Transfer Nation Talks
Welcome to the Transfer Nation Podcast! Transfer Nation is dedicated to celebrating & sharing information about all things transfer!
The episodes will focus on all aspects of serving transfer students throughout their transfer journey. They will feature both the point-of-view of professionals working with transfer students as well as insights from transfer students themselves.
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Transfer Nation Talks
The Art of Transfer Partnerships
Partnerships are critical to every element of transfer, and intentionally crafted partnerships contribute to more equitable transfer processes, policies, and programs. While there are many variations on this theme, at NISTS we believe the ultimate partnership occurs between the student, their sending institution, and their receiving institution. Today’s episode highlights research from the Community College Research Initiatives (CCRI) at the University of Washington.
Guest Bios
Dr. Lia Wetzstein is the Director of Community College Research Initiatives (CCRI) at University of Washington. She engages in education equity research on postsecondary education reform, vertical transfer, STEM education, and community college outcomes. Her commitment to social justice led her from multiple roles in STEM education to education research. She now leads CCRI’s equity agenda to enhance degree attainment and living wage careers for low-income learners and minoritized students.
Dr. Ling Yeh is a research affiliate with Community College Research Initiatives at the University of Washington, and is also Director of Research & Programs for the UW Brotherhood Initiative. Her work focuses on postsecondary access and completion for first-generation, low-income students and students of color, transfer policy & practice, community engagement, and program evaluation. Ling has over 20 years of professional experience working in higher education and non-profit sectors on college access and retention, service-learning, multicultural affairs, and federal TRIO programs.
Connect with our guests on Twitter! Dr. Lia Wetzstein | Dr. Ling Yeh
- Yeh, T.L. and Wetzstein, L. (in press). Institutional Partnerships for Transfer Student Success: An Examination of Catalysts and Barriers to Collaboration. Community College Review
- Yeh, T.L. and Wetzstein, L. (2020). A Continuum of Transfer Partnerships: Toward Intentional Collaborations to Improve Transfer Outcomes. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2020(192), 21-35. DOI: 10.1002/cc.20420
- Bragg, D. D., Yeh, T. L., Wetzstein, L., & Meza, E. A. (Eds.). (2020). Transfer Partnerships for Improved Equity and Outcomes. New Directions for Community Colleges. 2020(192), 5-9. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. DOI: 10.1002/cc.20418
- Transfer Partnership Data Notes
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Show Credits
Host: Janet L. Marling | Guests: Lia Wetzstein, Ling Yeh | Producers
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