Is Background Unhappiness Stealing Your Joy?

Dr S Hoffman, Debra Jones RM, Karen & Leslie Season 1 Episode 7

STOP searching for the elusive "happiness".  Living a life filled with joy IS attainable!!
Today Susan, Karen, Lesley and Debra discuss what joy and happiness means to them- We discuss methods to bring joy into your life.  We talk about being "present" in order to quiet the mind and feel inner joy.  Debra discusses how she assists her clients in attaining this state of joy and contentment and how it can be sustained.
Try to quiet your mind, perhaps through some sort of meditation- STOP the addiction to social media which propagates false scenarios no one can possibly live up to- PRACTISE gratitude and LIVE in the moment--then, please let us know how you feel...

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Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer

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