Reiki from the Farm™

Dragonfly’s New Reiki App: A Revolutionary Way to Share Reiki

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc/Amanda McCordic, Charlene Robichaud Season 3 Episode 15

Join Amanda McCordic and Charlene Robichaud in this exciting episode as they discuss Dragonfly's new Reiki app, a revolutionary tool for sharing healing energy with others. They share their story of how getting a "Tap on the shoulder" from Reiki led to the creation of this incredible app that helps any Reiki business, big or small, with marketing, scheduling, bookkeeping, and more.

Whether you're a Reiki practitioner or in need of healing, this app has something for everyone. Tune in to hear from Charlene and Amanda on why this app is a must-have for any Reiki business.

Click here to check out Dragonfly - Reiki Marketplace's website.

Click here to listen to Amanda's previous interview on Reiki from the Farm, where she shares her personal experience with Reiki and how it helped her cope with a terminal diagnosis. 

Amanda McCordic is a mother, lawyer, and successful serial entrepreneur who discovered the transformative power of Reiki three years ago when faced with a terminal cancer diagnosis. Today, Amanda's body shows no signs of cancer, and she's thriving. She partly attributes this to the healing energy of Reiki. This incredible experience inspired her to become a light-bringer, helping others discover the power of Reiki and bring it into their lives.

Charlene Robichaud
is a mother, Reiki Master, and teacher who found her calling with Reiki after a life-changing event - her divorce. Seeking to climb the mountain of self-love, Charlene left her corporate job to instead focus on sharing the light of Reiki with the world.

Pam Allen-LeBlanc
is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT) with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, and Australia.

Pam's ICRT Classes: 

Order The Reiki Business Book

A special thanks goes out to Music from Pixabay for the intro music and to Nate Miller for the meditation music.

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Hi, and welcome to the Reiki from the Farm Podcast, brought to you by me, Pam Allen Loblaw from Hidden Brook Farm. I am a scientist, a businesswoman, and a licensed Reiki master teacher with the International Center for Reiki. each week in this podcast, you'll be entertained as you learn about a wide variety of relevant Reiki topics helping you become a more knowledgeable and effective Reiki practitioner. We caution you though this podcast may also dramatically improve your life. And we are so happy that you're here. On this week's podcast, I'm talking with my friend and client, Amanda McCorick who you may have heard from before with Amanda's Terminal Cancer diagnosis and the way that she was able to step away from that. I'll put a link to that podcast in this one for any of you who would like to check it out. And also to my other friend and colleague, client Charlene Robisho about their new app dragonfly, which is we think has the potential to really revolutionize how Reiki is offered and available in the world. And so we're really excited to talk about that today. Thank you ladies for being here. Thank you for having us. Awesome. Before we get started, I just wanted to let you know to please go ahead and join me for the R M A courses there. That's Reiki Level one and two and Masters. And in order to be a professional member of the Reiki Membership Association, if you take your Level one and two and Masters from a licensed teacher, you can then become a professional member of the I C R T Reiki Membership Association. And so if that has been something that you're looking for please go ahead and check out the I C R T Reiki Membership Association that's available for Reiki Masters from any lineage. You Only have to have studied with a licensed teacher to be a professional member, but you can be an affiliate member from other lineages. So do check that out. Amanda, do you and Charlene have anything coming up aside from this wonderful launch of Dragonfly that you'd like to let people know about?


We have some classes. We haven't nailed down the dates of them. We're really putting a lot of our energy and focus into the Dragonfly launch. So we will be announcing those kind of in the early new year. But right now we


don't have any classes booked now. That's all right. We're gonna put a link to your website, and so by the time the podcast is live, people can check that out. I'm sure you'll have something posted at that time. So we'll we'll get those up there for you. We'll, before everybody gets too far in, I'm just gonna invite everyone listening and all of us to just bring your hands and gash out and just allow the energy of Reiki to begin flowing. If you have any symbols, you can activate those as well. Sometimes there are opportunities with Reiki as in life that are new and different technology opens doors to us that may have been previously closed, such as the ability to connect as we do each week with you on this podcast. And sometimes there can be resistance to new ideas and new ways of doing things. And I know if you're here, you are definitely open to new things and new ways of doing things, but. If you do feel any resistance within you toward doing things differently in your life or with Reiki or any resistance to technology, we just invite that to begin lifting from you now, and we are all here together on this wonderful journey in the Earth plane. Our souls learning and growing together, our hearts beating in the same rhythm and in the same rhythms, the rhythm of the earth and of all of the nature, and all of the plants and animals on the earth. Just feeling that connectedness and that oneness and an appreciation for the fact that technology can connect us in this way. We also feel a deep and abiding connection and appreciation for you. We appreciate that you listen and that you join us each week, and that we are growing in this Reiki adventure together. Thank you. So girls welcome Amanda, you've created, you've put a tremendous amount of resources into creating an app. And as I understand it, and I guess I've been witnessing some of this journey with you as you're teacher. And I don't know if you would call me a mentor, but that's it feels like


