Reiki from the Farm™

Reiki Brings Peace for the Holidays

December 12, 2021 Pamela Allen-LeBlanc Season 2 Episode 37

Join us in this Reiki meditation designed to bring Peace and Harmony to you for the holidays.

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Meditation music Licensed from:  Nate Miller and
thank you to Music from Pixabay for the intro music

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, Australia and the United Kingdom.

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And so for tonight's Reiki share and podcast, I just want to start off by letting you know, a few of the things that we have coming up at the farm in January. There are Licensed classes, level one and two, a Reiki Master, also Animal Reiki level one and two and masters. And in early February, there is a Karuna Reiki masters class. So an advanced master for anybody who has been a Reiki master from any lineage for six months or more. And so join us if those speak to you. And I'll also be sharing a link to sign up for our newsletter, if anybody wants to do that. And I'll also share a link if anybody would like to book an appointment as well for a Reiki session And so I encourage you that if that speaks to you to go ahead and do that. So for tonight I was just meditating on what people needed this time of year. And the word peace came through really strongly that a lot of us leading into the Christmas holidays and Hanukkah and just all of the Kwanzaa and all of the holidays that are coming or if you might be feeling a little bit overwhelmed and just really busy. And so tonight's Reiki share is all about bringing it all back to its basics and And bringing peace and harmony into the holiday for you. And so tonight, we're going to be embracing the energy of peace. And so one of the things that showed up as I asked was that sometimes we get so caught up in the trappings or the fixings and the decorating, and even the traditions that we forget that it's really all about family. And reconnecting with family. And then the energy went on to show me that family can mean different things to different people. It's not always the people that we are genetically connected with, who are our family. Sometimes we choose our family. And so the energy said, whether you've chosen family, or whether you are with your biological family, whatever family, whatever groups that you feel in community with, it's just important to make the time to spend with them during this holiday season. And also even some time to spend with yourself. And so I didn't have as much to talk about as I sometimes do, which is nice. I know that it's been a difficult couple of years for a lot of people and some of you have experienced. More than your share of difficulties, even recently, that I'm aware of. And some of you have also experienced an incredible amount of beauty in your lives, but wherever you are tonight, we are forming the intention to move into that space of peace and harmony. And so, I'm just going to invite you all to Just make yourself really comfortable and we're going to move right into the energy. I just want to thank you for showing up whether you're showing up for the podcast or the Reiki share tonight. Before we go too much further in, just want everyone to give a little bit of thought to any stress or pressure that you may be feeling in your life. Anything that you may be worried about what's to come, and this can be mental or physical, spiritual, or emotional. And if there is anything that creates stress or pressure for you, or even sadness or grief, frustration, any uncomfortable emotion before we begin, I'd just like you to think about it and identify it so that we can work on it for you today. And we'll check in with it afterwards. Because it should largely release and we'll check and see if it does. So if there is any stress or overwhelm or anxiety or any other emotions that sometimes get in the way of the beauty and the purpose of this season, whatever it is and your culture. Any of those difficult or uncomfortable emotions or energies exist within you, just ask yourself, where would they be? And just think of the first place in your body that comes to mind. You might feel a twinge or just a knowing, or you might think of a specific part of your body. It's okay. If it doesn't make any sense. And if you don't get a place in your body, that's okay, too. If it exists that stress or overwhelm or anything that would prevent you from enjoying the holidays fully and completely exists within you, where would it be? And then thinking of that same energy and that place in your body. Just ask yourself what shape it would have. Just what's the first shape that comes to your mind. When I asked that question and what color would that shape be? If it had a color consider that energy that is uncomfortable within you, and if it had a surface texture, would it be rough or smooth? Would it be heavy or airy? Once you have that in mind, we are ready to begin. There will be a quiet time during the meditation where the energy will be working with you. And there'll be times during the meditation where I'll be speaking, feel free to move or shift as you need today. We're doing an experience. With holy fire Reiki energy. This is a holy fire healing experience, and we'll be inviting the light of peace and harmony into the various aspects of our lives just in time to enjoy these beautiful holiday season. So close your eyes and take some deep breaths and just begin letting go of the busy-ness of your morning and your day, your week, your month and letting go of anything you need to think about later. Take this moment to be about you. And for you give yourself this time to focus your attention on you. The beautiful light of holy fire Reiki energy is here. Filling your room, filling the air that you breathe, flowing into your body on