Reiki from the Farm™

Campobello's Animal Reiki Experience: Connecting with Whales - with Aimee Cringan

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc/Aimee Cringan Season 3 Episode 9

Did you know that whales are considered the memory keepers of the planet, holding the stories and secrets of the oceans? Join Aimee as she delves into the fascinating world of Animal Reiki and shares her incredible experience in Pam's new ICRT Animal Reiki class, where unexpected and awesome encounters with these wise souls occurred. 

Through her knowledge of Animal Reiki, Aimee helps her clients create transformative experiences by fostering a deeper connection with the natural world. If you're fascinated by the magic of whales and the profound connections between humans and animals, this episode is a must-listen.

Aimee Cringan is a Usui/Holy Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, a Vinyasa Yoga Instructor, and a Professional Member of the ICRT Reiki Membership Association. Her passion is holding space for clients throughout their healing journey with Reiki. She offers reiki sessions, classes, and sacred women's circles at the Healing Hive in Island View, NB.

Get in Touch with Aimee: 
Facebook: The Healing Hive

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT) with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, and Australia.

Pam's ICRT Classes: 

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Order The Reiki Business Book

A special thanks goes out to Music from Pixabay for the intro music and to Nate Miller for the meditation music. 

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Hi, and welcome to the Reiki from the Farm Podcast, brought to you by me, Pam Allen Loblaw from Hidden Brook Farm. I am a scientist, a businesswoman, and a licensed Reiki master teacher with the International Center for Reiki. each week in this podcast, you'll be entertained as you learn about a wide variety of relevant Reiki topics helping you become a more knowledgeable and effective Reiki practitioner. We caution you though this podcast may also dramatically improve your life. And we are so happy that you're here. On this week's podcast, I am speaking with Amy Kreen, who is an OUI Holy Fire three Reiki master teacher of Yasa Yoga instructor, and a professional member of the I C R T Reiki Membership Association. Her passion is holding space for clients throughout their healing journey with Reiki, and she offers Reiki sessions, classes, and sacred women's circles at the Healing Hive in Island, view New Brunswick, and put a link to Amy's things in the podcast notes. Welcome Amy. I'm so glad you're here.


Thank you, Pam. Thanks for having me.


And we're talking about the Fantastic Whale class that Amy attended in camp New Brunswick with me and she enjoyed it so much. She wrote an article about it. So we will be including a link to the article as well for you, and we'll be letting you know a little bit more about the class and also how to get there, thoughts of interest to you. Before we begin, I just wanna let you know that I have a full lineup of classes at the. In April. It's both at the farm and online. So if you would like to join us, we're, we'll be in the Atlantic time zone, and so we have level one and two and masters animal Reiki, level one and two and masters. And in May we'll have Kaurna, Reiki and animal communication. And that's followed this summer by level one and two and masterclass in Campobello, which will be followed by a whale tour or a whale watching trip. And then Also in Campobello this summer, I'll be teaching three level one and two animal Reiki classes, followed by a well tour, one in August, one in July, one in August, and one in September on a weekend. And then the one in September will be followed by a masterclass. So hoping you can join us there. Also, just a request if you have enjoyed the Reiki business book, I would love it if you could take a few minutes and just go onto Amazon or wherever you purchased it and leave us a review. That would be so helpful. And if you feel like leaving a review for our podcast as well, we'll be sure to read some of those out during the podcast. I'd really appreciate that also. So Amy, just so glad you're here and You know something? I think I'll just start and bring us into an invocation, and then let's just start talking about this this class and animal Reiki in general. I'm just gonna invite everybody to bring your hands together in Gassho. Just activate your Reiki energy, thinking about your symbols, just sw seeing them swirling down from the highest heavens to in front of your hands, through your hands and into your heart. And if you have the animal Reiki symbol, just bringing that through as well, and just feeling the earth beneath your. Remembering that our bodies are made of the earth to give our spirit life and breath, and just feeling your roots stretched down into the earth. There's a shock rub beneath our feet, known as the earth star, which connects us to the earth. It actually remains below us. And just feeling your roots stretch all the way down into the earth, even further to the groundwater and the bedrock beneath the groundwater. Just feeling very solidly here. And then just imagining. Your heart space and just stretching up from there through the upper chakras and into a chakra called the Soul Star that exists above our heads, and it travels around with us too, reaching all the way up into the heavens. I'm just noticing the energies flowing up from the earth to our heart and down from the heavens to our heart, and just noticing that they meet in our beautiful hearts, and just feeling yourself at one. With the animal kingdom here on the earth, we are part of the animal kingdom. Just letting go of that culturally created belief of dominion over, or dominance, and just allowing yourself to feel right here, right now, part of the animal kingdom on this beautiful planet present and listening. Thank you for being with us today, Namaste Day. I think I needed that, Amy. I get too excited when I'm talking about the whale class in Campobello. Thank




Yeah. I really


needed that groundedness.


Yeah, definitely. Amy, thank you so much for writing that beautiful article. We're hoping it's gonna be part of the Reiki News magazine and those of you who get that, we'll see it. But we will also put a link in the podcast notes so all of you can see the article that Amy wrote. What, when you first heard of. Whale class. Amy, I forgot to ask you what you've got going on. I'm so sorry. What do you have going on that people can, I knew I was forgetting something. What do have going on that people can join you for?


