City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

Kong Hee: Blessings of Abraham (Part 1)

December 05, 2019 City Harvest Church

The Bible talks about a time when Abraham met with Melchizedek, King of Salem and high priest of God. Melchizedek was a type and a foreshadow of Christ. After they partook of communion, Melchizedek blessed Abraham. 
Galatians 3:29 says that we are Christ’s, and Abraham’s seed—heirs according to the promise. We share in the blessings of Abraham. 
There are three parts to this blessing: the blessing of Elevation and how God wants to lift you up; the blessing of Possession and moving from stewardship to ownership; and finally, the blessing of Dominion and being an overcomer. 
Understand what these blessings entail and find out how you can unlock them in your life.