
Engaging Your Teen's Emotional/Mental Health | Bethany Vanne S1E10

March 22, 2021 Grace Student Ministries Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode, we talk with John's wife, Beth, who is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who worked at Christian Psychological Associates for 13 years and now has her own practice, Bethany Vanne Counseling , is a mother of 3, and has served in the student ministry as a volunteer over much of the last 10+ years.

We discuss Beth's observations on mental health trends she's been noticing lately and spend time on teen's emotional and mental health as well as parent's proactive and responsive ways of engaging their teens' hearts and minds.  We also discuss the big topics in teens' worlds; stress, anxiety, depression and suicide.  These are such important issues and we hope it can be a springboard for you into researching (see the resources below!) and engaging your teens on a daily basis.

Helpful Resources Out of this Episode: