one state. How do I transition to being upright again? And first of all, it's okay, flora, this has been nice, but I gotta get back up. I'm not kidding. It's you release and then you move forward with Reiki calling you


all the way. And Karen, as you were talking, I realized something that. Reiki used to help me manage fear. Like every change


I'd be like I don't


know what this new thing looks like, so I would be immediately frightened of it. And I read one time, and I can't remember where I read it, but it was somebody who was talking about




and how close fear is to excitement. And and somebody had asked her when she was a little girl, are you afraid of roller coasters? And she felt inside of herself and she realized she had a feeling inside of herself. And she s And so from that moment forward, she labeled it fear. And so she went her much of her life believing that she was afraid of roller coasters. And then she actually, I don't know, I think worked with a therapist who helped,




asked her, are you truly afraid? And she went back to that little girl and she felt into it and realized that it wasn't fear, it was excitement. And she looked back on her life and realized how many times she had labeled excitement, fear. And that really gave me pause. And I have to say, like right now, navigating this new change, at first, I did the same thing most people do. Oh no, I'm not gonna like this


Reiki. Do


I really is this really where we're going with things? And as soon as then Reiki helped me process that, and now I'm excited, now, I'm like, this is gonna be magical to spend my days teaching Reiki, working toward the environment, working, to assist the people in my electoral riding. And it's just a political or a provincial, but it's, I'm super excited about it


and I think that always happens. That's a really good point, Pam. I think Reiki, what Reiki does is it transforms that fear into excitement. The rollercoaster. I wrote that the other day. I said, I have that feeling that when you're on a rollercoaster and it starts moving and you think oh wait. I'm not ready. Is this really happening? And then once you realize and so I'm talking about cutting off nope, there's no stopping this. So I was big excited about it now cuz I have, and go, so that's, yeah that's what Reiki does is it helps you transform because there is a thin line, there


is a really thin line between fear and excitement. And if we look at duality is fear. When we release the duality of the situation and move into the love of it, there is no more fear. There's only excitement. Yeah. And so I guess that's what we're transitioning. We are taking the duality that of moving to Ecuador becoming a politician and. We're using Reiki on it, releasing the fear. And what we're left with is love and possibility and possibilities. And that fear changes to excitement. And I love that. I think, I don't think I realize that until we did this podcast together, Karen


either. That's why I love doing podcasts with you. I know, but really everyone listening that's, it's just you have to let go. And the fear will arise when you start, when you're leaving a marriage. What if I can't support myself and my child? What if I can't do this when you're going back to school? I taught college for 30 years. My best students were the ones who were coming back I don't know anything. I'm old and I should have gone right after high school. And they were the best students. But all those fears. But once they said I guess I'm doing it. Yeah. After they cried and they sobbed and they pounded, pulled their hair, I guess I'm doing it. I'm like, yeah, you're here. So you're here. So now we have possibilities and what are you gonna do? And you move forward. And then it's, oh, once you, but you, I really do think there's a grieving process in that, in any transition you have to let go and say goodbye to one thing so you can move to the next. And then I think there's a, there's,


you move into a place of really being proud of yourself. There's pride, there's,


Accomplishment. That's why it gets easier as you go along, because you go I did that. Yeah. Else can I do All right. I love it. Next thing you know, you're like, those would be my older, not just female, but especially I think of those poor moms writing my English essays, three in the morning with five kids. They'd finish, they'd, they did a great job and they'd be like, look at me, look at you. That I told you could do it, but you


have to. I think you have to figure it out yourself. And listen before we move into a meditation at this, Karen, and I didn't even ask you if you wanna do it



if I, if you want me to No, go ahead please. I've got cats jumping in the middle of me Before


we go into that though I just wonder if you have any more advice or anything we didn't cover


on this? No, I think we need a whole other podcast cuz I thought a big part of moving through large transitions has to do with what we talk about in the Holy Fire lineage about discovering your authentic self. So we probably need to do another podcast about how. Reiki can help you clear your culturally created self to find your authentic self and your divine purpose. Cuz once you get in alignment with that, that makes everything else and every other transition easier cuz you're getting on purpose. Yes. So that would be a whole other podcast,


I agree. I think that's a great idea. I'm just going to move us into a meditation today then Karen. Yeah. And we'll do that other podcast. So I'm just gonna invite everybody to close your eyes, take a deep breath and bring your hands into Gassho and breathe. Just breathing in the light of Reiki that's all around you. And if there is a transition that you are. Facing in your life right now, just bringing it to your mind, placing your hands comfortably on your body, wherever you feel guided, giving yourself Reiki, the angels and the arc angels,




enlightened ones, the divine animals, the brothers and sisters of the light. They're standing at the corners of the land and on every side of you, and they're on your side. They want you to be successful. They want you to learn and grow. And that learning can be difficult or it can be easy, it can be negative, or it can be positive. We get to choose. I invite you to choose a positive path, A path without duality. Effortlessness over efforting invite you to imagine it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day in that you're walking through a trail in a beautiful forest. As you walk along and as you breathe into yourself, you breathe in the life essence of the forest and the energy of the earth flows up through the bottoms of your feet. This forest is made of beautiful, great Sequoia trees, and as you look at the forest, one of those trees stands out to you more than the others. This is your own personal tree of life. Invite you to walk over to it, wrap your arms around it, and allow your heart to merge with the heart of the. Chakra, I'm just feeling the stillness of the tree move into you and just feeling the clutter and the extraneous ideas and information and other people's opinions or projections just drop away. Invite you to turn around and slide down the tree, and just to allow each of your chakras to merge with just the steadiness and the steadfastness of the tree that is able to live its life purpose without horizontal movement lateral. Just breathing in the highly oxygenated air and just imagining your own energy moving in close to your body so that it just skims your skin. And as you do that, everybody else's ideas and thoughts and projections and the shoulds of the situation just drop into the earth. And this simplifies the process. It's just you now sovereign in your own body. If there are any energies here that are not yours or of you, we invite them to release. Once again, we bring our hands into Gassho and we ask the Reiki energy, please guide me and heal me so that I might be of greater service to myself and others. And I just invite you to ask to be shown the next step to be relieved of your worries, to invite Rey's assistance with the grief. And we ask Reiki to help shift any fear into love and into excitement. Place your hands comfortably on your body once again and will remain here as you listen to any thoughts or impressions or ideas that you get. Just listening to your authentic self and just letting your culturally created self, just letting it go, releasing it into the tree, allowing it to sink into the earth and will remain here for several minutes. Let me take a moment now to appreciate the opportunity for. This transition has brought to us, to our lives, the possibilities. They're open to us now. We say thank you for the experience that we had, appreciating all that was good and wonderful about it, all that we learned, leaving behind anything that wasn't wonderful. Moving instead into a place of gratitude. And with our heart open, we're now ready to step forward onto the path into that next. Phase of our life purpose. We say thank you to the Reiki energy today, and thank you to each other. I'm so blessed. We are so blessed that you're on this journey with us. We are blessed to be of this lineage of light bringers creating wellness on the earth today, and that begins with you embracing your authentic self and creating wellness within you, Aho. Awesome and Namaste. Erin, thank you so much for being here with us and I just wanna thank the listeners too. It's always a delight to be with you. Thank


you, and feel the same. Thank you for having me. Thanks, Karen.