I have a masterclass in April, and it's online and that's all I have planned for right now. I am gonna be doing, I have stuff for March, but I don't think the podcast is gonna be out by then, so we're good. But in the summer I have, I'm gonna be doing women's circles and I'm including Reiki with that. The women's circles are about finding that Finding that home, that place of coming home too, because we used to gather as women for a long time but we haven't for many years. So it's about ritual. We're gonna be doing meditation, we're gonna be setting intentions. And so I'll be doing one in the summer for the summer solstice and then one in the fall for the fall solstice. And then for right now, all I have planned is the is the masterclass in April, and that's gonna be


online. Excellent. We'll put a link to your website so people can find that. So yeah, whoop We were just saying, Amy was just saying she's gotta get her website created. We'll put a link to the Facebook group and your email address and people will be able to connect with you. Amy. That works too. Okay. Amy, this whale class, oh, it was outta this world, wasn't it?


It was phenomenal. The people that were there, your home Campobello is. Very special to me. It's, yeah.


Tell us about that. Campobello is a special island. Why is this special to you? Okay,


First off, just the fairy rides. If you're in Canada and you're taking the fairies to campobello, it's, that in itself is just like, so fun. For me.


It's an adventure for sure.


It's, the tugboat is a little it's fun. Like you, you're kinda questioning like, okay, we're doing this, we're doing this. But but so you have to take two ferries to get there, and the water is like this beautiful aqua blue. And you can see main off to the side as you're traveling across. First you travel from New Brunswick mainland to Deer Island. And then from Deer Island, you drive across the island, it only takes 20 minutes and then you get on another ferry from there to Campobello and. I always suggest anyone who goes fill up gas on, there's


no, on only one gas station on Deer Island isn't there? There's one gas station and it's not always open,


but it usually works out. It's usually, yeah. So it's usually good. So yeah, like Camp Bell doesn't have a gas station, so you have to be prepared. Yeah, you do. You do. But the, that's one of the things I love about Campobello is that it feels really wild. Like the water is cold and the waves are rough and you never know what the weather's gonna be like. No. And sometimes it's like sunny and then a big fog will roll in and then it will cool off and just. You never know if you're gonna see seals or whales or eagles. It's just, it's a very, it's like a humbling island. It's like coming back to Mother Earth.


It is. Uh, It's a, it's so special. There's something so special about the island. There's miles of hiking trails. It's the home the summer home of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt. And so there's this beautiful international park there that's free. You just, you go and you check everything out. They even have tea with Eleanor where they give you homemade cookies and tea and talk about Ellenor Roosevelt and what an influence she was. A lot of our rights and freedom. Were part, she was part of crafting that legislation with the United Nations. And she's really, I had no idea how amazing and phenomenal she was. And then miles of hiking trails and lighthouses and you're right, PPOs sometimes, one of the times we crossed on that little ferry, the, we saw a little, we saw a whale on the, just right by the ferry landing as we were getting on. And then PPOs were jumping in front of the ferry, playing with it as we came across.


And I think too, like on the whale tour, remember I think Brandon, my husband, he went on the second whale tour. Yes. At the end of the course. And I didn't get to go cause I had to stay with the dogs. But you said like the porpoises were bubbling out of the


war. It was, the water was bubbling there. There must have been 50 or 60 of them around us. Like you just didn't know where to look. You just, there weren't, so we only saw the one whale, but there were PPOs. There were, we even saw a dolphin Porous is the type of dolphin we mostly have here, but we saw the larger Dolphin as well. And you see occasionally you see sharks and you see it, you never know. So it is a special island. And I should just let the listeners, some of you would like to travel to the island for this. Probably after you hear this, you might like to come for the whale class. And I've got people coming from as far away as California actually at the moment. And so the closest airport to fly into is Bangor in the States. If you're coming through the US you actually don't have to take all the fairies. You can take a bridge to get to Campobello. You do need a passport though, cuz it Campobello is off the coast of Maine. Very closely connected with Maine, but it is still Canadian. And so you. You actually drive about two and a half hours from the Bangor International Airport and through kind of country roads, there's not an interstate. It's not an interstate that you drive on and you get to the little town of Blueback, Maine, and that's where you come to the friendliest border crossing guards on the planet. And you who give my dogs treats and cookies when they go through the dogs and started looking for them when they. And and you can also from Canada, if you wish, you can travel down through Maine as well and come across the bridge. And so from Lubec, Maine you cross the you go through the Canadian customs on the way in and then the American Customs on the way out. But it's it's a lot of fun, isn't it,


It's a very cool island. And it's full of Seaglass. I know there's tons of people who love to look for seaglass, like it's a hotspot for seaglass and you find pottery pieces too, really cool pottery pieces. And yeah it's a fun place to visit.


I can't get over since we've gone there. Amy, how friendly the people are. The people are just, all the people that we meet in Campobello are just the most beautiful people I've ever come across. They're so lovely. And speaking of sea sea glass, it made me think of it. One of the girls, the girl who organizes the Seaglass Festival, she told me that. They spread it over several weekends now because they, when they first came up with the Seaglass Festival, they put it on one weekend and she said they just about tipped the island So many people landed


on the island Oh my goodness. I believe it. Yeah, because it's analysts there you can just, like you, you some beaches, you just go like this and you can have Aho, a whole bunch of seaglass.


I love it. So when you heard that there was going to be an animal Reiki class on Campobello, like what? What did you think? What


I was just like, okay, first I had studied with you in the. So that for me was like, okay, it, your classes have been life changing for me. They've been phenomenal. Thank you. So I just knew, I was like, okay, I need to be there. I've been to Campobello many times with my family. We go there camping every summer, sometimes twice a summer. It's very special to us. And then I was just like, I need to get there. Like this is gonna be life changing. And so it, and it was, it's been, the animal Reiki is very profound. So


It isn't it? I'm I feel so grateful to have been one of the authors of that course with Colleen and Robin Benelli and Sue Strong. It was one of the most magical it took us two and a half years really to create the course. We created it for the I C R T I C R T, animal Reiki is the class that we're speaking about. And The energy was so interesting because we really listened. We, and a lot of times we just had to be patient and wait and just wait for the energy to come in and to be ready to talk to us, I guess in a way. And but it was really phenomenal. Just all of it, listening, waiting working with my beautiful colleagues who with who have so much knowledge. So yes, I agree with you. The animal Reiki is phenomenal. Have you noticed that it's made a big difference for you, Amy?