I'll call you my Reiki lady when I talk to people, but mentor is probably the right terminology. Reiki lady. When you


walked away from that terminal cancer diagnosis, you had a very strong. Vision and very strong guidance to create this app. Can you tell us a little bit about


that? Yeah, so I won't go into a lot of the details of the story before, the Coles Notes version of that is was a very Very focused, overworked divorce lawyer. Diagnosed with cancer in December of 2019. Literally 24 hours later I had my first Reiki session. In April of 2020, I was diagnosed terminal and was told that I would likely only have months to live. And I just didn't really accept that diagnosis. It's not consistent with my personality, it just was to lay down and die. And so I really amped up my spiritual my spiritual focus, my spiritual healing. I decided that whether I had three months left or 30 years, that I wanted a certain way of life, and I wanted that life to be connected and grounded. Approximately a year after I was diagnosed terminal, my husband committed suicide. And so obviously that was another big stressor. But after Matt's death and the clouds of grief started to lift, and again, I really leaned into the Reiki to get me through to get me through all of that. I came to a very quiet spiritual place where really the grief had al the grief was almost like a cloud that surrounded me and it was necessary. And it, it acted almost as a blanket to keep the world out for a while and to keep out the busyness. That is my life. I'm, I run a bunch of businesses. I'm still a divorced lawyer. I have children. I've got a really busy life and the grief of Matt's loss really put me in this almost a fog. a fog of grief, and, but it was healing. and it healed not just the loss of Matt and the, the hard years I'd had with Matt. But it, I really feel just like the terminal cancer diagnosis, it helped propel my spiritual path forward. And so in the summer of 2021 I did spend a lot of time quietly meditating. I spent a lot of time actually using different versions of tarot cards. And I had started to plan how my return to work would look like. And I really thought that it was going to be a focus on Reiki. I, I couldn't get enough of it. It's all I wanted to do. So I set up a beautiful Reiki room. But I remember sitting in the Reiki room and realizing that it wasn't right, that it was almost right, but that the Reiki room wasn't for me. And so at the same time, while I was doing my cards and trying to figure out my direction This idea came to me over and over again, is that what I'm really good at is empowering other people, and that's how it's been through all the different companies is that's, I find people and I give them an opportunity to be themselves. And I think that's what was missing in my Reiki room is this Reiki room wasn't my Reiki journey or my Reiki purpose, how I'm to help spread. The light and love of Reiki isn't for me to do it one-on-one as much as I would love to. If I could just do that 40 hours a week, that would be lovely. But I knew that wasn't my purpose. And so I've always been a bit of a dreamer and I've come up with different ideas over the years, and all of a sudden I became really fixated on what the world needed was greater access to Reiki. And that as I went through the various classes with you and, other Reiki events, I was continuously impressed by the quality of the Reiki practitioners I was encountering. but I continuously saw that they weren't getting out there and necessarily sharing their light as effectively as they would like, or, their Reiki was coming up against logistical roadblocks. Sometimes they were internal, their own fear. Sometimes it was the cost of space. Sometimes, the reality is running a business is a skillset that a lot of the Reiki practitioners that I was encountering just didn't have. And it was creating a natural barrier. And so it became clear to me pretty vividly in detailed about my purpose here and this interesting path that I've walked in my life was getting me to a place so that I could use all those skills. And quite frankly, A large portion of the insurance money that my husband that I received when my husband died. All of those things came together to allow me to create a platform to really remove barriers from Reiki practitioners to share their light and their love and their healing with the wider world that I think is at an, a desperate need for it. But also I think there's been a universe change where people are more open to these things. Yeah. And so I think it's the exact right time in, in history for this to happen. I think my own journey led me directly to this moment. And I would say it, it's like a business, no other business I've ever started. Because I wasn't focused on the financials parts of it. I wasn't, know, there wasn't a business plan. This is really my gift to the universe. I realize what an incredible place of privilege I sit in. No signs of cancer in my body. I'm healthy, I'm happy. I have a wonderful life full of joy and purpose. And I know that is in no small part because of me discovering Reiki at that crucial moment when I was about to get the cancer diagnosis. And so I've often thought how could I have possibly managed cancer and Matt's loss and everything in between without Reiki? And I don't think I could have, I don't think I would be here. I think I would be off plotting my next life. So really it became very clear to me that my purpose or part of my purpose here on this beautiful Earth is to help empower these Reiki practitioners. To extend their reach, extend their light, spread their light and also to help take Reiki more mainstream. It was a series of wild coincidences or maybe not so coincidence, but there was a series of things that had to happen for me to end up connecting with you that first time. Yeah. And I remember thinking, we need to streamline this so that everyone doesn't have three miracles to get to Reiki. We need to make it more mainstream. The other thing that I've really realized is that we need to do as a, we need to improve how we make it accessible to people. Both, both the sharing and the receiving. And Again, keeping in mind totally outside my wheelhouse, I'm a lawyer. I have no experience in marketing. I have no experience in apps. I'm not particularly gifted when it comes to technology at all. If anything, this process has taught me how old I am So this is entirely outside of our wheelhouse. But yeah, it became very clear to me that, yeah, my purpose was to create a platform that removed as many of the logistical barriers as possible for practitioners, whether they be part-time practitioners or full-time practitioners to share and expand and make money, so yeah, it became very clear to me that what I was supposed to do was create an app and a website, an online platform that removed as many of the logistical barriers as we could for practitioners, whether they be new practitioners, small practitioners, established practitioners. We have all these wonderful Reiki practitioners and healers. Who are so good at the Reiki, but maybe struggle to market themselves. They struggle with the business side of it. I know, Pam, this is something that the universe has also tasks you with, it has with the Reiki business book, with the Reiki Disney book Yeah. To help people with that side of things. And that's just it. And that's how I really felt, it's important that I share my, my, my light and my love. But more than that is I'm here to help empower others to do that. And we really see it. Not to get too off track, but I was raised by a single mom and a home with not a lot of money. I have a special place in my heart for single moms. I think that's probably why I'm a divorce lawyer. And I just think of all the single mothers who, having a part-time Reiki practitioner practice could lift out of poverty. So they benefit their children benefit. We often think of it as a side hustle that aligns, that doesn't exhaust and so really we're trying to think, we're trying to, in this app and in this platform, figure out all the potential hurdles for practitioners. So our first step is to get those out of the way, and we've come a long ways in that we're excited for it to launch so people can see. And then also putting together some, pooled resources for marketing and just a more of a strategy and international across many different countries. Again, just to help with the advertising and the marketing. Again, all geared towards shining the light of Reiki as far as we can.


