The Imprint Weekly

Supports, Not Just Services: Talking Child Welfare Response with Chapin Hall’s Bryan Samuels

The Imprint Episode 49

On this week’s podcast we discuss the recent dismissal of lawsuits in Ohio and West Virginia, new research on the prevalence of child protection investigations, and a local investigation into “hidden foster care” that might make waves. 

Bryan Samuels, executive director of Chapin Hall, joins us to discuss the Family First Act, race and poverty, congregate care and his organization’s new policy brief on including more concrete and economic supports in child welfare.

Reading Room

Judges Toss Class Actions Against Ohio, West Virginia

Nearly Half of Children Experience CPS Investigations For Abuse And Neglect Before 18, New Estimates For Large Counties Show

Contact with Child Protective Services Is Pervasive but Unequally Distributed by Race and Ethnicity in Large US Counties

NC County Illegally Removed Kids from Homes

Key Supervisor Pleads guilty in DSS Family Separation Scheme

Addressing Economic Hardship Key to Preventing Child Welfare System Involvement