Held In Our Hearts: baby loss counselling and support

Episode 4: Remembering at Christmas

December 09, 2020 Held In Our Hearts Season 1 Episode 4

Join us for our fourth podcast where our host Nicola Welsh talks to Corrienne McCulloch, Tracy Watt and Margaret Follon.   They are all bereaved mums with very different experiences of loss from 2 years, 39 years and 30 years ago. 

We discuss how our own personal grief has changed over time but also how the support being offered to families has also changed.   We talk about ways in which we cope at Christmas and remember our little ones throughout the year.   Some have set traditions which help them and others wait and see how they feel nearer the time or on the day.  We all grieve and remember differently and it was nice to give ourselves permission to do what feels right at the time without pressure or judgement. 

We hope this episode helps bereaved parents feel less alone at Christmas and may help them reflect on ways they might remember.  It might also be useful for anyone supporting someone they know who has lost a baby and don't know what to do or say at Christmas.   

For more information on how Held In Our Hearts can support you or a loved one, please visit https://heldinourhearts.org.uk