Reiki from the Farm™

The ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher program - with Karen Harrison, LRMT

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc, LRMT / Karen Harrison, LRMT Season 2 Episode 38

Karen Harrison talks about the ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Program then leads you in a meditation to discover your next step with Reiki.

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Pam's Article:  Becoming an ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher:
ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Program link and information:

Karen's Information
Website:  Whole Life Center

Meditation music Licensed from:  Nate Miller and
thank you to Music from Pixabay for the intro music

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, Australia and the United Kingdom.

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On today's podcast. I am talking with my friend, my dear friend, Karen Harrison, who is a senior Licensed Reiki master teacher with the ICRT or the International Center for Reiki Training. She's also a licensed counselor and marriage and family therapist, and she's also the Co-director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program. And that's what I asked her to join us and talk about today. Welcome Karen.


Thank you for having me.


Great to see you. It's so nice to have you here. Before we begin. I just want to let you know that we have a full slate of Licensed classes coming up this month, including Karuna Reiki class in February. Also in March, I will be teaching. ICRT Reiki classes and ICRT Animal Reiki training in the Australian time zone. So online, of course. So please join me if those speak to you, all of the classes are online. If you don't already get our newsletter, I'll put a link in the description so that you can sign up and we can stay in touch and maybe you can even join our monthly Reiki share. We'd love to have you and meet you and get to know you better. And I also have a link in the description if you'd like to book a session with me. So please check that out. Karen, what have you got coming up?


I have plenty of classes. Thanks to your contributions. I'm also teaching Animal Reiki online with Karen Caig beginning in January. And I have all levels of Reiki classes on my So you can check them out. I also offer a monthly Reiki call podcast the third, Monday of the month, online on zoom. And then I have a twice a month Reiki share online, wonderful, all that information on my website, on your


website. And we'll put links to that. And also your links so people can contact you in the description. Karen. Awesome. Okay. I'd just like everybody to join us in a brief invocation to bring the energy in with us today. So I'm going to invite you to go ahead and place your hands in. Gassho close your eyes and take a deep


breath and just begin


letting go of the busy-ness of your day and have everything you need to think about later. This moment is about you and for you. So give yourself this time to focus your attention on you. We invite your Reiki, symbols to join you. And although we're talking about the Licensed teacher program today. Our purpose is to help you see your way forward. To see what's next for you in Reiki and in your life. That's one of our greatest treasures as Reiki teachers to watch our students flourish and grow growing in the Reiki, but also just bringing more love and beauty and joy into their lives. And if this program is part of that for you. We'd like to let you know more about it, but if it's something else, whatever it may be for you, whatever the next steps might be, we invite you to be open to them, open your heart, and to allow Reiki to lead the way. To your best life, whatever that may be for you? Aho. Namaste. And amen.


Beautiful. Thanks. Thank you, Karen.


To start off with, I'm going to let everybody know that I actually wrote an article about becoming a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher. And we'll put a link to that in the description as well. We'll put a link to the additional information about becoming a licensed teacher, but I need to be honest with you that it was never my intention to become a Licensed Master Teacher. This was one of those nudges that I got in class, and I used to make it a habit to argue with source and What was in my best interest, I would usually get a little push or a little nudge, and I would explain why it wasn't a good idea or, whatever. And I, made no exception in this case. And in fact, from the time I got the nudge to the time I looked up more information about the program or contacted your co-director Colleen Benelli. Was it was from between May and January. It took me that long just to make the first, just to reach out about the program because it was intimidating. And I also really didn't know if I would be good enough to be a licensed teacher. I, also knew that it was going to be a lot of work and a lot of paperwork and I, that's probably one of my least. Things to do. So I really did resist at first and looking back now I am becoming a licensed Reiki master teacher has changed my life profoundly. It's changed my relationship with Reiki. I've got to meet so many beautiful people like you, and I wish I hadn't resisted it for so long. I wish I had jumped right in with both feet when I first got the nudge, but that being said because I do know that it can be intimidating for people. And yet it's such a wonderful feeling of belonging within this incredible group of highly trained, highly professional, beautiful people. That I wanted to do this podcast and maybe make it a little bit more accessible to people. So thank you so much, Karen, for being here and just helping people understand a little bit more about the program.