Yeah, the way that I work with my animals and my an I guess humans are animals too, right? that's one thing that we learned in the course is like my clients here, like the energy is different and it's grounded. The animal Reiki has an element of the divine animal circle that comes along with it, which is very powerful, and it actually takes a lot of the legwork out of giving a Reiki session or a distance session. It, the divine animal kingdom just you can use them to surround the client and and it just, they just do the healing work. You just kinda step outta the way. Yeah. Yeah, I found that's changed a lot. I do find that the animals are definitely more receptive to the energy. The Tree of Life energy is a different energy than regular Reiki. I have two senior dogs that one has always been very resistant to Reiki. She's just no, I am, I'm, I know who I am. I don't want Reiki. And I'm like, okay, there's not many


animals like that. But there are some I've noticed that


too. And there, and so she, but now she takes the Tree of Life Reiki, like she takes the Reiki energy. She loves it. Yeah. Yeah. So I find she'll actually come up and lick my palms when I like it. So


yeah. That's how, she's asking for Reiki.


Yes, exactly. Yes.


I find there's something about the animal Reiki class too, that is, and the animal Reiki energy, it was brought to us by the animals, for the animals, but we are an animal, so for us as well. And the energy, never let us forget that. But there's something personally healing in that class. I don't know. Did you experience that too?


Yeah. So it, what happened actually was the first invocation that we did was it wasn't an attunement. It wasn't like it was just the invocation, it was just a meditation that you had orchestrated, I'm guessing. did Colleen Benelli. Was that? Yes, it's part the


course actually. Ok. It's part of the course.


Okay. So that invocation was very powerful for me right off the get-go. I found that I was connected with the mother Earth and to a level I never felt before. And the animal Reiki actually was showing me I could, I can still feel it, actually. I can feel it inside it. She was showing me the FCI spiral sequence. Yes. And she was showing me like examples of it in nature. So like a shell on a beach. And


this was in, this showed up in your meditation,


Amy, in my meditation. The first invocation that we did, bam. On the first day. This was what I saw. Oh, and


who was showing it to you? Mother Earth. Mother Earth was showing it to you. Okay, thank


you. Yeah. So Mother Earth was showing me these spirals and, but I could feel it inside my body. And she was like, this is who you are. This is, you've been here forever. Yeah. But I also believe the reason why it's so profound and so powerful, the energy is because of the whales. Because the whales are the memory keepers. They've been the memory keepers on the planet. And so when you're connecting with the whales and when you're around the whales, they hold all the memories from the beginning of time. And so it's almost like they're showing you, you they're bringing you back to a memory of when you were that first spark of creation. Or maybe you were a raindrop or maybe you were a tree, or maybe you were an animal. So it's like they have all those memories from way, way back. And so you can feel it in your body when you're immersed in this energy,


there is something so special about the whales. And I should back up a little and explain to the listeners if you haven't heard this story already. After we created Animal Reiki, it brought about a number of really incredible series of events in my life. There's a lot of abundance in that energy, and just in the same way that wild animals don't worry about where their next meal is coming from, they know that the earth will provide that there's an abundance all around us. There's an abundance in that energy. And so the first thing that happened was even as we were creating the course we were able to purchase a property across the road and bring our farm back to the original farmstead that it once was The second thing that happened was we were able to get solar panels so that all my podcasts and my cl online classes are powered by solar energy now. But the third thing that the energy seemed to really bring about in my life was I had, for years since we started working on animal Reiki, I started being called to the water, to the ocean. And so every weekend my husband and I would go in our little truck tent we, a little tent that went on the back of the truck and we would travel to different campgrounds and so on, trying to be near water. And one of the visits was to Campobello Island. And there's something so special about that island. We've always loved it. And on our way as we were leaving, I saw a piece of land for sale and I said, maybe we, and this was during C O V I D. And I said, maybe we could afford a piece of land here. It's maybe not that expensive. And so we, but we decided at first to look on a different island that was a little closer and we weren't successful, thankfully, finding the piece of land on the closer island. So finally we went back to Campobello and. We started looking, and not only did we find a piece of land, but we found this sweet little tiny house with a big barn that I can teach Reiki classes in and it looks right out onto the water. And one of the amazing things was it all came together beautifully. Like we couldn't have orchestrated it better because we weren't orchestrating it. I truly believe that the animal Reiki was orchestrating this and I really could feel that the whales were calling us to because they wanted animal Reiki and the ocean in front of us has the highest tides in the world. It's part of the Bay of Fundi and with 30 and 40 foot tides. And they showed that all the energy that I would send to the ocean, which I do the entire time that I'm there usually was then it was gonna have a flushing effect. So it was gonna go out into the larger. Ocean because of the intensity of the tides. And so I just feel so very fortunate and I, as I was getting ready to teach this class, and I knew because you can, it's one of the few islands you can actually see whales from land a lot of times. And the whales returned, they only arrive about the beginning of July. And so our class Amy was I think the third week of July. And so the whales had been there and I'd seen them several times from land. And I reached out to them and communicated with them and I said these are the dates. Saturday and Sunday we're going to have the animal Reiki class. And I feel like you called us here to do that. And they said, we're going to do something special for your class. And I said what are you going to do? And they said, You'll see I'm just like, whenever you work with animals or with Reiki, so you say, okay, fine, I'll see. And tell folks what happened in class


We got there and we all settled in and I got I got right in the best spot. I was like, okay, I can see the ocean. I was like so excited. But now you have a bigger window, so everyone Can you


have a bigger window now? Yeah, we call it the Campobello tv cuz we don't have a television there. We just have that window that looks at the


ocean which is amazing cuz it's better than, yeah, it's better than any TV view. It's honestly just magical. So I'm sitting there and we just get started and all of a sudden the whales start coming out of the water and I'm like, A whale look. A whale look. And so Pam was actually using her laptop because she had another student who was doing it distantly. And then there was 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 of us, I believe Sarah? Five or


five or six maybe. Oh no.


