City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

Aries Zulkarnain: Having A Vision Of Jesus In Our Lives

City Harvest Church

God still has a purpose for each of us—as we begin a new year, Aries Zulkarnain encourages us to put our trust in Jesus alone. Pastor Aries shows us that when we have a vision of Jesus in our lives—just as Mary did when the Angel announced to her that she would be with Child—it will enable us to look beyond our own limitations and began seeing the possibility of doing the impossible. First, we must see what Jesus has become on our behalf, only then can we be set free from thoughts that enslave us, just as Hannah became pregnant after surrendering her desire and esteem to God. Second, we must see what Jesus has done for us, then we have the confidence that He will bring His will to pass in our lives, just as God showed himself in a pot of fire and a torch (Gen 15:17), revealing Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. Be encouraged by this message and enjoy a blessed 2021!