Doubles Only Tennis Podcast
The only tennis podcast with a focus on doubles. We believe doubles should be more popular and get more coverage than it does, so we’re fixing that. Our goal is to help you become a better player with pro doubles tips and expert strategy. We interview ATP & WTA tour doubles players and top tennis coaches to help you improve your game.
Doubles Only Tennis Podcast
Aldila Sutjiadi Interview: From Indonesia to Kentucky to the WTA Tour
Aldila Sutjiadi is the 37th-ranked doubles player on the WTA Tour. Born in Indonesia and 2x doubles All-American at Kentucky, Aldila has a fascinating story.
Tennis Tribe writer, Hanlon Walsh and I spoke with her on the grounds at the National Bank Open in Toronto. We discussed her story, how and why she plays with doubles partners with contrasting styles (loved this answer), mixed doubles, and more.
While I love the tactics and strategy, I want to start diving deeper into the stories behind these great doubles players so you can get to know them better and become bigger fans of these under-the-radar tennis stars. Aldila's journey was a great place to start.
**Join the #1 Doubles Strategy Newsletter for Club Tennis Players**
- New doubles strategy lessons weekly straight to your inbox: https://www.thetennistribe.com/join-the-tribe/
**Doubles Strategy Courses** These video courses will help you play smarter doubles and make winning easier.
- Net Play Strategy for Doubles - The Masterclass: https://the-tennis-tribe.teachable.com/p/net-play-strategy-for-doubles
- 25 Winning Doubles Tactics Video Course: https://the-tennis-tribe.teachable.com/p/25-winning-doubles-tactics
- Mental Game Masterclass: https://the-tennis-tribe.teachable.com/p/the-mental-game-masterclass
- League Doubles Training Masterclass Video Course: https://the-tennis-tribe.teachable.com/p/league-doubles-training
**Doubles Ebooks** These guides offer proven advice to improve your doubles strategy.
- 25 Winning Doubles Tactics: https://www.thetennistribe.com/25-winning-doubles-tactics/
- Return Strategy for Doubles: https://www.thetennistribe.com/return-strategy-for-doubles-ebook/
- Serve Strategy for Doubles: https://www.thetennistribe.com/serve-strategy-for-doubles-ebook/
- Net Play Strategy for Doubles: https://www.thetennistribe.com/net-play-strategy-for-doubles-ebook/