Yes. I'm excited to share about it. Yeah


I, bet it's, pretty cool. So can you just tell us a little bit more about the ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher program? Who is eligible a little bit more about, about the program in general, if you don't mind.


Okay. Great. And you can get this information off of and Pam we'll share the link later with you. There is a web page that gives a summary overview of the program, and then we have all the meat meaty details in a manual. 46 page manuals. Yes, I do pages my memory. It might be up to 50 or so by now who's counting.


I definitely was when Colleen said we'd love you to apply. Here's the 40, 52 page manual or whatever how to apply it.


Yeah yeah, that was one of the gifts of Laurel Shanti, Gaia. She wrote it and then it's just been Coleen's and my joy to edit it over these years. So it's an ongoing process anyway. Okay. A little bit about who can apply. Anyone that has taken all of their, classes through one of the Licensed teachers with the International Center for Reiki Training and then you have to be a teaching Reiki master for two years and have taught eight classes. That can be eight of any level of classes. You have to be a professional member of the Reiki membership association for a year and then have attended the international Reiki Retreat which we've been having online and hope to also have in person in Sedona over Labor Day. So you've, we have a meeting there and you get to meet the other licensed teachers and get to ask all your questions. And I go over the program in more detail. Colleen and William share about the program and the other teachers share. And then we have another special meeting for you to ask more questions. So you need to attend those and then have a current Reiki practice where you're doing at least 10 sessions a month and be able to teach Reiki classes online. Because that way we can reach people all over the world, which is really cool, can also teach classes in person. So those are the requirements to apply. Now, do you want to know about some of the benefits?


I do. I do want to know some of the benefits and I also want to know what made you apply in the first place. So go ahead with the benefits and then let's get into our personal stories.


Okay. All right. Great. First of all, one of the main benefits is you can spread Reiki to so many more people with the power of the advertising of the ICRT T that's where I get the bulk of my students. Sure. People find me on. My website and YouTube, and now I'm took talk, oh my God, my first Tik TOK video But through the power of advertising with the ICRT, it gives me an instant credential people aren't asking about your background and your qualifications. And so it just makes it so much easier to teach which is what we really want to do and spread the Reiki love which is really like this pay it forward type of career where I'm handing off the ball of light to my students and they hand it off to their students and it's just so exciting to be able to contribute to the world at that level. And the program teaches you how to be a world-class Reiki teacher. And that's one of the reasons that I applied to the program because I live in Kansas city and we had a lot of Reiki teachers at that time. And I thought if I'm going to do it, I want to do it as best I can. And I knew that the, structure and the the manuals would help me to be the best Reiki teacher that I could be. So that is why I applied. Also William Rand invited me back in 1999, quite a long time ago. It took me a while, another year or so before I had the qualifications to be ready to apply. But yeah, so I've been doing it a long time. You also to get a mentor in the program. So the mentor helps you with your business. And the seven areas that we work on, which are business success and comprehension healing issues that arise, marketing technology, practitioner skills, teacher skills, and. Anyway, there's seven, seven areas. So we we help our student teachers in all of those areas. And so that just helps you continue to build the business that you've already begun and established.


Having a mentor, I was just going to say, having a mentor is invaluable what a huge difference that made to me for my personal healing, for my business, for everything. Yes.


Yeah. Yes. And then the community aspect. So that is really awesome. And our, community is so wonderful and supportive when you apply to the program and get accepted. Then you get all these emails from all of the teachers welcoming you in it feels like this big hug coming around you. And then we have our quarterly meetings and we have meetings at our retreat. Right now I've been working with a group of teachers. We're having a teacher retreat at William Rand's home in Maui in January. The benefit of being able to have this great support system and you know, say, you have a question like Pam was just sharing with me that she knows how to add music to her podcast. After the fact, I thought, wow, that's really cool. I'd like to know how to do that. And then Karen Caig taught me how to make Tik TOK videos this weekend so we have this great community of people that support each other and teach us stuff. And are there we have a problem. So the community aspect is so amazing and important, but really anyway, so that's, why I applied. To the program. And I just when I met the people, I just thought here's my soul group. I need to be doing stuff and hanging out with my soul group. I'm committed so here I am all these years later and still teaching Reiki and still loving it. Not planning on retiring. Why do I need to retire? William is 75 and he's already taught, I don't know, probably 500 students this year and this year, 2020, 2021. Yeah,