your breath. Usui Reiki. Energy is here and the Karuna Reiki energy and the animal Reiki energies. And I invite you to open your experience to all of them. They're complimentary and work beautifully together. And just notice that the power of the divine mind and the divine heart and the energy of the earth and of the divine animal kingdom and the enlightened beings that support us are standing at the corners of the land. And all around us, shining their light as well into the light in the room. Power of divine love surrounds us and just breathe in the light, letting go of any energies, any emotions, any thought patterns or belief systems that no longer serve? Anything that steps in the way of harmony and peace. And I invite you to imagine now that it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day and that you're walking down a path in a beautiful forest. As you breathe into yourself, you breathe in the life, energy of the forest. And with each step that you take, you feel the energy of the earth flowing up through the bottoms of your feet. And as you walk along, you notice another path going off to the right and you feel compelled to follow this path. As you follow this path, you come to a clearing in the forest and in the middle of the clearing is a small hill covered with soft grass. As you climb the hill, feel the grass rubbing against your legs until you get to the top of the hill where you lie down in the soft, tall grass and feel the grass and the. Beneath your body. Can you gaze up at the sky? And as you gaze up into the sky, you see the beautiful white clouds there. And as you're gazing at the clouds, a beautiful beam of light begins to shine down on you and all around. You recognize right away that this is no ordinary light. It comes from the highest heaven directly from the source of all that is the light shines all around you and flows into you, filling you with warmth and the feelings of safety and love. The light begins to focus on that shape. You had identified the overwhelm, the stress, the frustration, the sadness, grief, whatever it was, anything that would get in the way of your enjoyment of the beautiful season of family and of celebration. That is ahead of us. We invite you to focus on that shape yourself and simply be willing to let it go. You do not need to do anything to earn this, and you do not need to experience this meditation in any particular way. You simply must be willing to let go of the energy that disturbs you. And the holy fire Reiki energy we'll do the rest. And as you are agreeing to let that go, this is also a wonderful time to let go of any of the layers that no longer serve you. Any of the stories that you tell yourself that keep you stuck? Prevent you from stepping forward in the way that you want to, any brace you may have in your body. Is there anything in your life that is not flowing? Because if there is that maybe something that you are bracing against, you may decide to let that go as well. You may decide to let go of any of the layers that prevent you from seeing and recognizing your beautiful light, your brilliance. You chose to be human living your existence here on the earth. Now in this moment in time, this magical special moment when the earth is shifting into a resonance of love, you chose to be here now, and that is truly a magnificent. So go of any of the layers that make it difficult for you to see this, they may be thick and heavy or slight and inconsequential. There may be many layers or just a few. Let's simply form an intention to let them go. And we'll breathe in this space for several moments to allow the energy, to release them for. Now I invite you to take a moment to think about any relationships in your life that are not in harmony. And I invite you to. Form an intention or a decision to let go of this relationship courts now so that they can be replaced from a healthier place at a healthier space, sending love and Reiki into those relationships so that the new relationship chord that is created can be one of harmony. One that is harmonious. If you have the mental, emotional symbol, you can send it in to those relationship chords. Now, as they're releasing, inviting a healthier relationship going forward, and we'll breathe in this space for several moments. The light of harmony flows through us now. Harmonizing all of the parts of us, the parts of ourselves, our mind, our body, our soul, our spirit, our emotions, our energy, our chakras, our connection, stretching out into all of our relationship chords, inviting harmony and peace. The light of forgiveness flows down now through that beautiful beam of light that surrounds. You don't need to do anything to earn forgiveness for yourself or to forgive others. And it does not mean that you condone the actions. It simply means you are no longer willing to allow any actions that you have not forgiven to continue holding you hostage no longer willing to allow it to affect you. So I invite you to allow the light of forgiveness to wash over you and through you releasing any unforgiveness of others that may exist and releasing any unforgiveness of self that may exist. We're simply going to breathe into this space for several moments. Now the light of love and of grace joins the light of forgiveness filling you. And as we receive the light of love and of grace, we also send it on to the loved ones in our lives. Now into your daily life, the light of peace flows through you, the grace of peace and of harmony, the ability. To bring together all of the various parts of ourselves in peace with each other and in harmony. So we begin there allowing our intellect to move into a space of harmony and peace with our heart, with our senses, our body, our emotions, our spirit. Our soul and our intuition with our inventiveness, with our creativity, we allow all of these parts of