ADVOCATE by ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights

Celebrating Progress: Episode 1 - Decriminalizing Abortion

March 10, 2022 APHR Season 4 Episode 1

Human rights advocates know all too well just how challenging rights work can be, here in Southeast Asia and globally. In addition to a host of rights abusing actors targeting those expressing dissent, rights defenders often face what can sometimes feel like a constant losing battle. 
Advocacy often begins with the odds stacked against them, with governments undemocratically introducing oppressive laws and policies, while pushing aside, or even watering down legislation that is progressive. 
 Yet, look closely, and positive changes are occurring in the human rights sphere, including in Southeast Asia. In this series, we'll shed light on those successes, and speak to some of those who have been working to advance human rights across the region. 

In Episode One of this series we look at abortion decriminalization efforts in Thailand, and the effect progress there has had on similar efforts in the Philippines.