I know. And not to mention that I can't keep up with the man on a hike. And I, and I trained for it. So he's a powerhouse that guy and so inspirational. I've said that to my husband. I have no intention of retiring. I just, every day I love what I do. I love what I do. So why would I ever stop doing it? Karen, when I applied, I did it because the energy said, so said do it. And, but I really didn't comprehend how many benefits I was going to. From it. I really at first I could see oh, this is going to be a lot of work. And it is a lot of work. And I wasn't even qualified when I went to apply. I had studied four times at the master level with William Rand, but I had never studied level one and two with a Licensed Teacher. So I wasn't a professional member. So even though I had a thriving practice, I needed to do a level one and two class with Carolyn Musial. And I thought why do I need to do that class? That doesn't make any sense. I've already done the master level with William. How much better does it get than that? And I want to tell you I learned so much in that level one and two class, it completely changed. I probably taught a hundred level one and two classes at that point. I'd been teaching for several years and it completely changed how I started teaching because classes from Licensed Teachers are, I don't know, they're just, they're in another category I think. And I learned so much and I went, oh, that's why you need to take that and, be a professional member. Okay. And I, did attend the retreat and when I met all of you guys, that's where I met you. The first time I attended the retreat in 2017, I think it was. And I was so impressed by the other Licensed Teachers, how open they were, how honest, how comfortable they were in Reiki and in themselves and how professional they were. And I thought, wow I, guess I do want to do this. And Anyway. So I went home and started going through the 50 page manual, and I was glad that I had to wait a year because it took me a year put together my package, my application. And and then there were certain steps that I didn't understand until I did them. I could remember thinking, now why do I have to review all of my classes with my teacher and, things like that. And yet got into the program. Yeah. After I did, after I got into the program, I was notified. I was so fortunate. I was notified that I was in the program on September 15th of 2018. And on September 21st, 2018, Holy Fire three came through and William my very first meeting with all of you guys, it was a zoom meeting and William had just returned from Japan and Taiwan and he said, there's a new energy, and now I'm going to share it with you. And I was just like, wow, this is the best thing ever. I can't believe I'm on the ground floor of all of this incredible development. And it's so it's just, it's changed the way I practice Reiki. But not just that it's changed the way I live my life. And it's changed my relationship with Reiki. And then to have all of you guys as friends and support my, my soul tribe, like you said, like it doesn't, it just doesn't get any better than that. And I think that same year it was that same year. It was December the same year. William said, Hey, does anybody want to come to a retreat at my house in Maui? I do. So you and I have been there a couple of times together, I'm going to have to miss this year, but I'll be there again in the future. Yeah. I just, I


Yes, we had a great time.


We had a great time and we've learned so much and it does really. I do think it helps to spread our reach. Like it, it we're reaching more people. I think when the classes went online I remember I was a lot of people know this, but I was in Heathrow just having taught Reiki class in London when all the borders were closing and things were closing down in March of 2020 with COVID. And and I looked around at all the people panicking and I thought, oh my gosh, everybody needs Reiki right now. And, I was so glad to be in a position to help, but at the same point, I didn't know how we were going to help based on the new structure or the new with every one in quarantine and shutting, down. And. And I was so grateful. I think I was only home a day when we held a meeting, our Licensed teachers and William said that he had received the word that we were going to teach quality classes online and what a benefit that has been to be able to reach people


yes. During this ad is that is William keeps things exciting for us. Yeah. He really listened to his guidance. And so he does keep it exciting for us. Doesn't be yes. Yes. Because his guidance is always okay, there's a next step and a next step. We're continually growing and learning with the energy, which is so fun. It


really is. Yeah. And it's, all about evolving isn't it. And, not staying still or not staying static with it. And he very much has that type of approach. And that's an approach that I've been drawn to from the very beginning. You recently became the co-director of the licensed Reiki master teacher program. When Laurel Gaia wasn't able to do it any longer, what made you decide to step up and help out with that? That's a big job.