I love that, Amanda. Thank you. Charlene, what's your role in all this? Can you tell us a little bit about?


Sure. So I came to work with Amanda about a little over a year ago now. I was trying to find my purpose in life, and I had taken your classes as well. I did get a lot of inspiration through Amanda to become a Reiki practitioner. And she, I started work with Amanda in the law office. As we started to unfold the Dragonfly app I understood more where I was going in life and how I was in the wrong


direction before,


and it took, a little bit of trauma to move me back onto the right street and narrow path, so the, when she approached me with the Dragonfly app isa, I thought, wow, this is a great opportunity to be able to build a community within that itself. One of the things that we'd like to do is, like she mentioned, reach, worldwide, and I feel like by having this app, we'll be able to do that easier and instead of like, When I first started doing Reiki, I was Googling things and it leads you down a path and you're like three hours in before you realize what you've done. So by creating this app, it'll have everything right within itself, so you don't have to go looking, searching for three hours looking for practitioner or somewhere to find answers or going to multiple different websites of peoples to find different things. And so I like to think of it as like building a library of tools and knowledge for everyone, right? And if don't resonate with one person, you don't have to go to a different website, you can find that within the same website. So that is, I guess what I'm super excited about. I'm a single mom as well, and I felt like I had lost my way, but I feel like I'm going forward and opening up. I've always wanted to be a teacher and I'm feeling like I'm becoming a teacher and a healer all wrapped up to, wrapped up into one thing. And it feels really great to be able to be that helper,


isn't that exciting? And so you, as an, as a fairly new Reiki practitioner, you've been going through the app as it's been developed and just looking at what would be useful and helpful to you, and I think you've been contributing like in, in that way, like what you would need to get your business going. Is that right? Yeah, absolutely.


As a fairly new practitioner, sometimes it's really easy to get wrapped up in your head and. Trying to find guidance, and okay, let me just grab my thought here for a second.


That's okay.


Can I, that's okay. Yeah, go ahead,


Yeah, we'll move on because actually, so I wanna, I was just wondering if I could ask you both to tell me a little bit about the app. So explain this. We talk about some people that are listening are gonna know exactly what apps are and other people aren't going to understand what an app is. So tell me about the app and what it does.


Yeah. So it's called Dragonfly Reiki Marketplace. And the reason that it's called that is it really is, I want people to envision a busy marketplace. With all the excitement and knowledge and variety that you find in those, those markets. And when I was 17, I was in a market, such a market in Guatemala, and that's what I envision When I s when I think of the marketplace, and I think of all these different Reiki practitioners who have walked different journeys, different paths have experienced different losses and lessons and traumas, and there's, I think if there's a Reiki practitioner for everybody. Yeah. I love working with people who have terminal cancer or terminal diagnosis. I enjoy working with them. I enjoy working with people who have lost a loved one to suicide because I have walked those journeys and I can speak to that. Now. I'm not the person for someone who has a child who has autism or, hasn't been able to have children. There's lots of different hurdles. And lessons that people have to go through. And we really believe that each practitioner has walked the path they've walked for this reason. So that they can help others heal and guide from that. And so that's what the Reiki marketplace is. It's a place, a platform. So it'll be both online and then also in an app form. So to make it easy for your phone, a lot of people are moving more and more just to their phones and not using their computers as much. So they'll be both an app and an online platform. And essentially what it will be is a place for Reiki practitioners no matter what the lineage, no matter from what country they may come from A place for them to come and offer their services. whether that's teaching, whether that's we have somebody that does forest bathing, whatever, you Reiki and other related modalities And it's a place for people to come to, to find that spiritual connection and to find their path towards connection, towards their soul's pursuits, what they're here for. And so we have tried to I was a classic, wanted to keep control of everything, but this project's very different. This is a universe's project. And so we are, we've tried to place as few limitations on it as possible because we realize that there's valued in having a dive very diverse marketplace. Cause what's right for me isn't right for the next person. And so really that's what it is. It's a platform online. Each practitioner will have their own launch page. think of that as their booth. And so they'll get to put in their booth what they want, so they can upload small meditations of themselves from like YouTube. They have the ability to post write-ups pictures to advertise about classes they may be teaching, offer their services. And so you'll be able to go through and, and we'll have different keywords. There's different categories. So if you have an area that you especially feel that you have special insight into for instance, a terminal diagnosis or suicide. For me, it's for


