The Imprint Weekly

Surprising Findings on Aging Out, Removal Reasons and More

The Imprint Episode 132

This week we discuss the race between Texas and New York to pass the first “Family Miranda” bill for child welfare investigations, clergy as mandated reporters, and the 28th state to ban juvenile life without parole sentences. 

Serita Cox of iFoster joins to discuss some of the most interesting results from the organization’s second annual foster care survey, including some notable responses from current and former foster youth about reunification or adoption 

Reading Room

Texas Should Tell Parents Their Rights When It Investigates Child Abuse Claims, Lawmaker Proposes

‘Miranda Warning’-style Bill for Parents Fails in New York City Council

States Weigh Child Abuse Reporting vs. Clergy’s Duty of Confidentiality

Minnesota Abolishes Juvenile Life-Without-Parole Sentences

Gov. Walz Signs Bill to End Use of Juvenile Solitary Confinement

Voice of The Foster Care Community