Okay. Yes. Yeah. And so we would all get up and run to the window, and Pam would take the laptop over and we would all look out the window and we were just enamored with the whales, and we could see the water going. And so then we would sit back in and settle in, and Pam would start talking and I would see another whale, and I would say, wow, And it got to the point where I was just like, I can't say anything anymore because we're not gonna learn anything. And I remember Pierre was sitting beside me, your husband, he was like a, after a while I think at lunchtime he is yeah I saw a lot of whales. But he's I just had to stop saying anything. That was my, I just kept that whale for me because there were just so many whales coming. And it was just I actually, when I got in the energy that day, I just started crying. Like I sat down. And I was like, and I just started crying and crying. And then I just had looked around. I'm like, I'm just so happy to be here, So it was special. Very special.


It was special. And it, when we weren't seeing whales, there were purposes jumping, going by in loons and seals and a great blue hair and it's and the seagulls and the greater gulls and it was really spectacular, wasn't it? And I'm sure there are spectacular sites like that in other places, but we did feel very blessed. And the, after a while I was like, okay was like, gotta teach this class


Yes. Because it's just it's it's hard to believe that you're seeing like, whales right from inside a home. Like you're like, I'm sitting in a home and I'm seeing whales. I, like the water is, it's so cold and it's such a it's not like extremely cold. You can get in it, you can get in it, but most people don't. But the whales love it. They come to eat there because there's a. Huge ecosystem of food


for them later I heard, or was talking to some people with one of the organizations that said it's the richest ecosystem in the world, like as far and with food for whales and just the fact that it is still a natural. Ecosystem that doesn't have a tremendous amount of boat traffic and so on.


Yes. And there's actually what's the pool called again? Oh, the old Sal Whirlpool. old Sal Whirlpool. So it's this big water churning area in between second


largest title Whirlpool in the world, isn't it?


Yes. Yeah. So we got to go up by it, and what actually happens is the water will actually turn and spin. Yeah. And it's acting like you said, like a flush it, like it sucks things down and out and down and out. So it's like this system of recycling the water, which is great because I believe that it's not nothing can really taint the area. That's why the whales are there all the time because everything's so plentiful. Like nothing like no pollution or things like that seem to get in there. It's


true. And they were there from July until about the end of October. So people actually spotted them this year, July 1st, I think, or June 30th and July 2nd. They were in front of the house. they came. And I didn't realize that the whales would actually even come to, in front of our house, but we were sitting on the porch, I think, or we were just taking a break from our renovations, trying to get everything ready for the class in a few weeks. And The, there are whale watching boats around in July and the whale watching boats came in and we said, what? And we looked and sure enough, the whales were there in front of us that we could watch them on the porch and happen. And I won't promise that will happen during class, but you never know


Yeah. You just have to call it in. You just have to send Reiki to the whales. Yeah. And be like, or how, yeah.


I think they all, I think they all wanted that animal Reiki. That was the very first class. And they said, you listened, you came, we're going to do something special for you. And they sure enough didn't they?


did. And even when we did the whale watching tour, because a part of the. So you do two days of at Pam's house and then, you get your attunements and you get you become connected with the Tree of Life energy and beautiful meditations. And then at the end, on the third day, you get to go on a whale watching tour. And what we noticed was the whale, there was actually, was there three boats in the water, three whale watching. There were three boats saw and then two other boats. And we were maneuvering, like we, they were all working with each other, the boats. And they were saying, where's the whale gonna show? Like, where's it gonna be? And they were talking to one another. And the whales seemed to be following our boat, They kept servicing close to our boat a lot.


And Brandon and the captain captain Riddle, Brandon, he couldn't believe it because he said two fin backs and fin backs are the second largest whale in the world. And they had only ever seen one up till that point. And there were two and they were together and he was really shocked. Yeah. And they did. They were really close to our boat, Amy,


weren't they? They were, they kept coming closer to our boat, which was so cool. I, and it neat, and then there was like a seagull who was following our boat too, and it would, it was asking for Reiki and so we would send it Reiki and then it would, and then it would fly off. And then we ended up going to this little tiny island and there was this baby Seal Pop That was so cute. Do you remember that? Yes. He


was precious


and there was a mom and a dad and a baby, and. the mom and the dad were a little bit like, Hey, like this is my baby. You need to just give us a little bit of space. So we stayed back clear enough. But the baby sat up on the rock and it was just like, it was probably like, I would say three feet long maybe. Yeah. It


wasn't, and it was the bigger the bigger seal, the gray seal. But it wasn't very old. It was a younger pup.


P it looked just like a little puppy dog. It really did. It was


gorgeous. It was gorgeous. And the mom and dad weren't threatened by us or anything, but they were just keeping an eye on the baby don't get too close. It was my baby.


Yes. They were kind hello? You're just checking in like they were come over and yeah.


