
E16 - Going for Gold

Myotherapy Association Australia Season 2 Episode 16

Tune in as our host Anna Yerondais chats with Myotherapist and MA member, Toby Glennon about his recent travels with the Australian Medical Team at the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games.

Toby fills us in on his humble myotherapy beginnings, his journey from Advanced Diploma to Degree myotherapy studies, work commitments, challenges and celebrations as he accomplishes his ultimate goal - taking his myotherapy work to the Olympic Games.

Just goes to show - dream big - stay focused and smash those career goals out of the park.

This episode of MyoMatters is proudly sponsored by the Myotherapy Association Australia

Learn how you can be a part of Australia's peak myotherapy Association. The only industry association that represents the needs and interests of myotherapists and the myotherapy profession nationally.