Law to Fact

Environmentalist Karl Coplan on His Book, Live Sustainably Now

February 11, 2020 Karl Coplan, Professor of Law and Director of the Environmental Litigation Clinic at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Episode 97

In this episode...
Professor Karl Coplan, Professor of Law and Director of the Environmental Litigation Clinic at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University discusses his new book, Live Sustainably Now: A Low Carbon Vision of the Good Life, published by Columbia University Press. Professor Coplan shares ways, both small and large, in which each of us can lower our carbon footprints, and together make a difference in the fight against climate change. 

Live Sustainably Now reads as much as a memoir as it does a call to arms. Coplan shares how he lives on a 4-ton annual carbon budget by kayaking across the Hudson River to work or inserting a wood stove to heat his home, through what he calls Carbon Diaries. Each Diary is a fun read and an aspirational example of helping with climate change. He presents his efforts through what he calls Carbon Diaries, each of which is fun to read through his Carbon Diaries, which include—carbon life, sharing his carbon diary (like how he kayaks to work or rode his bike rather than drives). But unlike so many books on climate change, this book is neither unreasonably aspirational nor preachy. Coplan recognizes that his efforts may be other herculean and offers small reasonable steps that each of us can take to effect change, and feel good doing so. (check out the chapter on Having Fun on a Climate budget!) He also clearly explains what factors work against our climate and does so—easily and understandably. Filled with information sandwiched between personal highlights, it is an interesting read. You're likely to finish it in one sitting.

Some key takeaways....

  1. Every flight across the country emits enough carbon monoxide to fill a house
  2. Of all protein production, Pork and Meat production emits the highest levels of carbon monoxide.
  3. Doing something as simple as switching to renewable energy will make a difference
  4. The easiest and best step we can each take is to check our carbon footprints.

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