Holger Mueller - Why Has AI Not Arrived in HR?
HR Data Labs podcast
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HR Data Labs podcast
Holger Mueller - Why Has AI Not Arrived in HR?
Mar 24, 2022 Season 3 Episode 15
David Turetsky


While traveling the world (and the online world) as VP and Principal Analyst at Constellation Research, Holger Mueller researches enterprise software trends and focuses on the next generation of applications and the future of work. He’s built his 25 year career in the industry by building, selling, and implementing enterprise software. Outside of his work at Constellation Research, Holger is a cycling, soccer, and volleyball enthusiast. 

In this episode, Holger talks about why we haven’t seen a mass adoption of AI in HR and when that might happen. 


[0:00 - 4:17] Introduction

  • Welcome, Holger Mueller!
  • Today’s Topic: Why has AI not arrived in HR?

[4:18 - 15:45] Where Holger has seen successful uses for AI

  • How AI has been used in recruiting?
  • Using AI to find and train critical skills in a team

[15:46 - 28:33] What HR can learn from business when it comes to integrating AI?

  • How Finance and HR tackle the same problems differently
  • Letting a machine “think” vs paying a person to do the same task

[28:34 - 30:09] Final Thoughts & Closing

  • Work with vendors to see what’s possible
  • Thanks for listening!


“Machines can do a lot of more things, and the big thing that fuels it [is that] a human needs time to get this done. Then it's the question, “How smart is he or she and how much time do they need and how committed are they to find out?” A very different equation to a machine because all it needs is for someone to program it, thinking of possible solutions . . . and then [all you have to do is] compute. So if there's enough compute cycles, ultimately the machine will keep trying, trying, trying and find it—something that a human will never get to.”

“Work with vendors; see what’s possible; get educated; know what can be done; become competent; suggest what should be done. [Or] build something yourself, right? Every company has the data scientists, potentially AI people, who could make something.”