empaths. I always work with empaths and animal lovers


and normal courses. So we'll have those search terms so that you can narrow down. But it really, what it is it's a, it's like opening a whole plethora of options for somebody. To experience Reiki. And the other part that's really important to us is what we call like the real time of it. So you'll be able, if you are in a moment, you've of darkness or a moment where you're really struggling, you'll be able to open as a Reiki client, open the website or the app and see who's available for Reiki in the short term. Right now, available in your time, Reiki


right now who's there? Kind What we can see on Messenger, like who's


available? Exactly. Yeah. And so then you'll be able to book short term very quick turnaround and having that, and again, it's about helping people quickly and efficiently access re. So they can start their own Reiki journey. And whether that leads to them teaching, I remember and I don't know if it was you, Pam, who said it, or if it was William Rand through you. Every family needs a Reiki master.


Colleen Benelli said that Colleen Benelli, and that was the impetus for my book. I, I looked around me at the Heathrow Airport as all the flights were being grounded, and Covid was just beginning in March, 2020, and people were panicking, and I wasn't, and I remember saying, oh my goodness, Colleen was right. Every family needs a Reiki practitioner for times like these. And yes, I, that was the reason for the book. I think that's the reason for this app is to just make Reiki more accessible to people. Both more accessible to the practitioners who are ready to get out and start practicing and more accessible to the clients who wish to receive it.


Is that right? That's entirely right. And I just oh, I lost it. That's okay.


I think for us too, like another aspect of it is we have something called the Healers Lounge. And that's actually similar to the Reiki student page that you have on your FA Facebook page, Pam, where you can ask questions and get comfortable with some of the things that Reiki has to offer that maybe some other people don't know or aren't comfortable with. One thing for me that I struggled with at the very beginning was you, What does Reiki feel like and that kind of stuff. And I think a lot of the times I, those are the kinds of things that I went searching for. Like how do I know, what are the feelings that I'm getting? What does this mean? And I think that the Healers Lounge is a great place for people to come and imagine yourself sitting in a comfortable chair, sitting around a table discussing these kinds of things with other like-minded people, getting comfortable getting that validation that you need the confidence to move forward with that,


with your journey. I love that. And for people that aren't aware, anybody who studies with me, I have a private Facebook group and we just don't stay in touch through that group after class. It's just a way to be connected with your tribe and ask questions and also if you need support, like can, oh hey, this is happening in my life. Can you all send Reiki? It's something lovely. So it sounds like that Healers Lounge is gonna be very similar. Yes


to that. Exactly. And people can ask questions and people can al also like just post stories, something that inspired them or what have you. Just to get like-minded people together, building that community together. And bringing it further and further, expanding it more and more. The community is like, the Reiki energy expands in your aura,


that's right. Same thing. And it's, and community is so important when you're doing this work. Like it's, what we do is so unbelievable at times. That it is so nice to be able to have somebody to talk about. With about it afterward and that sort of thing. And one of the things that occurs to me with what you guys are creating is that myself, as a practitioner, it might be difficult for me to afford to advertise on Facebook and in magazines and in the different places. But by working together with a group like this you guys, I expect, are going to be advertising the marketplace. And so then people can more easily find me. And I like the idea of allowing us to put the, and I've, by the way, I've already signed up to your marketplace. I dunno if


I saw it.


You saw it. I've already signed up and I just wanted to see, and it's really easy to sign up. And I like the idea that I can talk about where my expertise is because quite frankly, one of the things that I pray when I set up my Reiki classes, I actually say a prayer and say and even for my sessions, I do the same thing. I usually see 10 to 12 clients a week, and I set up my. Sessions and my classes with the following prayer. Please bring me the students that are aligned with my style and that need me, and please help the students and clients who are not to find the right practitioner for them, because it doesn't help anybody if I've got, people in my classes that aren't aligned with my style of teaching, that, that need a different style of teaching, it's gonna be disruptive. And the people that are there are not that, that are aligned with my style of teaching won't get as much from it. The people that aren't aligned won't enjoy it. So it's really important that we get that alignment. And and I'm, I was really impressed when I went to sign up you guys just how easy it was. And we're announcing this today because you guys are creating just a soft launch in the sense that you are looking for your founding 50. Can you


