Stories Within Us

Be angry. Be sad. But don't be silent. with Janis Irwin

May 26, 2021 Lisa Bush Season 3 Episode 6

Today's episode is with Alberta Leader, MLA Janis Irwin. In this episode, Janis shares her thoughts on advocacy and how it's essential that we continue to speak up for all individuals in our community. She shares with us her thoughts on leadership, advocacy, and how leadership is interconnected with all those around us. 

About Janis Irwin:

Janis Irwin is MLA for Edmonton-Highlands-Northwood. She is currently the Official Opposition Deputy Whip and the Critic for Women and LGBTQ2S+ Issues.

Prior to serving as an MLA, Janis devoted over a decade to the field of education, where she worked for Alberta Education as the Senior Manager, Social Studies, and then as the Executive Director for High School Curriculum. She started her career working in rural Alberta as a high school teacher and as a vice principal.

Janis holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Alberta and a master’s degree in education from the University of Calgary. Over the years she's served as a board member for several nonprofit associations, and has volunteered with a number of organizations. Janis enjoys an active lifestyle and spending her spare time running and biking and exploring Edmonton’s beautiful River Valley.

Connect with Janis Irwin:

FB: @JanisIrwin
Twitter: @JanisIrwin
IG: @janis.irwin