ourselves to move into a space of peace and harmony with each other, and just feeling the light of peace wash through. Your every part of your body, your mind, your soul, your spirit, and your being Open your heart and receive the light of peace. Yeah. And now with peace, filling us and peace all around us. We move into the energy of gratitude, gratitude flows through us in us and around us. Invite you to think of the things that you're grateful for. The people that you're grateful for, the relationships, the animals, the conditions in our lives, for which we are grateful. And I invite you to think of the loved ones, both here and not here for which we are grateful because every relationship. Creates an opportunity for us to learn and grow and become a different person. So we are grateful for all of the relationships in our lives, even those that have ended because we learned what we needed to from those who were important to us. We became who we are, these magnificent creatures of God living our life path and following our soul's purpose. As a result of all of the others, these important beings that were in our lives. And if there is grief that prevents us from shifting into gratitude, we surrender that tonight as well, so that we can be fully present here and in the moment enjoying all that is around us. Appreciating the love and experiences that we've had, even if they are no longer peace and harmony washed through us, releasing any injury. And we'll breathe into that space for several moments. Now that every part of our being is filled with peace and with harmony. We can feel the peace and harmony overflow us and begin to stretch out into our lives. First, it stretches out to our inner circle, those close friends and family and animals who are daredearto us. Peace and harmony flows through us to them raising their vibration, raising the vibration on the. And we'll just breathe in this space for some time, allowing peace and harmony to fill them as well. Now as peace and harmony and Reiki, energy continue to overflow. We invite it to stretch out into your next circle of influence relatives that are a little further away and co-workers, and friends that are not as close and we'll breathe into this space. Until that level of your outer influence is also fully embodied with the Reiki energy and the lights of peace and harmony. And this all flows through your relationship chords. Now, I invite you to think specifically people or situations whom you do not care for, or you do not like, and I invite you to send the blessings of peace and harmony and Reiki and the blessings of your love to those individuals and situations that anger and frustrate you understanding that they too are an important part of your journey and of your growth. We'll breathe in this space for several moments to allow the energy, to spread freely to those individuals and situations. We acknowledge that those people in situations are in our lives serving a purpose. Usually to help us learn and grow for it is easy to be light amidst the light, but can we be light amidst the darkness? And so I encourage you to spend some more time sending light and love. Reiki forgiveness, peace and harmony into those dark corners of your life. Being able to do this leads to true. It also often significantly alters our perception of the relationship and ultimately the relationship itself or the situation itself. And I invite you to now extend the flow of your Reiki energy and of the peace and harmony that fills you to your larger community. Inviting peace and prosperity for all, especially during the holiday season. Now I invite you to extend your Reiki, reach sending Reiki peace and harmony into the province or the state or the county that you live in. The organizations that you work with. Extending your reach all the way out into the country where you reside, stretching out into the continent. And just feel your Reiki reach, spread around the planet around the earth, the world. And if you would like, I invite you to extend Reiki and love and peace and harmony. Into the world, peace grids, which William Rand placed at the north pole, the south pole in Jerusalem at the ICRT office in Michigan and in Hawaii. And finally on Mount Kurama. And the world peace grids contain this symbols for all of the 12 major world religions, including independent spiritual paths, agnostics, atheists. Along with the words,"may the followers of all the world's religions and spiritual paths work together to create peace among all people on earth" and so with your next several breaths, They invite you to form the intention of peace, Reiki, love, light, and harmony flowing through you. And into the Peace Grids and out to people all over the earth. And to the animals, to all living beings. Yeah. And now peace and harmony have installed themselves within you. They're always there. Constant that you can rely on the space within you, that you can return to even amidst the complexities of life. You have become peace. And peace within, leads to peace without. Peace in your inner world, creates peace in your outer world, invite you to release the drama and the complexities that this season can sometimes present. And embrace the peace returning here whenever you feel the need. Thank you for the beautiful light that you are in the world for the inspiration that you are to others. It's much appreciated how deeply you love and how deeply you care and the love and the light that you spread on this planet. Is acknowledged. It is noticed. It makes a difference. Blessings to all of you and this holiday season, may your heart be filled with peace and with harmony, and may you enjoy the beautiful friendships and relationships? Of your own dear family, whatever that looks like to you. Namaste and Amen. Oshe. Shalom. And so it is. Thank you. Thank you for being here with us today.