City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

Wu Yu Zhuang: Building While Waiting

City Harvest Church

How do we make sense of 2020? What is God telling us? In this sermon, Wu Yu Zhuang draws from Jeremiah 29:5, in which the prophet encouraged the children of Israel in captivity to prepare to stay in Babylon, and while they were waiting, to “build houses and dwell in them, plant gardens and eat their fruit.” Likewise, we find ourselves held captive by COVID-19. Yet, while we remain in this situation, we must build our house—both our natural family and our spiritual family. It’s the time to build good relationships in our household: husbands must help their wives; wives must encourage their husbands; children must honor their parents. Likewise, following in Jesus’ footsteps, we are to build the Church with our spiritual family. Be encouraged by this message to continue in good works even during bad times.