And did Corpuses Amy. I'm getting the two. Cuz I went on both whale watching tours and we saw a minky whale too, didn't we? And we saw Corpuses


as well. Yeah. Yeah, we saw PPOs. They were but they weren't, they were off a little bit further, like we would see them come and, but there's a point on campobello, there's a, there's at the tip close to where you live, there's the island and the lighthouse where you can just stand on the shore and the whales are there. They come in when the tide comes in because it's the highest tides in the world. So the water comes in and then the whales are there. They're just hanging


out. Yeah. Way. If the days that they don't come in front of our house, I'll take a bike ride down to that point, on my electric bike and go, and that's such


a great idea.


And go have a look to see if they're down there, And we were so lucky on the second trip, the one that your husband came on. So we only did see the one whale that time. It was the minky, but she came so close to the boat. We could see her eye, her blow hole. Her, she was just, she was playing with us. Like the, one of the things people ask is do the whales, like when we go out looking at them, they really love it because there's nothing for them to get away from the boats. They're very efficient swimmers, but they stay close. They, the boats just, they turn their motors off. They try to do whatever they can do not to disturb the ecosystem and not to disturb the animals. And they just go and they try to give them enough space, but sometimes the whales come right over to the boat and the purposes were coming so close. I thought they were gonna jump in the boat. at one point they were having a lot of fun with us and Anyway, it was just one


of the pictures that Brandon got of the whale was actually, it was so close, yes. That he couldn't even get the whole whale in the picture. It was just the top of the blow hole. It had come out. And I'll send you that picture so you can put it on your website for the viewers to see. Yeah. But and it, yeah and there was also an eagle that he got a picture of. It was a juvenile eagle and it had come out, it was in the tree and it had come out and swooped over close near the boat and then went back. I believe


it was very interested in what we were doing and although we didn't get a picture of it, there was the other type of dolphin. There were so many purposes. There was, it was just a, and it was at sunset. And so I think for the subsequent tours, I've actually talked to Captain Riddle and we're going to finish the class. I'm gonna invite people to bring a picnic dinner with them on the boat. If they, if you don't get seasick and we're going to go out at sunset because it was just that second trip we took, we did the sunset cruise and it was just stunning coming back in as the sun was setting and it was the sunset on that island are something else.


There's nothing like I've ever seen. I was on shore with Pippa and I was just snapping pictures of the sun while you guys were out in the boat and it was just, it there. The sun is so big there and round and like all the, like you get these orange and pink and purple and it just, It's just actually as we were sitting there, the locals all pulled up. Yeah. In their cars and parked along beside me just to watch the sunset.


Oh yeah. On the wharf? Yeah. Yeah. Just right by the house and, oh, the sunset at our house. I am often sitting on the porch at that house and I say to my husband, we pinch me. I can't believe this is real This is just amazing.


Yeah. I believe that being there just didn't even feel like it was just, the view is just unbelievable. The bay and the boats just slowly meandering through and the day, the times that we were there, it was hot. It was really hot. Yes. Beautiful ocean breeze coming in, and it was just magical


It was, and it's, and there's not very many weekends on the island that are really super hot. But I was very thankful to that one student that joined us online just at the last minute. The class wasn't full. So I said, you know what? We're gonna allow anybody who wants to come online, because she made it possible for us to purchase an air conditioner. And a couple times we needed it we


did on the air conditioner, shut the door. We're like, ah. And


we thanked her. Thank you. Here getting us an air conditioner. Yes. Oh. So what, what do you notice that's different about this animal Reiki class than the other Reiki classes? Amy?


It was definitely a learning curve for me because I had, was used to just using regular Reiki. And so I'm set in my ways What I did notice was is it, there's different techniques with the animal Reiki energy that we get taught that I just wasn't used to. And I thought, oh, the animals want hands-on, like everybody wants hands-on, or, and it just, it's actually more efficient if you can just allow the animal Reiki to work without using hands-on and the animal can tell you if it wants to be in it or not. So that was a big difference for me was just learning that system. It's like a new system and how it works. And just wrapping your head around that. It settled in nicely, but it just took me a moment I did find. So what I did was I had chummed up with this little rat terrier of PAMs named Izzy. She has four dogs, Henry, Baxter, Izzy, and Lily. Lily, yeah. And so I had chummed up with one of her dogs and she was she's really childlike and fairy like energy, just beautiful. But she was just, a little apprehensive, just I need to know my boundaries here. And, but she really liked me and I was just smitten by her, like she was so cute and calm. And then I paired up with her to do the animal Reiki because we all got paired up with a different animal and. I was like, oh, I'm gonna give her hands on Reiki. I'm gonna do this. When I was told like, you're not supposed to, but I was just so I tried giving her hand gently. I was like, yeah, I tried giving her hands on Reiki, and she was like, she jumped back. She's no. And then Pam said, grace gracefully and passionately. She said, like Izzy is, or was it Izzy? Yeah. Yeah. Izzy. I always get Izzy and the other one mixed up. Yeah. She um, you said Izzy is just trying to teach you how to use the energy and so she just she was teaching me, she said, no I don't want hands on. I wanna be able to move in and out of the energy as I please. Which, It's makes, it makes so much sense because when we think about the way the animal circle is, we're a part of the animal circle. We're not above the animal circle. We are above it. We're in it. And when you think about Izzy, like she has a sovereign, she's sovereign, right? She's a soul, she's a being. And she doesn't, if she doesn't want the energy, then she doesn't want the energy, right? So we have to give the animals the respect and that they deserve. If they don't want Reiki, they don't need to get it.


Exactly. So I love that. Yeah. I love it. That's a very good point. And yeah. Did you find that the, this has impacted your connection with the animals, Amy?