tell us a little bit about that? Yeah, so our founding 50 our first 50 practitioners to be on the site. They are going to beta test. It essentially for us, we. We really want this to be well thought out and easy to use. We wanna take any of the potential hurdles out for people. And so yeah, we're looking for 50 enthusiastic Reiki practitioners who have at least their masters right,


to join. This is just gonna be available at the master level. So level Yeah. A bit more


experience. Yeah. Yeah. And again, we encourage people who have their one and two to get their master so they can join. But we really wanted to make sure that they're at least had some, at least that six month period in using the energy and becoming really comfortable with the energy. But yeah, our founding 50 will be the fi first 50 practitioners. We wanna get them on the site, start using it opening that dialogue. We really wanna hear from people what is working well for them, what isn't working well what needs fixed. And really really just set us up for real success. For the heart, for the full launch. First we gotta get the practitioners. Once we get them comfortable, then we'll seek out. But I did wanna say, just jumping back for a second about the advertising. We absolutely will be doing an advertise lots of advertising, but we really see it as a twofold. So we see it as, the macro level advertising that we will do. And, we have lots of people helping us with that. And then also we're working on material that will be given out to the practitioners when they sign up for, help them to do their own micro advertising with. Own networks for their own networking, but really, yeah. So we'll be doing, we'll be doing our share of, sharing the app and marketing the app and the practitioners, but we also wanna empower people in their own communities and their own networks through through some of the material we'll help provide them. So we'll be looking, and again, we really see this as allowing each Reiki master to share their light to the degree that fits with their life right now. If you're a mom who has a full-time job and you have, five hours a month to devote to this, that's all right. We love that there's five more hours of Reiki in the universe. So we really are trying to tailor this from somebody who wants, a little bit of extra money each month and a hobby and pursuit. that elevates them while also adding money to their household. And also the full-time practitioners who are looking for 30 or 40 clients a week. So we're trying to, so in our founding 50, we're looking for both. We're looking for all spectrums of people. We're looking for people of all different backgrounds from all different countries. We really want to throw the net and catch as many different groups of people as we possibly can. And again, always with the mission of spreading the light and love of Reiki as far and as fast as we can. And


so my understanding is those founding 50 can register at any time. And so the first 50 who register, you've got a few special privileges set up for them because there is gonna be a cost to being a part of the app. That's just regular cost of doing business. But what do you have in mind for those first 50 who sign up?


Yeah. As you mentioned it, it's, it has been expensive to bring this product to market. And that's okay. But there is expense in both developing and then operating it and of course the advertising as well as the screening. So there is going to be a signup cost for new practitioners for the first 50 that will be waived. So we're just, we're appreciative of your beta testing, so that will all be waived. And then we also have a special little kits that we'll be mailing out with just a little bit of swag again recognizing that the founding for the founding 50 are really, are going on an ledge for us and are giving us their energy. And I'm so grateful when talented people. Lend me their experience or provide me their experience and their their energy. And so yeah, we have a great box of goodies that I won't ruin the surprise, but a great box of goodies. I think it might include


my book,


very likely. And perhaps we could even get you to sign the books. Oh, wow. that's right. Yeah, so we're sending out cause we do appreciate the founding 50. And we, I trust that the universe is going to send us the right 50 people.


And so for the 50, and I think this is our main, your main launch is just inviting the folks listening to this podcast right now. For the 50 people who decide to sign up the first 50, they're making history, aren't they? They're being part of, they, they take a part in


shaping this. Absolutely. And, we're working on basically it would be a little icon that would identify them as a founding 50 so that, it'll be known that they were the first 50 there. But they absolutely are taking apart. And again it's unlike any other business I've ever owned or taken apart in, is I don't feel ownership over this. This is really This is the Universe's project, and I'm just, but one of the people who have been entrusted to move it along. Charlene is another Pam, I believe you are another. I believe there's a ton of people that are really coming together to move this project along. And so we, I'm so open to what it becomes. And I really entrust it to the Reiki practitioners, our founding 50 to really help us mold this and move this forward and shine that light of Reiki where it needs to be shined most.


Yeah. And I think just you did some research and there were no other apps like this in the marketplace and apps that kind of helped people create their platform, create their business work either in person or online as they prefer. And there really isn't anything else like this. So this really has you keep talking about bringing Reiki mainstream, this really has the potential to do that, to revolutionize the way that Reiki is available to the masses. Really it's no longer it's funny because I'm a marketer. in my previous life, and I'm very good at marketing other people, but I had a horse tell me once that you pretty much had to be standing right beside me to know when I was gonna be having an event or class or something that I was really terrible at marketing myself as a Reiki practitioner. I don't know how much that has improved actually. maybe the tiny




but it can be I have to admit that even as a marketer, it can be really difficult to market yourself. And so the thought that I can pay you a reasonable monthly fee and that you can market me, and I think you're even looking at, you can collect the payments and yeah, so send it to me and that sort of thing. Like that just. Completely simplifies. I've got a platform once I've signed up with you, so I don't even have to have my website ready necessarily, or


