Visions & Voices On Global Issues

Timely Perspectives on Our Nation's Security - Admiral Phil Davidson

World Affairs Council Inland SoCal Season 1 Episode 16

Retired Admiral Phil Davidson brings a wealth of experience in national security affairs, strategy development, and risk analysis, as well as regional security insights in the Indo-Pacific, in Europe, and in the Middle East.
Admiral Davidson was the 25th Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) in Honolulu, Hawaii. In this capacity, he led the United States’ oldest and largest combatant command, consisting of nearly 380,000 personnel, and held the responsibilities for all U.S. military activities across the Indo-Pacific, covering half the globe, from 2018 to 2021.
In his nearly 39 years of active service, he previously commanded U.S. Fleet Forces Command in Norfolk, VA, U.S. SIXTH FLEET and STRIKFORNATO in Europe, as well as a carrier strike group, a cruiser and a frigate, and held assignments in the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon and every major geographic fleet in the U.S. Navy.
In addition to private sector work, Admiral Davidson now serves on Military Advisory Groups at both the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA and the U.S. Institute of Peace. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.