Big time, like I found ev like since the course I've noticed just a deeper relationship with nature in general animals as well. I actually had an experience recently, I think it was in the fall. I was in a forest and and I invoke my energy and the animal Reiki energy. And I'd never had an experience like this before. I walked into the forest and I could just, I was like, I was a part of the forest I could feel. I could feel the life energy of the forest in my body, and I could feel there was a crow blew overhead and it cod and I could feel the crow essence in my body. I could feel the squirrels. I I could see the squirrels in the forest, and I could feel the squirrel energy in, in my body. Because we're all connected. And I think that's what this animal Reiki is all about. It's about that deep connection with the animals. It's just it's a lot different than the regular Reiki


It is. And they're complimentary to each other. They blend together beautifully, but they really compliment each other. And one of the things a lot of our students have found is that wild animals aren't frightened of them anymore and will sometimes, come right up to them. It seems, and so that's really cool. I


believe that.


Yeah. Oh yeah. Tell me what it felt like to connect with the whales and what that maybe did for you.


The whales are, like I said, they're the memory keepers. They are, they're just these beings of immense power. Yet they are so joyful. If you ever see a whale coming outta the water and breaching it, just, it, I don't know if anybody could see that experience and not be changed for, from it, from the rest of their life. I think a whale, the mem because they're the memory keepers and connecting to them with the Reiki. It's almost like you get all these downloads of energy and connection with who you are and a deep sense of like trust in who you are and knowing that where you come from because they hold that, that memory inside of them.


Yeah. There is something like just, and I've never seen one jump out of the water. They, with the, when we're talking, we just of see them surface and come up for air, they blow and then they go under again. I've never yet seen eyes a real breach, but I hope to someday Me too. And yeah, definitely. But they, there really is something about just being in their proximity that changes you, isn't there?


Just being around the boat, like them being around the boat was just profound feeling that immense power of this animal, but. Almost like a gentleness, like here I am, like you can see me. It's just, it's amazing


It really is. Do you have any thoughts about how people listening once they have animal Reiki, how do they integrate it into their daily lives, especially if they don't live near the ocean? You're n you and I live actually close together, and so neither of us are near the ocean unless we're down there How have you integrated Reiki into your daily life?


I think with the animal Reiki you can just use the distance symbol and send it that way. You do learn some techniques in the course that allows you to actually encapsulate a large area of land or a space. Using that technique and the distance symbol you can connect with the whales, the ocean, and just that energy and just have that and have that come into your space through that bridge of light using the in that connection. So it's pretty powerful that way and yeah, I love it.


Do you feel that the class addressed the ethical considerations of working with wild animals?


Yeah, 100%. Each anibal animal is an individual soul. And we respect it's right. Even with euthanasia for example we believe that like the animals have a right to decide when it's their time to go. And sometimes it can be hard on us as humans to let an animal go. But they always say, choose a time and a day and a place that's good for you. Because, we wanna make this as easy as possible on you because they're in connection with us. They believe that they're like, especially dogs. Yeah, they're very connected with who we are and they have a purpose. With us to share that I'm gonna hold space for you. Basically, I'm gonna hold space for you on this journey. And so at the end of their life, they, they will say pick a day that's good for you, where we can do this together. And maybe they don't choose euthanasia. Maybe you don't choose euthanasia as, and maybe you do it naturally and that's perfectly fine too. There's so many options for the end of life care. But working with the animals, they just have this, it's like a knowing and a trusting of life that we don't really understand. We do, when we take the course. I think


maybe not


before Yeah, maybe not before to that level. I think, I've always looked at death as. I've always been fascinated with death, actually. Just, it's just a beautiful thing to me. It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful, we come into the world helpless. We take our first breath and then we leave the world exhaling our last breath and we're helpless in both these situations. It's just such a beautiful thing to observe. And I think that the animal Reiki really instills that on a deeper level that there is no fear in death. It's just, it's all a continuation. It's just another cycle.


I was fascinated at one point in the class, we just went and sat on the lawn to send Reiki to the ocean and then whatever creatures that we could feel in the ocean and was surprised that the crill came to me and the Crill are whale food. This is what whales eat, and they eat millions of them every minute. And at first, one of the things that I've been trying to figure out is the predator prey relationship, because it's not what we might originally think when we anthropomorphize it with our human thoughts and feelings. We kinda look at, oh, the poor prey and oh, the mean predator. And, but


that's not, you have to explain what anthropomorph my eyes means. Oh I asked, I didn't know what it meant. And you said it in the class. I was like, what does that mean? What does that mean?


You're right. I'm sorry. Amy Anthropomorphizing is putting human thoughts, feelings and emotions on animals. And so we. The way we look at things, and we assume that the animals look at it the same way. But as an animal scientist, we learn not to do that because we all have our own instincts, our own ways of doing things, our own thought processes, our own ways of being. And so instead of putting human thoughts and emotions on a cow, it's a better idea to instead observe the cattle's natural behavior and and do it that way. So a lot of times we do that. We say, we anthropomorphize, we put the human thoughts and emotions like the poor prey, the mean predator. But my observation has shown me that animals don't actually. Most animals don't want to become prey, or maybe they do, but my observations have shown me that it's a much more complex relationship than that and more complex than I can fully understand. So I've been really working to try and figure that out with my observations recently. And so I was really shocked when we went to do Reiki for the ocean, that I saw millions of crill come and into my hands and funnel up to the heavens. And I went, oh yes, of course there's probably all kinds of crill souls that maybe need help to cross or something like that, and gosh, I never thought of the crill, the poor crill, they're losing their lives to as the whales eat them. And we, we don't often think of fish in the same way. We tend to have a little more empathy for mammals and. So on and krill are so tiny, and the krill actually through animal communication, they stopped me and they said, no, we don't need your help because we're suffering. We want you to help us make more krill And they showed me that as baby whales, even when they're just starting in their mother. It's the crill that the mothers eat that allow the whale to grow into a baby and then be born. And then these tiny baby whales, tiny ish. Eat krill. And they grow and they grow to become the majesty of the ocean. And the krill said, we love becoming whales. And so they showed me that they willingly, gladly, gratefully gave their bodies to allow, to becoming a whale, to allowing the whale to grow into what it was, and that it was this beautiful symbiotic or mutually beneficial effect. And I still am thinking about that. I'm still, I still don't have it, my mind wrapped around it completely, but I know, I think like


