Stories Within Us

Following Your Curiosity with Jill Yancey

November 24, 2021 Lisa Bush Season 4 Episode 6

For many of us, curiosity is a paradigm shift. We take great pride—as a collective—of knowing. Of being able to classify right versus wrong, good versus bad. But as we discuss in this episode, there is something very humane, very life-giving about asking questions and being open to the answers. 

In this episode, I speak with writer, poet, and mother Jill Yancey about embracing curiosity. Jill uses curiosity in her work, her writing, her parenting, and in very concrete ways in her life. As Jill and I discuss in this episode, curiosity is something that we can incorporate into understanding ourselves better. Curiosity is something that we can incorporate into our parenting. Curiosity is something that you can use to guide you in your life and career choices. So I Invite you to open your mind and listen to Jill share her story on embracing curiosity. 

 About Jill Yancey

As full-time mother to four kids under twelve, a published writer, and Community Manager for Tell(h)er Co, Jill Yancey has had to learn the delicate alchemy of combining passion with parenthood. 

Whether she is partnering with poet and entrepreneur Azure Antoinette to amplify the voices of hundreds of female writers across the globe, or working to instill her values of curiosity, justice, compassion, and truth-telling in the children she is tending at home, Jill believes in the value of a good idea, and the power of a good idea shared. Most early mornings or late nights, she can be found writing in the fleeting quiet of her crowded-but-joyful South Carolina home. 

Her first novel, a careful examination of the mother-daughter relationships that have always captured her curiosity, is currently in production.  Her recently published essay and poems, Quilt of Thousands, Body Talk and Painted, can be found in the upcoming Generations issue of Motherscope Magazine. She invites you to say hi on Instagram and join in her #dailymemoir practice @jillwritesabook 

Connect with Jill Yancey:
IG: @jillwritesabook

Connect with Tell(h)er Co:
IG: @tellherco

The Working Mom Wellness Guide to Asking your Partner for Help. Download your free 10 page guide here

Working Mom Wellness design was created by Dr. Milena Radzikowska  and Chris Shaddock of Two Hot Soups Consulting .

Post production and sound editing is done by East Coast Studio