we've done everything we can think of. Just we've, yeah, we've done everything we can think of to streamline the process for practitioners and basically what I wanted to do is go in and remove as many of the blocks and logistical barriers to practitioners as I could so that they could really just focus on being in the energy and working with the clients that they call in and that the u and the clients that the universe knows needs this. So really we see ourselves as taking away as many barriers as we can. And again, whether. Five or 10 hours a month is what you can do. Maybe you're retired and you just want a handful of clients, whatever you feel guided to participate in, we support that. So


this is appropriate if you just wanna dip your toe in or it's appropriate if you wanna dive into the deep end, you can and have a 40 hour a week Reiki practice teaching and doing and doing


sessions it's really, yeah it's, that's exactly it. And actually it's funny in the early stages, before Charlene worked with me she was really a lot of the inspiration for this because I thought I could see how powerful she was and I could see that the job she was at, while it was a good job and there was nothing wrong with that job it wasn't the right place for her. And I could feel that. But I'm very pragmatic. And I thought Amanda, she's a single mom. She can't just quit her job and go off and teach Reiki right? And so I thought, how can I help transition Charlene and women like her, or practitioners like her into translating this love and this passion and this purpose into a way to pay their bills? And so I thought if I could create a place where she could market herself, and she could start part-time, and then maybe could grow into something else, and, I really, and then of course, it's, the universe, maybe eight weeks later, nine weeks later, she was, she had walked away from her corporate job and to come work on this crazy project But that's, really the thing I love, one of the things I love most about Reiki is Reiki meets you where you're at. Yes. And I think that's something that we can do better is meeting. Meeting practitioners where they're at and letting them come in and share their light under circumstances that work for their lives without adding more pressure. And also it meets clients where they're at. And one of the, one of my friends that I work with she's not ready to do in-person sessions. She's not even ready to do real-time sessions. So I record them and I send them in advance and she listens to'em when she's ready. One of the reasons Reiki works so well for me, I'm convinced, is because I did it in my office. so that's where I'm most comfortable. Reiki allows people to both give and receive where they're most comfortable, and that is a fairly new evolution of the energy and That's wonderful. But it has enabled us to literally reach into people's homes and work where they are the most stressed. And bring your lease and bring comfort and healing. And so that is what this platform is for. It's to speed all of that up. It's in to empower our practitioners to, to shine their light. And again, I always think of it as patching. Like you see two, I always see two candles, one lighting the other, right? It's spreading that light. And we really feel that the website or the app, the marketplace will just accelerate all of that. And the compound benefit that has I think is going to be a serious contributor to helping to raise the whole universe's vibration. I


love that. So if somebody wants to be a founding 50, one of the founding fifties, how do they become that? Anybody listening? How do they


connect with you? Oh, I believe we're gonna put the link to the website in the comments below, but it's dragonfly Reiki dot me. So you just go onto the website and you'll follow the prompts there. There's, sign up now and you just, you go through and it's, again, it's very straightforward, user-friendly. Once you've signed up, that information will come to us. We'll do the screening that's necessary, which is essentially, do you have your Master's? So you need provide proof of that. We are accepting from, we are I C R T, we are under the I C R T. And we're very thankful for the I C R T. But in keeping with what we were taught from the I C R T is we do accept across all different lineages. That's again we are trying to make this as inclusive and expansive as we can. So we'll do, once we do our due diligence, we'll reach out and let you know. We'll provide you with what you need to start personalizing your page, your launch page to make it your own. And we'll just begin that communication and Yeah, we're excited to see how it goes.


And I will tell the listeners that I'm not always the most savvy with technology, but I didn't have any difficulty at all signing up and I really think that anybody can sign up easily. And and it was really a lovely process


and that's the benefit of having me and Carlene who are not technically savvy at all. Our developers, we just kept saying we need to be able to do it easily. It can't be something that only techno, technologically advanced people can do, or teenagers So that's really I do think, again the universe knows what it's doing and that's why it put me and ch me and Charlene who have no experience in any of this in, in charge of it is because we. If we can do it, literally,


it'd be fine.


Anyone anyone?


I love it. I love it. And Charlene, this has been a huge shift for you to go from your corporate job to working on an app with Reiki. And I know that like what Amanda was saying, there were some hurdles for you at the beginning. When you think about how this app is gonna reduce the hurdles for men and women like you, how does that make you feel?


I'm super excited about it because again, I am a new practitioner and a lot of times I'll second guess myself or I'll question what I'm doing. So I think that this is going to bring a lot of different people from a lot of different places with all kinds of new ideas and different Possibilities that can grow through this and help get yourself outta your head or yeah, just help you grow like I am. I obviously I'm not one that can, my strengths are not through my voice like that. I guess my light's coming through my heart and my energy that emits out of my body I resonate better in that way. Communication is a little bit of, a little bit blocked for me. So I work on that constantly. Yeah.


So this is exciting to, this is super exciting. To think that Yeah. Can release barriers. Is there anything that you guys wanna share before we wrap up with a meditation for the listeners today? To just help them check in with whatever their guidance is going forward, whether it's to become part of this or to do something else with Reiki, whatever that may be. But is there anything else you guys would like to share?