a macrocosm and a microcosm thing coming in for me when you speak about it it's almost and that's how we've evolved in a sense too as beings. And I think. And you say this in the course too there's vegetarians, there's vegans, there's not, like we evolve as beings, just there's so many different aspects of evolution, and there's no right or wrong path, but I think like, even as humans, like we've ingested animals over the thousands and thousands of years. And I feel like that's how we like almost evolve in some sense through that. But I think, I don't, this is totally my thought feeling, so don't like, but I feel like we're moving past that in a sense. Almost like I eat meat personally. it works for my body. Yeah. But I feel like we're moving into this. Place of not eating meat as much almost moving into a light body. Because I feel like the predator price thing is like shifting and it's evolving in a sense.


There's something going on. But the Crill really stopped me when I was saying, oh, poor crill. Yeah. And I said no. We love becoming whales. This is what we do. We want you to make more of us because we need more whales. We want to make more whales. And I always love when the animal communication surprises me, And this just stops me in my tracks because then I know I'm not making anything up. But that definitely was not my original thought. That, or that energy came from the crill. It was just amazing. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Amy, what tips do you have? I'll, first of all, I'll just let you know that if you are interested in having this experience, please join us in July, August or September, and in September also for the Animal Reiki Masters. And you can also join us in New York. I will be at the Northeast Reiki Retreat. So please think about joining us there and I'll be teaching Animal Reiki level one and two there in May. But if you'd like to come and visit, and also I'll be teaching Animal Reiki here at the farm in April. But if you would like to have the Campobello experience, join us in. August or September, I'd love to have you. What tips do you have for people who are maybe mulling this over or considering it? Thinking of joining us in Campobello?


If you're coming to New Brunswick side just make sure that you Pack some extra groceries. You can cross the border into the United States. But the grocery stores don't always have the best selection. They do have a grocery store and a convenient store, which is convenient. And they have a few restaurants, I think they have three restaurants,


which are, but the restaurants don't stay open very late.


They don't stay open late. And there's no gas station,


which I admit, there's no gas station and there's some, and the restaurants are sometimes packed. They're open. The one near us is open early in the morning and they have amazing coffee There you go. I love it. Yeah, those are good tips, Amy. And oh, something about where to stay. All of the spots on the island are lovely and you can stay in Lubec as well. But I do wanna mention that people who stay down by the Pier restaurant At the cabins there, and there is a link I believe to that. I'm gonna just look really quickly here. But people who stay there sometimes get whale shows at night. They, the whales come right by where the campfire is.


Oh, is that, yes. The pier. So that's the Seaglass Beach too. That


is a good sea. Seaglass Beach. Yes. And it's near Wilson's Beach. It's about 15. It's called Pollock Cove. Seaside Resort. And so if


people's, and you saw a shark


there. We did see a shark there. Yes, I did So unfortunately I think it was, it came right after a pot of dolphins, so I'm afraid it might have gotten one of the little dolphins, but but we did see a shark grab something there as well. So That's true. Yeah. And any other advice? Would you tell them to pack their bags and come or


pack their bags and come? It's just beautiful. When I arrived at Pam's house, her husband Pierre had baked fresh muffins, They're just lovely people. Pam and Pierre and their dogs are like, The most special beings, Henry. It has these blue eyes like that just pierce your soul. And they're just they're special beings. Baxter is so funny. He's just he's just a beautiful teacher. He's a teacher. Baxter. And Pam and Pierre are just lovely. Oh, another thing about the course is Pam donates a portion of it to, the animal the whale rescue team on the Campbel Island, they work with marine biologists and scientists and they use Special entangle special gear that disentangles the whales. Which is amazing because they have a lot of the fishermen are using now using different types of net netting. Is that correct, Pam? It's true. The,


