Theosophia Podcast

Leaving Silence: Sexualized Violence, the Bible and Standing with Survivors

Sarah Elizabeth Smith Season 4 Episode 2

I am so excited to share with you a lively conversation with my friend, Dr. Susannah Larry about her new book entitled “Leaving Silence: Sexualized Violence, the Bible and Standing with Survivors.” Dr. Larry is an assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana.  She is dedicated to reclaiming the Bible as a liberating Word to the contemporary Christian life and exposing flaws of biblical interpretations that use the text to justify sexualized violence in anyway. 

Content Warning - we discuss topics that are graphic and violent in nature. But this book ya’ll, is so needed in our world today. Dr. Larry tackles some tough tough passages in the Bible and teaches in such a clear, intentional and pastoral way. We get into issues of power analysis, trauma informed exegesis, gender roles, ancient contexts verses our contemporary contexts, how Jesus experienced sexualized violence and so much more.