Yeah. Back in 2012, William Rand asked Colleen Benelli and me to do Reiki business coaching for all the Licensed Reiki Master Teachers. He asked us to interview them all and see what was contributing to their success and all of the seven areas that I mentioned. So we set out over the next probably almost two years and we interviewed them all. We compiled all the information, we shared it with them. We were also working on. Creating new ways for the LRMT's to communicate with each other. We got a Facebook group going and then we had calls on conference calls. And then when zoom came out we were just working with that. And Carolyn Musial was also involved. So the three of us were already working on, things. And then when Laurel had her stroke, then after a few months we realized that somebody needs to step in and do her work. And so it, William and Carolyn and Colleen and I met, and we just figured out who was going to do what, and we just started doing it. We didn't have any training really for our jobs because Laurel wasn't able to work with us at that time. So we just figured it out. What we were supposed to do and use the manual as our guide and listen to Reiki. And then we've said that was back in 2015. So we've been continuing to develop the program. We just launched this week, a mentoring guide for the mentors and student teachers. And so I am super excited to have that resource available because that's going to provide a lot more help for the student teachers and the mentors because it's part of my job to support. The mentors who were mentoring the student teachers.


So, I become a mentor in April. I am, it will be I'm the first Canadian, the only Canadian licensed Reiki master teacher. And but I get to become a mentor in April that, all have been a licensed teacher for two years then.


Yay. Yay. And that is so exciting because think of all the people that you can reach in Canada and Australia and the UK land and the UK go, Pam. Yeah. Pam's already been traveling. She's one of the hardest working Licensed Teachers we have. She's out there doing so much. I, think of her as the Energizer bunny.


Oh, honestly, I just really liked to travel. So while I'm traveling I might as well teach Reiki classes. But no, that's not entirely true. I did get a tap on my shoulder that said, look develop this program in Australia, across Canada. And sometimes you can teach in the U S and and in the United Kingdom, because there are no Licensed teachers there and in New Zealand. And so it's my hope that we can and inspire and encourage some people to become Licensed Teachers in those regions.


Yeah, absolutely. Yes we have a number of mentors available and Pam, you're going to be wonderful at that. She has so much to teach and to offer. So I'm very excited. Thank you.


That, that I'm excited to be a mentor as well. And I, am mentoring some of my own students and I've, been doing a Reiki master mentor program, but it's, I think it's next level when you get to being an LRMT mentor. So I'm, excited about that.


Yeah. In order to be a member, one of the things like there's several steps like to becoming accepted in the program. And we, when we become when we move into the program, it's roughly a three-year program with over a thousand hours of additional training. And I think that's that while it looked honorous at the outset, there was always a lot of support all the way through and, it was busy. It was a lot of work. But I'm so glad that I've done it. It completely changed my approach to Reiki, to life or to everything, but there's also a lot of steps to be for people to be accepted. Like we had to pass a lot of audits and and that sort of thing. And so there is a pre. Pretty rigorous screening program involved.


And you had mentioned that people need to be a professional member for at least a year prior to applying. Can you tell us a little bit more about the professional membership or professional meant being a professional member of the ICRT Reiki membership association? There's two levels of membership, affiliate and professional. Can you tell us a bit about that?


Yes. So the professional membership, in order to have that, you have to have Reiki one and two through Reiki master with one of the licensed Reiki master teachers with the international center for Reiki training. So you can find all of the LRMTs. That's how we refer to them on We have around 30. So after you take all of your classes Reiki one through Reiki master, then you can apply to be a professional member. And what that means is that you get your name listed on the website and the professional member tab with your. Contact information, your email. And so it's listed by state. So if people want to find a Reiki teacher or healer in their area, they can go to the website and that's going to help you get a lot more visibility and more students. Now, the affiliate member is for anybody at the Reiki master level, who has taken their classes through a teacher who is not licensed with the international center for Reiki training. They get their name also on the website, under the affiliate member tab. And then there's some things that both agree to our Code of Ethics and our Standards of Practice, which you can look at what those are on Reiki dot org under membership, just click the membership tab. Yeah. And that's the purpose of the, these, this organization? I think affiliate member, any, anyone from any lineage who is at the master level is, able to apply to be an affiliate member. Karen, is that correct? Yes. And anybody that has taken the Usui classes and know they need to have the the three. Reiki two symbols and the Usui master symbol. That's right.


