Horror Shop Radio
Horror Shop Radio
S1 E5: Abduction
Horror Shop Radio Episode 5: Abduction
Written, Directed, & Produced by Matthew Burd.
Angelo Cruz as Dylan
Jym DeNatale as The Bartender
Bryn Curry as Luna
Kylie Rutzen as Krissy
Lukas Spreitzer as The Leader
Mardi Anderson as The System
Bill Pittenger as the Radio DJ
Jason G. Sarris and Tal Minear as the Police Officers
Mike Askey as Al Ien
Sascha Berwanger as Mr. Shan
Additional voices for the Bar Patrons provided by
Scott J. Zimmerman
Doug Daly
Lec Zorn
Tammy Paul
The Musical Score was for this episode was Composed by Daimon Price.
Website: daimonprice.com
Apple Music
The Horror Shop Radio Theme Music was Composed by Steve Vil of the band Technokill. An excerpt of their song Drugs and Candy was also featured in the episode.
Website: teknokill.com
Apple Music
Additional featured music included the songs
"Disenchanted" by Fallen to Flux
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International — CC BY-ND 4.0
"Rednecks With White Faces" by Caühaüs
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Post Production & Editing by Matthew Burd
Additional Sound Design from Freesound.org on a Creative Commons License
Cover Art by Bill Pittenger
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Episode 6 of Horror Shop Radio is coming soon on March 31, 2021. Title TBA
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Horror Shop Radio is a production of Horror Shop Films and Innovation Cinema Productions. Copyright 2021.