I just would like to sh add that I believe like power is in numbers. And just as with the World Peace Reiki grid, I feel like this is how we can get ourselves out into the world as Reiki practitioners power in numbers. If we can all combine together and spread the light of Reiki all the better world, the world


will be, I love that. Yeah. And I agree with you and for me as a practitioner, if that just brings me one client that I wouldn't have had it more than pays my monthly fee and or one student that I wouldn't have had. So that's why I've signed up. It just makes sense. There might be somebody who needs my style of Reiki and my classes who hasn't found me other ways, but will find me through the Dragonfly app. So that's, yeah, I agree. That's lovely. And what about you, Amanda? Is there anything you'd like to leave us with?


Just that the world needs each of our lights and even if, even if it's in one specific area. I have one lady who said, I only wanna work with animals. If that's great, if that's where your heart and your soul is leading you. Wonderful. And just to trust the universe. The universe knew what it was doing when it made you, you've been brought to this point for a reason. You've been brought to this podcast for a reason, or this, if you're watching it on YouTube. And so much of what we've been able to do is not because we trust, I trust myself, or I trust Charlene. I trust the universe. And the universe wants to see you succeed. Life is happening for you, not to you. And just trust, trust that the universe has your back and that you are exactly where you're meant to be in this moment. Whether it's now that you're ready to join the app and share your light, or it's six months from now, or five years from now yeah, just allow that seed to be planted and nurture it a little bit.


you can change that perspective yourself. You can do that. You can change your thoughts.


Yeah, exactly. And Reiki always can lead us to a different perspective no matter where we're at. And I sometimes we get stuck in the I can't do this and I can't do that. Or we get stuck in the obstacles and. Reiki can lift the obstacles. And this, I believe that this program is one of the ways that it's done it. And for right now, you are getting your founding 50, and then you'll be populating the app with practitioners. And at the same time you'll be that when you launch, you'll be getting it out to to people who need Reiki. And this is just, this is so exciting. It's going to be really interesting to see where it goes, you guys.


And just one other thing, sorry, Pam. The other thing we're really excited about as practitioners is the opportunity to continue to learn and grow from other practitioners. not just the new novice, Reiki client that we're here for, we're here to across across all skill levels and experience levels to make those connections. To again, just help expand that light, our own light, our own razor, continuously raising our vibration.


There's, that brings us the vibration on the planet, doesn't


it? Yeah. We're all connected and doing our part. So we are excited too, not just for the new Reiki clients, but also the Reiki practitioners who understand that they'll always be Reiki students as well.


yeah. And there is no such thing as competition. I've never believed that there ever was. Some of my dearest friends are other Reiki masters and teachers and practitioners, and we all support each other. It's quite a lovely thing. And sometimes they send a client to me and sometimes I do to them, and it's just exactly as it should be. I just wanna follow up on one thing you said, Amanda, you talked about animals. Is this app also appropriate for animal Reiki practitioners?


It is. Yeah. And again, it's the timing of everything. We talk a lot about the universal timing and being relaxed about how this all enrolls. COVID has certainly shown that, physical distance is not a limitation to Reiki and being able to offer Reiki. So for those who do the animal Reiki, we will absolutely have a plat the platform will be appropriate for them if their internal guidance feels right


about it. Of course. And of course, and it's for people who want to see people in person as well as online Absolutely. In person as well as


teach online. Yeah. So any of your services can be provided through, so whether that's the Reiki app, so whether that's, yeah. Booking in, in, in person booking classes me and Charlene will be doing fairly regular level one and two and master classes through the app as well. and again, if other people we're not limiting it to just us teaching. So if teaching is part of your regular practice, you'll absolutely be able to also advertise and book that through the app. We're also working on a store for, again, it's a marketplace, so all things Reiki. It's where all things Reiki come to be learned about. Experience bought and sold. And I know you have your essential oils. We're thrilled to be able to offer your essential oils on the uh, store as well as your book. We're working on different swags. Some of our favorite sayings, my personal favorite saying is progress over perfection. So we're working on all of that but absolutely. One of the things that's been big in my life is almost a running joke is I put Reiki in everything. Everything. I'm talking legal files, I'm talking submissions to the court. I'm talking my car, my cell phone, everything. I Reiki everything. In fact I somewhat regularly put Reiki over my door cases of my law firm in my house with the intention of when people come through, there'll be a spirit release. Nice. Like we, we put Reiki everywhere and that's, this app is just really the next big step of that. Love helping Reiki


through. Yeah. I love it. Thank you. And I'll be advertising my classes and probably my animal communication classes there as well,


I'll probably be in a lot of them.


It's always nice to review


It doesn't it actually doesn't limit just the, to the animal reikis either, if you're, if you deal with crystals or you deal with sound like all of those things, we're welcoming all of it because we want to be inclusive of everyone.


And I'm probably gonna go in the app and say, oh my gosh, I, there's a sound healer. I'd like to book a session or a class with her. And or there's somebody who combines Reiki and yoga, wouldn't. I like to see what they have to offer. And we'll actually even be exchanging with each other, I'm sure.


