City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

Aries Zulkarnain: Making Room For God – Selah (Part 2)

City Harvest Church

What God wants to do through you is more important than what you want to do for Him. This revelation lies at the heart of this powerful sermon by Aries Zulkarnain, which continues his earlier message on Selah—resting in God. The table and chair in the room that the Shunammite woman prepared for prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-16) symbolize the importance of stopping and sitting down to fellowship with God. Drawing from the stories of Martha in Luke 10 and King David in 2 Samuel 7, Zulkarnain shows how both of them were too busy trying to impress God to sit down and listen to Him. Do we hide behind the “noble” excuse of “serving others” when our true intention is to win approval? Find out what it takes to truly carry the Cross for Christ.