Stories Within Us

Our Children's Mental Health with Lana Bentley

Lisa Bush Season 4 Episode 2

In this episode, Lana Bentley and I dive deep into the mental health challenges that our kids are facing. We look at gender roles and how they play into mental health, as well as gender identity and how that is changing within the realm of mental health. Lana has an extensive depth of knowledge in mental health, gender roles, and how to best meet the needs of the most vulnerable members of our populations. 

Finally Lana explores how we don't want to go back to normal and why we need to demand a better normal—within mental health, the economy, and our communities. This is one episode that I cannot recommend highly enough to parents, educators, health care providers and all those currently working with children and youth. 

About Lana Bentley:

Lana Bentley is a registered social worker with a bachelor's and master's degree in social work from the University of Calgary. She spent much of the early years of her career working in the area of mental health as a family and group therapist. Lana managed a psychiatric inpatient unit and psychiatric emergency room for children and youth at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. She has taught in the post-secondary system for nearly ten years. 

Her passion for effecting change led her to pursue leadership positions in healthcare and human services. Lana is currently the Director of Program Strategy at YW Calgary—the largest and longest serving women’s organization in Calgary.

Volunteering in the community is important to Lana and she shares her time generously. Over the years, Lana has been involved with housing initiatives, mentorship for young professionals, domestic violence prevention efforts, and free drop-in counselling programs. Lana is committed to ensuring our community is safe and accessible for all. She is currently the Vice—chair for the SHARP Foundation, a Calgary-based non-profit organization committed to providing a continuum of care to those living with HIV or at the highest risk of contracting HIV.

Finally, Lana is running for Ward 6 Councillor for Cagalry—Elections are October 18, so everyone listening in the Calgary areas needs to make sure they get out and vote—She is running on a platform of a "strong and inclusive community where we all thrive together." 

Connect with Lana Bentley:


IG: @lana4ward6

Twitter: @LanaBentleyYYC