And I think that one of the purposes is that then when people register with the classes of an affiliate member or a professional member or a licensed teacher, any of those categories, then they know that they are getting an ICRT style class with the minimum requirements where the minimum requirements will be met. And so it's really, it is really a great thing. And one of the things I've noticed Karen is that now that I'm a Licensed Teacher, before I was a Licensed Teacher, my students could still apply to be a member of the Reiki membership association. And I always encouraged them to do but when, I became a licensed teacher they, no longer had to apply to be affiliate members. When they did both classes with me, they could then apply to be Professional Members. And we all noticed that when you do step into that professional membership with the Reiki membership association, Reiki starts working with us a little differently. Like it seems to amp up how it works with us, or at least that's been our experience. I don't know if you noticed that yourself, but


Yes. Yeah. So it's saying to the universe that yes, I am ready to offer my Reiki services at a higher level. And then that in turn is going to attract more business to, yeah, I think so.


And, it's just such a, I dunno when, you do teach Reiki, It's such, it's addictive. It's such a beautiful thing to watch your students just watch their lives change. My husband said and he said this in the podcast with me that he. He couldn't ignore the effects of Reiki because he was watching one person come into my classes and a completely different person leave at the end of the day. He was usually gone through the day, but he would arrive home just as people. He would be there when they arrived. And he would be there when they left. And he was, he would just shaking their head. Like they're completely different people when they leave the class. I there's something to this. I can't ignore it.


So we need before and after pictures they should do before.


That's a good idea, but it's just there's, something about being able to witness that as a teacher, being able to witness that joy and that beauty in that healing happen for your students. And as you do step in to the next step and the next step with your Reiki journey, and you can witness that. Reiki clients or your friends and family, whoever you're sharing Reiki with. It's just such a beautiful thing watching more and more love and beauty and, Reiki spread in the world. Yes. Can you talk to us about some of the advantages of being a licensed Reiki master teacher? I guess we talked about reaching more people. But I wonder, and also the advantages of studying with a licensed Reiki master teacher.


Yeah. So I think we talked a little bit about some of the benefits of the professional recognition and being able to reach a lot more students and help with your marketing especially for those people that maybe are not so marketing savvy the ICRT is very good with that. So when you study with a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, you are getting a good quality of, class. There's the set curriculum that we all agree to follow when we become a member of the Reiki Membership Association or a Licensed Teacher, and the Licensed Teachers are, as you said, in, on the ground floor of the newest developments with Reiki whatever is going on, like being able to teach online new levels of energy that are constantly coming through that teacher has had good training. They have been vetted their mentor teacher is watching over them, coaching them and helping them. And we don't allow our student teachers to complete their licensure unless they have proficiency in all the things that they need to have for each level. The licensure process unfolds gradually. So although it might seem a little daunting if you just do one step at a time that first you complete the requirements to be licensed for Reiki one and two, and that takes about a year. And then you complete the light, the requirements to be licensed for Reiki master, and that's about another year. And then the requirements for being licensed at the Karuna level. And at that point you're fully licensed and. You also earn money through the program, which is really cool, which more than pays for the fees of the program, which is really cool. So I woke up one day in meditation and I heard that I needed to sit down with a pen and pencil and compute what a person might make as they go through the program. So I wrote all that out. And got that all approved through our team Reiki, which is our executive team for the co-directors and it is in that 50 page manual. So you can look that over and see so all that's in there. So anyway, when you take a class from a Licensed Teacher that they've had good training, that someone has reviewed their teaching their mentor co-teaches with them, gives them tips on how to improve their teaching. You're going to get a quality class. I just have to think I went to a Reiki conference where William Rand was speaking and he held up the Reiki Kanji asked how many people knew what it was. And there were about 60 people in the room and only two people held up their hand and I was one of them and I thought I'm surprised that they haven't learned that in their Reiki class this is the Kanji for Reiki. It's that sort of thing and I know whenever I've had people review my classes that have taken a class with someone else, they always say that they learned something new. And our, teachers all have their own different teaching styles. And whenever I review a class with any one of them, then I learned new things like even, just taking a Animal Reiki. With Karen Caig. I learned some new things to enhance my teaching because she does things just a little different. It's oh, I really liked that. I'm going to do that. So we, learned from each other and we just help each other to be the best Reiki teachers that we can be. So it's that quality of teaching and the depth of experience that I think really helps a person to have a really good experience in their Reiki class.


