The Imprint Weekly

Raising up The Stories of Families in Child Welfare

The Imprint Episode 56

On this week’s podcast, we discuss what The Imprint has learned from states about the end of the federal moratorium on aging out of foster care during the pandemic; a new law to limit the transfer of youth into adult court in Washington, D.C.; and a troubling case of entrenched and unchecked juvenile justice leadership. 

Matt Anderson, who leads the Institute for Family at the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, joins to discuss his new mission to develop media projects that tell the stories of youth and families who experience the child welfare system. 

Reading Room

Next Week, Thousands of Foster Youth Will Age Out on the Same Day

Redefinition of Child Amendment Act of 2021

Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge.

The Institute for Family

Seen and Heard Podcast

Documentary: From Place to Place