City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

Kong Hee: The Spirit of Honor (Part 4)—Honoring God

City Harvest Church

Of all those we are called to honor in their lives, the most important Person is God. Kong Hee teaches us five ways to honor the Lord. First, we honor Him with our whole heart—our thoughts, affections, desires, visions and dreams, motives, concerns and morality. We honor Him with our body by fleeing sexual immorality and respecting the body that is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We honor God by enjoying our Sabbath, setting aside one day a week for the things that glorify Him. We honor God with our worship, giving Him the sacrifice of our praise even in tough times. And finally, we honor Him with our giving—just as the Father gave us Jesus, the Firstfruit, so do we honor Him with our tithes and offerings.