I agree with you, Karen. And I think too the you've, mentioned the structure that we work within and the fact of just learning from, each other. And so, many of the licensed teachers for instance, have lots of opportunity for follow-up with their students. Like I have a, private Facebook group for all of the students that have studied with me and we do a regular Reiki share. And, so do you, and so do most of the teachers, like they just ways to stay in touch and you talked about reviewing classes. That's one of my favorite things to do. And in fact, this year I'm planning on reviewing quite a few classes with some licensed teachers. Actually, you're one of them, because one of the things that we are encouraged to do is just continue to learn and, not stay stagnant. And I love attending. My colleagues I, attend sessions. I attend different things that they do because you learn so much like the Reiki retreat even. I learned so much from all of you at those and, it's just wonderful. So even reviewing a class with a Licensed Teacher might be something that would be interesting for some of the, listeners.


Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great idea. And I plan to do that myself because I always have something new to learn and new way of presenting something. If you review with me I decided to make the history a little more interesting by acting out Dr. Usui.


I am looking forward to seeing that. I have to tell you.


I thought it'd be even more entertaining if I were like, write out the scripts and let my students play this part, but that might be the next step.


Okay. I hope I'm in that class. And one of the beautiful things is now that classes are online really people can have their pick of people like to study with where not some teachers are teaching in person as well. If someone's looking for an in-person class, but many of us are also teaching online. And so that really opens things up for people to to join us. I got to see that It was all born out of one time. I had a student who actually fell asleep in my class. When you were talking about the history, I got to do something different. And I, love the history. So maybe I'm a history geek, so maybe people are falling asleep on me too. And I'm just not aware of it, but no it's, awesome. Karen, is there anything that you'd like to leave people with or anything else about the licensed teacher program that we didn't cover? And before we move into a meditation today and just help our listeners find their next step, whatever that is for them?


Yeah. I would just tell people that if you have any idea that you might like to do it, to just go check out the overview on the website, and whether you decide to apply to the program or not fulfilling the requirements to be eligible, to apply, we'll help you get your Reiki business going. And also I know Pam has a great Reiki master mentor program that you can attend that will help you build and establish your Reiki business. So I think that's wonderful. And I hear she's also writing a book about that. So yeah, so all of those things would be really awesome and. I love Reiki so much that I only take people in as Reiki clients these days, not as counseling clients anymore, because I find that I can help my. People with things at a deeper level and often quicker than with some of my counseling techniques. Now counseling is still very valuable for so many things. But where it, where the rake you really shines is with helping to clear and release trauma. So that's one of the areas I really specialized in and I'll be talking about that at the retreat, this coming year Reiki for life challenges and trauma, and I just find such quicker results with it. Teaching Reiki is, just so fun and seeing transformation and spreading good on the planet. It's just very rewarding. And it's, I think it's my quickest and best way to help people and when I prayed and asked God, okay, God, I really can't do justice to all the different five things I was doing at the time. And I prayed. And, so number one was Reiki spread Reiki, teach Reiki, write about Reiki, do Reiki sessions. Because that helps inform my teaching and my writing and my speaking. That's what I'm doing. Reiki helps you to align with your best Burt vision and version of yourself. So I think that's what we're going to do with a little meditation. I think it is. And I just want to tell you that I got a similar thing to you. I, have three businesses, my horse business, the Reiki business, and my essential oil business, but I too was told, focus on Reiki. And so fortunately my apprentice runs my horse business and my essential oil business is still there, but it just slowed down a level so that I could really focus on moving forward


with Reiki. Hey, Karen, when we tell them a little bit about the retreat before we move into the meditation it's usually held in, Sedona, Arizona.


