Skull RPG: Game Masters Tell Your Story

GM 101: World Creation - Play an RPG in the Modern Era

March 05, 2021 Dwight and Jacob Scull Season 1 Episode 157

Hey Storytellers,

We have moved to posting every Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

To finish up our how to play an RPG in ____ era. We turn to the modern era or the clay era. 

Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes:

Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG:

The current age of humanity is the clay era of humanity according to Greek Mythology. After the gods have destroyed humanity several times they finally landed on clay and blood (flesh and blood) because we were controllable. 

Playing an RPG in this era is common for any D20 Modern game, World of Darkness, even futuristic games like Shadowrun / Star Wars (which was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, but I digress) / Cyberpunk would be considered clay era or age unless they were the pinnacle of all technology until the end of time and then that would be golden era or age.

In this episode, we discuss how setting an RPG in this age differs from the last three we have covered and generally give some ideas on how to play in those worlds.