The Imprint Weekly

A Child of the Indian Race: A Conversation with Sandy White Hawk

The Imprint Episode 119

Part Two: A song for orphans

On last week’s podcast, Imprint reporter Nancy Marie Spears talked to Sandy White Hawk about her early adoption story, and the implications of Indigenous adoptions on cultural and spiritual childhood wellbeing. In this episode they finish that journey by detailing the ways Sandy navigated through being a mother while finding her selfhood and sense of purpose, and her recovery from substance and alcohol abuse. 

In this conversation, you will also hear from Sandy's daughter, Dyani, about her mom’s healing journey and the trickle-down effects of cultural reclamation. So here it is, part two of The Imprint Weekly Podcast’s interview with Sandy White Hawk.

Reading Room
An Indigenous Adoptee Reclaims Her Culture

First-of-its-kind Survey Examines Trauma and Healing Among Indigenous Survivors of Family Separation

How a Chippewa Grandmother’s Adoption Fight Ended Up in the U.S. Supreme Court

The Imprint’s Coverage of Brackeen v. Haaland