Magnetic Business Accelerator™ Podcast With Jocelyn Chong

How to be a Light Worker with Brandy Knight, CEO of Inner Caulling LLC

Jocelyn Chong Season 1 Episode 48

“You are stepping into your remembering. You are stepping into your destiny. There is no more time to prolong your awakening. You signed a soul contract and chose your unique mission in this life and we stand expanded together. We are the Light Workers” by Brandy Knight”

In this episode, Brandy shared her perspective about ego and personalities,  her views of shifting false belief systems to live a centered life on earth. She explains why she incorporates breath-work and Kundalini Yoga into her offers. And the beauty of following daily rituals. Plus more fun things she does when she is not working!

Brandy Knight, the Esoteric Exorcist, is an Accountability Coach, Emotional Release Specialist, Kundalini Yogic Alchemist, Public Speaker and mother to her Light Worker baby. Her dedication to being an embodied leader, her no-bullshit approach to showing up and her crass sense of humor attracts future leaders who are ready to walk through the deep shadows, step into their destiny and have some fun doing it.  The driving force fueling Brandy’s work is to provide guidance to powerful people who feel lost on this planet so they can create the lasting legacy they are meant to. 

Connect with Brandy via her  Website.

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I'm Jocelyn Chong, a business expert with over 20 years of experience in leadership, sales and finance. Working with me I teach you how to earn with ease, attract soul aligned clients and create a life by design.

I offer private coaching programs and group programs designed to release worry, overwhelm and fears when you move through different business cycles so you can build a business empire with complete joy and lots of fun. To find out more about my offers  Book a Consultation here  and we can discuss the best way to work with each other.