This, the whale rescue organization has been so successful. And of course, fishermen love the land and love the ocean, love the oceans, love the animals too. And so in conjunction or working together, they many of them use special gear that the whales don't get tangled up in. And so the whale rescue team doesn't have very many whales that they need to rescue around us anymore. And what happens is that they're now being called out to go. North of us and other places to disentangle any whales that might have got tangled up. And they have this wonderful Thing going on with all the fishermen and boaters that they, if they ever do find a whale or animal in distress, they let them know. They dispatch the boats and the teams to untangle them as quickly as possible before the animal has experienced much distress. It's really remarkable. So yes, I felt that it was really important to donate a portion of our class fees to them and just to help them with their work. And they do a lot of research as well. We've noticed that the waters are definitely warming and this was the first year I think that we didn't get any Atlantic right Wells. They went further north. They didn't stop into the bay this year cuz the water is getting a bit warmer Yeah. Thanks. Amy, I think I'm gonna move us into a little meditation today. And what I'd like to do is for the listeners who can join us in Camp Bell, this will be a little preview or prelude to joining us. And for those who can't, I'd like to take you there in our meditation so that you can still experience the energy, the animal Reiki energy, and maybe even we're gonna see if the whale energy will come in and join us today in this meditation. So I'm just gonna invite you to close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Bringing your hands into Gassho just for a moment to activate your Reiki energy, activating your symbols, and just noticing that the divine animal kingdom, which is part of the animal Reiki energy and teachings, these divine animals are standing at the corners of the land and on every side, and they're shining their light into the light that surrounds you. And as you breathe in your connection with the animal kingdom here on earth. You breathe in the light of the divine animals and the divine animal kingdom. You feel yourself a part of the animal kingdom here on. Place your hands comfortably on your body now, giving yourself Reiki and breathe breathing in the light of the divine animals, the divine animal kingdom. And imagine that today you're going on a journey. Imagine yourself landing at the OR airport, renting a car and driving on beautiful country roads. Maybe you'll see some deer or some wild turkeys or fox as you travel, getting closer and closer to the coast. And others may be coming from the Canadian side, either traveling. Through St. Stephen and Callis down to lube, we're coming across on the Deer Island ferry and then driving across the island and getting onto the small Campobello Ferry for a 20 minute, 20 to 30 minute drive. However you decide to arrive, you land at the island. You travel around exploring the beautiful wildlife and scenery. You see the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's cottage and the beautiful park. Maybe you take some hikes on the. Miles of trails that exist there. Maybe you go golfing on the award-winning golf course that was actually created in part by Franklin Roosevelt. You notice that the islanders, when they drive by you, they wave. You can just feel the friendliness, the gentleness of this island. You stop into some of the sweet shops with their unique wares, and you visit some of the beaches and. And just get yourself ready for the class. The next day during class, you are altered changed with a deep and divine connection with the animals, and that leads to a deep and divine connection with yourself. You remember your beauty, or as you understand yourself to be beautiful, you will create your life from that place. But while you believe yourselves to be flawed or destructive, we create our lives from that place. And so you remember who you are. You connect with your purpose on earth. You make friends with like-minded people who also connect with the animals, and you feel that you understand the animals much more deeply From this place of connection with this energy, from the tools and the theory that you learn in class, and from this place of heightened understanding of the animals and of yourself, together, we stroll down to the wharf and. Join Brandon, captain Riddle or a whale tour, and we go out onto the water and once again, the friendliness, the people washes over you as the different captains, radio back and forth to each other, assisting each other to get in the best positions for their passengers. To be able to see these majestic creatures, we go past lighthouses and cliffs and rock, outcrops, other boats, and then there it is. The whale, a beautiful fin back, too heavy to jump out of the water, the second largest whale on the planet. And it takes so long to surface that it seems to go on forever, and you feel yourself utterly changed by the experience of seeing this whale being in its proximity, connected to your history and the history of all of the other animals, all of the other beings. Connected to the history of the Earth itself, and we'll just breathe here for a few moments as you allow the energy of the whale to watch over you. And now the boat moves on in search of another species of oil and the PPOs sometimes follow along. Jumping alongside the boat, I see seals and herons and golfs. Maybe you notice a puff in the distance. We are about 24 miles from Puffin Island and occasionally the puffins and the Razorbacks join us razor bells. And now we're coming on to a pair of humpbacks. They have a baby with them and they're teaching the baby how to feed. They've come on a long migration to come to this feeding ground. The humpbacks are very playful and they're smaller, so they can jump out of the water if they choose, and we hope they're going to choose to. We're going to spend a few moments with the humpback today. And just get a feeling for this beautiful whale, the joyfulness and the playfulness that exists within it. And we'll remain here just allowing the whale energy of the hump back to wash over us. Ooh. We say thank you to the hump back and the fin back, and we move on a little closer to home. Maybe during class you could see the mins, the fin backs that we're surfacing out in front of the house and now you go to see them closer up. The mins are beautiful whale that are also playful, but incredibly friendly. They sometimes come very close to the boat. They really enjoy interacting with people. When they spend the longest time in these cold waters off of Campobello, just allow the energy of the Minky whales now, the friendliness, the peace, the joy, and being just to wash over you. Now, the memories from these beautiful memory keep. We say thank you now to the whales, the purposes, the seals, all of the abundant sea life that has welcomed us, invited us to join them in their home and in Thanks. We take a moment now collectively as a group to think about either the ocean around campobello or an ocean or body of water near you, and we send WA energy. We send Reiki energy now to the waters. Remembering that we are all made mostly of water. Water is our common denominator. Let's send Reiki to the waters and the beautiful creatures in the waters, the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, and the streams. And we'll spend a few moments doing that together. We say thank you now to the earth. The waters, the creatures and the waters to the land and the creatures and the land, the rocks, the trees, the plants, flowers, the grass. We are so blessed to be a part of this beautiful creation, and we say goodbye now to each other. To the island to the experience. But just aware that whether you join us in Campobello or just join us today, this experience has changed you. We say thank you to the memory keepers, but whales, we commit to doing whatever we can to assist in keeping the oceans clean and maintaining those beautiful, pristine environments. We are so blessed to be a lineage of light bringers creating wellness on the earth today. A homo. All my relations must and Amen. Thank you for joining us as we visited with the whales. Once again, everyone, I so appreciate you and all that you do. Thank you, Amy, for being here with us and for writing that beautiful article about our experience together. And thank you for all the work that you're putting out in the.


Thank you for sharing. That was absolutely beautiful, Pam. I felt like I was right in Campobello


I bet you did. For those who are thinking of joining us, there is a link to the Tourist association and places to Stay and things like that in the class section of our website. Go ahead and reach out. We would love to see you there and share our beautiful island with you Much love. Bye bye everyone.