City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

Kong Hee: Vision for 2021

City Harvest Church

2021 is the year for the believer to build up his spiritual storehouse in preparation for what God is going to do next. In his vision-casting message for the start of the year, Kong Hee sets the direction for City Harvest Church for the next 12 months. First, be intentional in cultivating Christlikeness, that is to live every day with the mindset that we will glorify God, whether at work, on campus or at home. Second, be intentional in unconditional love, expecting nothing in return, forgiving always. Finally, be intentional in marketplace discipleship, that is, seek first the Kingdom of God, not riches and fame, and trust Him for provision and blessing. In short, 2021 must be a year of mortification—the progressive killing of sin—and vivification—the continual growth of Christlikeness in us. Enjoy the message and get ready for the next move of God!