Yeah. That's just it. I I continuously. Like the universe had conspired to put all these things in my life at just the right time. But so many things had to go really right. And in some cases really wrong for me to get through this path. And really, I just wanna do what we can to remove those hurdles so people don't have to have such an extreme walk to get to


Reiki. You shorten the path a little


and the path and it light it Yeah. I often think of it as city planning. Reiki is like the hospital. We need as many roads and roots as we can to there. That's good point. As many roots as we can. And this is us just opening several highways to it. That's all. I love it.


Guys, I'm gonna invite everybody to join me in a little meditation and whether the app is right for you or not. Just to see what your next step in your journey is meant to be. So I'm just gonna invite everyone to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and bring your hands together in the gassho position, invoking your Reiki symbols, and just feeling the energy ground through you, merge with you, and just placing your hands comfortably on your body. We form the intention collectively to spread more Reiki in the world today. I invite you to imagine now that it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day and that you are walking through a. In a beautiful forest, and as you walk along and as you breathe into yourself, you breathe in the life energy and essence of the forest, and you walk along until one of the trees, one of these great Sequoia trees speaks to you and stands out to you, just looks a little brighter and sharper than the rest. I invite you to walk over to that tree and just wrap your arms around it and allow your heart to merge with the heart of the tree. This is your own personal tree of life, and I invite you to just feel the stillness and the confidence of the tree. We just bring in the awareness that even from that still quiet place, the tree is constantly growing as you are, as your soul is, and as it's growing, it's also contributing to the earth. The trees provide us with the oxygen that we breathe, the assist in creating the atmosphere. Most of us live in homes that were constructed in some part with trees in many animals live directly in living trees as their. Trees also provide us with fruit and nuts, and their roots grow deeply into the earth. Some trees shed their leaves and that contributes to the fertility of the soil. And so we realize that each and every one of our contributions is similar. And even when we don't recognize it, the things that we put out into the world come back to us. So when we put out love, we receive love, and we contribute to the growth of love, the raising of the frequency on the planet. Highest frequency vibration is love. The lower frequency is fear. We step away from fear as we step into love. Invite you to imagine turning around so that your back is against the tree and just sliding down so that you're sitting leaning back against the tree. And when you do, you find that you're cradled the great roots of the tree, wrap around you and form a perfect seat, and you feel held in the arms of the earth. And just allow your other chakras now your base chakra, the tops of your legs, your sacral chakra below your belly button, your solar plexus above your belly button, your heart chakra from behind your throat, Chak. Your brow chakra and your crown chakra at the top of your head, just allowing those to connect with your own personal tree. And as they do, I invite you to feel into the frequency of love, letting go of fear. The blocks and the barriers and the burdens. You can just let them move into the tree, drop into the ground. Just imagine your own personal energy then coming in close to you so that it just skims your skin. Any of the projections and expectations of others just drop away from you. They drop into the thirsty Earth. The roots of the tree below, you begin to glow and you feel supported by the divinity of the planet and the earth itself. And at the same time, a beautiful beam of light pierces the thick canopy above you impossibly, and it shines directly upon you. And you realize right away that neither of these lights are in any way ordinary. They are both divine. The one from above coming to you from the heavens, the divine divinity in the heavens, and the one from below the divinity of the earth. And they meet together in your heart, the home of your soul. Your soul came here. With a specific purpose. And it's likely that if you are a Reiki practitioner and listening to this podcast, Reiki is some part of your purpose. And we're gonna stay here for a while as we invite the Reiki energy, these divine energies that surround us to fill us with divine love, the divine heart, the divine mind, the divine earth, and the divinity of the heavens. And as our Holy Spirit within us ignites, and we simply invite the energy to show us what is our next step forward. With Reiki and in our lives and will remain here for several breaths. We ask that if there are any blocks or barriers to your next step forward. They're released now, whether they exist internally within you or externally in the outside world. And we invite the energy of courage if it's needed or of excitement or confidence, whatever energies that you need to help fulfill your purpose in your life. And with Reiki, we invite those energies to flow through us Now. I'm just feeling the light of Reiki expanding in your heart and it expands out until it encompasses your entire body and then even further into your aura and into your being, and then you send that light out ahead of you to prepare the path. In using William Moran's words, we say, please guide me and heal. So that I might be of greater service to myself and to others. We ask the Reiki energy to lead us on our path forward, whatever that may be, and to assist you with the clarity to understand it. Invite you to take as long as you'd like in the energy, and when you feel ready, you can slowly open your eyes. Taking a deep breath, bringing your attention to your eyes and return. Amanda and Charlene, I'd just like to thank you for all the work you've done creating this. I know that it required a lot of time and a lot of expense and a lot of vision, and you know that you've needed to follow your guidance on it, which wasn't always probably the easiest thing to do. And I see the potential that it has for the rest of us. So thank you for sharing this gift and your vision with the world. And thank you so much for being here with us today. thank you. And thank you to the listeners, however you decide to share Reiki with the world. I wish you luck and blessings as I do with the dragonfly as well, and if you decide to be part of the founding 50 I'll look forward to seeing you there, Okay, love and blessings, everyone. Namaste. Thank you,