Yes. So you, we will have information about that on the website in January. I believe we just got the presenters confirmed yesterday. And so yes. And we're excited about that. It will be online definitely. And in person, hopefully it Sedona at Mago retreat, which is beautiful. So it's a wonderful place to visit and we have this really super lineup of presentations on all sorts of subjects. So I'm very excited about our program. I am


too, and I'll be there this year, talking about Animal Reiki and also a little section as well about starting your own Reiki business. So I'm excited about that. Yeah. Awesome. Karen, I am looking forward to our meditation today. I wonder if you would lead us in that. And I just want to tell any listeners who are driving to hit pause at this point, because we care about you and these meditations can go deep.


Okay? Yes. I'd love to. Thank you. All so I just invite you to relax and begin focusing on your breath. And if you have Reiki, then I invite you to activate your Reiki, symbols,


and we call


on our higher power, the spirit of the earth, the brothers and sisters of the light. And now imagine yourself magically transported. To a beautiful forest on a warm sunny day, you're walking along


a path


and with each step you take feel the life force energy of the earth flowing up through the bottom. So your feet,


and as you


walk along the path, you notice the beautiful trees. They're beautiful green leaves, and there's some birds singing over head. There's some flowers growing along the path and white and blue and


lavender. And as you're walking along,


you come to


clearing and then


the middle of this clearing is a beautiful majestic tree. This tree has a very thick and broad trunk,


and it has a


beautiful canopy


and say, you're


called to go forward and approach the tree. You're looking at the tree and admiring its beauty from a little ways away. And now to enjoy the full beauty of the tree, you decide to just stop and look at it from a little bit of a distance. And right there is a nice big rock to set on that has a flat top and say, sit down on the rock and continue looking at the tree. And you've been wondering about what your next step with Reiki might be and your next step. And. And so she contemplate




you call on your higher self and your spiritual source to assist you. And also the Reiki energy comes to surround you and empower you. The divine animal kingdom is here and is present lawn with the brothers and sisters of light and their energy is flowing together and like a infinity symbol of energy from heaven and earth combining and mixing. And the synergy expands to surround the


tree. So now let's ask


your higher self, your spiritual source and the Reiki energy


to show you


your best vision of yourself in the




And this is a fully empowered.




living your best life, fulfilling your divine purpose on


earth. And


now that the can have


three, this vision


of your future empowered self is going to step out from behind the tree.


1, 2, 3,


and there she, or he is. So start to notice


what you look like.


Notice the energy that you have, notice how you feel empowered.


Notice your confidence


and your sense of accomplishment. Notice your emotions,


how you feel,


notice the energy of your thoughts. And just continue to look and on wonder at this future vision of yourself as you're fully empowered, self your authentic self, fully giving of your gifts. Notice the beauty and the strength of your future self,


the compassion. Now we're going


to ask your higher self to show you on your Reiki journey. What is your next step to get there? You might receive the




or you might hear words or have a sense of knowing, and it might come now or later, let's take a little time and the silence to get a sense of what your next step with Reiki is to get to your future self. Now whether your next step is with Reiki or something else, let's have you ask what is your next step in life in general to get to that future vision of yourself? And take some time in the silence to listen and luck. And more ideas and images, maybe continuing to come to you over the next hours and


days as you're gazing


at your future south, he or she back in June to come closer and with open arms calls you into an embrace and you feel yourself merging with your future self and your highest potential. When you find yourself wrapped in the energy, all those qualities,


the success, the accomplishment, the wellbeing, and


you feel yourself now completely at




with your future self and your highest potential. And now your future self, as you begin the journey back through the forest, back to the beginning of the path, and now you find yourself back in your


room, back in this


present moment. And when you're ready, you can bring your attention to your eyes and open your eyes and come




And at the end of this podcast, you might want to take some time or maybe pause the podcast and take some time just to write about your experience with this meditation.


Thank you, Pam. Thank you, Karen. That was so beautiful. And I, loved it. Wow. I was very thin my future self. So yeah, no thank you so much. And for talking with us about this today and leading us in that beautiful meditation, and I just want to thank the listeners, whether you decide to become an LRM T or work with an LRMT, or just take that next step on your path, whatever you decide to do what's right for you just know that we support you. We're behind you every step of the way. And so is Reiki and we're so proud of you. Namasté.


Namasté. Thank you.


Thanks Karen.