The Imprint Weekly

Chicago’s Unprecedented Juvenile Detention Experiment

The Imprint Episode 52

On this week’s podcast we discuss a foster care capacity crisis in Texas, promising programs and bad facilities in Los Angeles, and former foster youth getting positions of leadership in federal government. 

In the early 2010s, Chicago’s juvenile detention center got a much-needed physical overhaul. Its leadership at the time used the opportunity to set up a gold-standard trial to test a new approach to engaging the youth inside. Juvenile detention expert David Roush joins us to talk about what they found and what’s happened since. 

Reading Room

Healers in The System: From the Health Field to Child Welfare Leadership
Register for free! Tomorrow, Sept. 21, 4pm EST (can’t make it? Sign up and receive the recording!)

Virtual Town Hall on Pandemic Assistance for Foster Youth
TODAY at 4pm EST

More Texas Foster Youth Are Sleeping in State Offices Than at Any Other Point in Recent Years

Texas Foster Care Children Exposed to Sexual Abuse, Given Wrong Medication and Neglected in Unlicensed Placements, New Report Says

Los Angeles County Supervisors Approve Therapeutic Approaches to Youth Detention

State Agency Declares L.A.’s Juvenile Halls ‘Unsuitable for Confinement of Minors’

Foster Youth Advocate Joins Biden Administration’s Child Welfare Agency Leadership

Child Welfare Policymakers Need to Learn User Centered Design

Young Adult Consultant and Youth Support Leads Application