The Imprint Weekly

LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care, Baby Bonds, and Child Welfare 101 with Mary Bissell

The Imprint Episode 45

On this podcast we discuss the overrepresentation of LGBTQ youth in foster care, big budget investments in California families, baby bonds in Connecticut, and foster youth stimulus in New York. 

Mary Bissell joins us for our first edition of Alphabet Soup: A Simple Serving of Complex Concepts in Child Welfare. First up: FMAP!

Reading Room

LGBTQ Youth Make Up One Third of Foster Care, But Are Often Poorly Served

LGBTQ Foster Youth in New York City: Strong in Numbers, Struggling in Care

Illinois Enhancing Support for LGBTQ Youth 

California’s Spending Plan Invests in Families and Children Still Reeling From the Pandemic

Connecticut Becomes First State in Nation for Baby Bonds

One-time Pandemic Cash Assistance Now Available to Foster Youth in New York