Stories From The Well

"Paid For" Washington DC 2014

November 22, 2017 At The Well Ministries
Our experience in Washington DC is evidence of the Lord’s faithfulness, mercy and boundless love towards us. All glory and honor be to God who made our first ministry trip and journey to Washington a success. He was with us all the way, through thick and thin. The decision to worship and praise Jesus in public was initially born in Central Park. We’d go out every Saturday. The day it all began, we were walking down Central Park, and started to sing the song “This little light of mine, am gonna let it shine!” But then, we changed the lyrics to, ‘this big light of mine, am gonna let it shine.’ As we were singing, God’s spirit enveloped the area and overwhelmed us. Some people joined us in singing, and the joy of the Lord radiated. This was when we realized that the Lord was giving us a new direction: to praise Him in front of the White House. We felt we had to take this ministry to other places. Little did we know that God was just getting started with us. This new idea of going on the road was so exciting!!! While we had barely got to know each other, we knew Father God was doing something special in our lives. Jessica even envisioned us being televised while praising God in DC. We could not wait to go!!!